mazHur posted:
^^^^^^Vociferous rhetoric
You are the most dishonest debater I've met yet and that includes lawyers and neo-conservatives !
You use the faults of others as rationale for the crimes against humanity your culture commits.
You make silly claims, like above, that you alter out of convenience for what ever argument you have going on at any moment.
However bad the US is, and it's got faults, what the US does or doesn't do, is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder that your culture rationalizes as proper conduct. And then there is the terrorist issue. It's become apparently lately, Pakistan has been involved both behind the scenes of the 911 attack and obvious in the support and protection of terrorists shown by the recent sanctuary given to bin Laden.
You live in a cesspool inhabited by monsters that prey on what moral citizens do exist in Pakistan.
And you, personally, argue it's not only moral, it's all the fault of the US/western civilization.
You are either deluded, or part of the problem.
Like it or not, it's actually irrelevant what you think, the US is not a theocracy as your culture exhibits.
No culture is perfect.
But slick, your culture now resides as hell on earth for many of your peoples and it's by your own hand as far as Pakistanis are concerned.
As I posted before, you are not an Iraqi that suffered from the actions of the neocon Bush President, your country has engineered it's own shit hole.
( it's raining here or I'd be elsewhere
I don't need to address all your vociferous rhetoric because there are members here that remember my arguments at another site that contradict the bullshit you now post.
BUT, as I've posted before, meeting you, debating with you, and researching your claims has changed my outlook on your culture significantly.
You are a poor example to hold up to the light.
And you are desperate to turn that around with the above BS.
It simply doesn't change the traits and mores of your culture when they are exposed.
Within heart you are patently Christians or Jews. Constitution is a piece of paper, good, but you still waver from it. You Islamophobia,prejudices against Mormons, stiffling comment on Holocaust, oppression of women rights and equality, war mongering and bullying are not part of your Constitution yet you become a Christian or a Jew with the change in circumstance...that's a pity.
I agree your constitution says all good but what you do is not all good,
There is a diff between saying and are doing the later, spoiling the image of America through your bias against Muslims and other minorities
^^^^^^Vociferous rhetoric
You are the most dishonest debater I've met yet and that includes lawyers and neo-conservatives !
You use the faults of others as rationale for the crimes against humanity your culture commits.
You make silly claims, like above, that you alter out of convenience for what ever argument you have going on at any moment.
However bad the US is, and it's got faults, what the US does or doesn't do, is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder that your culture rationalizes as proper conduct. And then there is the terrorist issue. It's become apparently lately, Pakistan has been involved both behind the scenes of the 911 attack and obvious in the support and protection of terrorists shown by the recent sanctuary given to bin Laden.
You live in a cesspool inhabited by monsters that prey on what moral citizens do exist in Pakistan.
And you, personally, argue it's not only moral, it's all the fault of the US/western civilization.
You are either deluded, or part of the problem.
Like it or not, it's actually irrelevant what you think, the US is not a theocracy as your culture exhibits.
Indeed.There is a diff between saying and doing
No culture is perfect.
But slick, your culture now resides as hell on earth for many of your peoples and it's by your own hand as far as Pakistanis are concerned.
As I posted before, you are not an Iraqi that suffered from the actions of the neocon Bush President, your country has engineered it's own shit hole.
( it's raining here or I'd be elsewhere
As I've posted before, your words have no value, are doing the later, spoiling the image of America through your bias against Muslims and other minorities
I don't need to address all your vociferous rhetoric because there are members here that remember my arguments at another site that contradict the bullshit you now post.
BUT, as I've posted before, meeting you, debating with you, and researching your claims has changed my outlook on your culture significantly.
You are a poor example to hold up to the light.
And you are desperate to turn that around with the above BS.
It simply doesn't change the traits and mores of your culture when they are exposed.