Ok, so if I'm reading this right... Saddam said he would basically Go Away if we allowed him to take $1 billion of his nations money (not our money) and the information of WMD's.
So where is the downside to that?
My points on taking the money... He already raped that country and $1billion of Iraqi money would have been a very small price compared to $1,000 billion of our money, 3,800 American lives and over 1 million Iraqi lives.
My point on him taking the information of WMD's... He already had years to share this information with anyone he wanted to. It isn't TOP secret information that other countries would pay billions for or need.
Now my big point... We should have let him go, let him take the money and info and go. We would have been able to walk into Iraq and helped them rebuild a new government without military force. There would have been a much greater probability of success of Democratizing Iraq without turning the world against us. And at this point, Saddam would be alone and in exile. We keep close tabs on him and if need be, remove him from the face of the earth. Because he would no longer have a nations military to hide behind, he would no longer have any country to hide behind.
But on the other hand, I see why Bush didn't consider the deal... It's not as fun to let the other guy give up when you are all ready to play war with your army....
I swear to God, Bush is a fucking idiot that needs to be tried for war crimes.