Wow. Laughing at my husband's service in the Air Force AND insulting a group that was created so that people wouldn't (as you put it in your finely educated Army Bullshit Rhetoric) "
need to shut the fuck up while the Chaplain is talking. Thats it." Really??? And what about that Constitution that you've promised to uphold??? How would you feel if the tables were turned and all of a sudden, you had to bow your head and give lip service to an ISLAMIC prayer??? And then, to add insult to injury, some moron
told you that YOU "need to shut the fuck up while the Imam is talking"?????? And if you tell me you'd be "okay" with it, I'll call you a liar. You see, many people see your type every single fucking day. And you wouldn't know what to do with yourself unless someone TELLS you what to do. From the Army to Religion - every part of your life is in a pathetic little compartment. How about thinking?????
Sorry, if the Army wanted you to have a brain, it would've issued you one.
Take a good look at this link: This is YOUR Army. These are YOUR comrades. They are sick and tired of fighting for the secular rights of others when theirs are trampled on by
fine, upstanding soldiers such as yourself. Here's another link - to the organization that I'm part of and that you
laughed at: . Take a good look.
People are tired of these so-called Christ followers shoving religion down our throats. We're tired of it in the workplace, we're tired of it during social occasions, and we're tired of asshole bullies like YOU
telling us to "shut the fuck up" and take it. Why don't you just get on your knees and "pray" for guidance and listen for "God" to speak to you.
But then again, it's probably wise to mention that everyone kneeling isn't necessarily praying.