This is something the mainstream media has refused to report enough on. A company in Utah named "Teen Escort Services" is regularly contracted to kidnap LGBT teenagers in the middle of the night, deport them to a concentration camp in a country that doesn't extradite to the US, and torture them. The goal of these concentration camps is to beat "the gay" out of them. It's legal because homophobic parents sign over legal documents allowing them to go to these camps to "cure" their homosexuality. They are not allowed to leave these camps and are regularly tortured, they are also banned from speaking about the outside world. According to some testimonies, the teenagers tried to rebel against their Nazi overseers, but were gunned down with rubber bullets.
Please don't blame the entire United States for these crimes against humanity. In Utah (and Jamaica, which is where one of the concentration camps is located) teenagers lack the same basic human rights as adults and Utah is known for being predominantly Mormon. For those of you who don't know, Mormonism is a radical far right wing sect of Christianity that often does outrageous things and promotes incest, inbreeding, and now apparently the kidnapping & false imprisonment of minors. This is legal because the companies involved "donated" large sums of money to many politicians and the leader of one of the concentration camp operating companies, World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, is a close personal friend of many politicians, including Mitt Romney.
Here's one victim's story:
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Please don't blame the entire United States for these crimes against humanity. In Utah (and Jamaica, which is where one of the concentration camps is located) teenagers lack the same basic human rights as adults and Utah is known for being predominantly Mormon. For those of you who don't know, Mormonism is a radical far right wing sect of Christianity that often does outrageous things and promotes incest, inbreeding, and now apparently the kidnapping & false imprisonment of minors. This is legal because the companies involved "donated" large sums of money to many politicians and the leader of one of the concentration camp operating companies, World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, is a close personal friend of many politicians, including Mitt Romney.
Here's one victim's story:
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