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mazHur posted:
Within heart you are patently Christians or Jews. Constitution is a piece of paper, good, but you still waver from it. You Islamophobia,prejudices against Mormons, stiffling comment on Holocaust, oppression of women rights and equality, war mongering and bullying are not part of your Constitution yet you become a Christian or a Jew with the change in circumstance...that's a pity.
I agree your constitution says all good but what you do is not all good,
There is a diff between saying and are doing the later, spoiling the image of America through your bias against Muslims and other minorities

^^^^^^Vociferous rhetoric :D

You are the most dishonest debater I've met yet and that includes lawyers and neo-conservatives !
You use the faults of others as rationale for the crimes against humanity your culture commits.
You make silly claims, like above, that you alter out of convenience for what ever argument you have going on at any moment.

However bad the US is, and it's got faults, what the US does or doesn't do, is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder that your culture rationalizes as proper conduct. And then there is the terrorist issue. It's become apparently lately, Pakistan has been involved both behind the scenes of the 911 attack and obvious in the support and protection of terrorists shown by the recent sanctuary given to bin Laden.

You live in a cesspool inhabited by monsters that prey on what moral citizens do exist in Pakistan.
And you, personally, argue it's not only moral, it's all the fault of the US/western civilization.
You are either deluded, or part of the problem.

Like it or not, it's actually irrelevant what you think, the US is not a theocracy as your culture exhibits.

There is a diff between saying and doing
No culture is perfect.
But slick, your culture now resides as hell on earth for many of your peoples and it's by your own hand as far as Pakistanis are concerned.
As I posted before, you are not an Iraqi that suffered from the actions of the neocon Bush President, your country has engineered it's own shit hole.

( it's raining here or I'd be elsewhere :D )

.you are doing the later, spoiling the image of America through your bias against Muslims and other minorities
As I've posted before, your words have no value, mazHur.
I don't need to address all your vociferous rhetoric because there are members here that remember my arguments at another site that contradict the bullshit you now post.

BUT, as I've posted before, meeting you, debating with you, and researching your claims has changed my outlook on your culture significantly.
You are a poor example to hold up to the light.
And you are desperate to turn that around with the above BS.

It simply doesn't change the traits and mores of your culture when they are exposed.
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mazHur posted:
[I know you are a melting pot of diverse cultures and nationalities, but it 's ironical the you are not ready to accept Muslims who live in your country like good American citizens. That is gross.

What is gross is that you have demanded in these debates that your culture be allowed to bring honor killing, wife abuse, wife killing and child abuse/murder/rape into our society as an accepted act.
You argue to 'do in Rome as Romans do'.......but argue your culture is exempt.

You have no shame.
And you should be very ashamed.
That's on you!


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mazHur posted:

I never said my culture is 'idealic' ....only you want to attribute wrong flair to things,,,,and that's not desirable, proves how ignorant a person you are

What bullshit you post.

All this started when you claimed your culture treated it's women like princesses and my culture treated women like whores.
Turns out, your culture accepts the beating/raping/killing of wives and women and honor killings along with inhuman child abuse.
All that I learned from researching the claims you kept making.

idealic??.....yours is a shit hole with innocent humans being ground up by monsters that look like humans.
I don't need to pat my culture on the back, I only point out the depths of deprivation your culture is capable of, after you shoot your mouth off about how moral you and your culture is.

You are King Hypocrite.


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mazHur posted:

[Killing a deviate is not allowed by Islam but if sometimes someone does that he is committing a ''societal' crime and he is prosecuted as per criminal law. Don't try to attribute criminally culpable actions to Islam....with the malafide intentions and ulterior motives of maligning a great religion.

Slick, you post that while Man and I read contrary reports out of your own press.
There is something wrong with you that you can claim your religion doesn't support murder and abuse, all the while we read of it being done as acceptable in a culture that is dominated by it's own religious beliefs and then uses interpretations of those beliefs as a rationale for atrocities.


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mazHur posted:

Our culture doesn't stop us from scientific restiction at all. Proof of it is that we are a nuclear nation... and you are only jealous of our progress


at least you haven't lost all your sense of humor :D


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mazHur posted:

^^^^^^Vociferous rhetoric :D

You are the most dishonest debater I've met yet and that includes lawyers and neo-conservatives !
You use the faults of others as rationale for the crimes against humanity your culture commits.
You make silly claims, like above, that you alter out of convenience for what ever argument you have going on at any moment.

However bad the US is, and it's got faults, what the US does or doesn't do, is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder that your culture rationalizes as proper conduct. And then there is the terrorist issue. It's become apparently lately, Pakistan has been involved both behind the scenes of the 911 attack and obvious in the support and protection of terrorists shown by the recent sanctuary given to bin Laden.

You live in a cesspool inhabited by monsters that prey on what moral citizens do exist in Pakistan.
And you, personally, argue it's not only moral, it's all the fault of the US/western civilization.
You are either deluded, or part of the problem.

Like it or not, it's actually irrelevant what you think, the US is not a theocracy as your culture exhibits.

No culture is perfect.
But slick, your culture now resides as hell on earth for many of your peoples and it's by your own hand as far as Pakistanis are concerned.
As I posted before, you are not an Iraqi that suffered from the actions of the neocon Bush President, your country has engineered it's own shit hole.

( it's raining here or I'd be elsewhere :D )

As I've posted before, your words have no value, mazHur.
I don't need to address all your vociferous rhetoric because there are members here that remember my arguments at another site that contradict the bullshit you now post.

BUT, as I've posted before, meeting you, debating with you, and researching your claims has changed my outlook on your culture significantly.
You are a poor example to hold up to the light.
And you are desperate to turn that around with the above BS.

It simply doesn't change the traits and mores of your culture when they are exposed.

I think you must first learn how to ride a motobike before coming here to whine.

All your accusations revolve on these generalizations and that is gross ignorance,
<<<< is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder ...>>>>>

What would you do if some stranger abducts your sister, daughter or mother and rapes her before your eyes?? Will you kiss him or offer him your own ass as well??
If you do that you would be the most dishonorable person on earth!!
Sometimes 'honor' needs 'sacrifices' to avenge itself,,, just like your ex president Jackson did to win his love,,,and for that either you give away your life take that of your 'enemy' ....This may sound you bad but cultural differences are everywherre,,,,you cannot say yours is the ideal one, No.

I don't say your culture is bad,,,only you try to put your words into my mouth,
American has its own characteristics acceptable to its citizens but these characteristics are Not ideal,,,,each of your state has different laws,,,and the world has different laws too... To each his own, don't discriminate or your will end up nowhere. No one is going to listen to you,,,you are neither Moses, Muhammad or Jesus.

Our civilization is older than could it exist if it were bad??
Remember when in Rome do as the Romans do...If you come to East you will have to respect prevailing laws , customs and culture there otherwise you will go mad.
And, conversely if i come to the West I will adhere to the laws ( perfectly) , customs or culture (in theory atleast) of you land. My grumbling or grudging about ain't going to help me neither you will gain anything from it.

Again, I must say you are a biased Islamophobe,,,,and you are arguing only for the sake of argument,,.,,your mind is fixed to a single notion,,,and you are unable to get out of your doom and gloom!!

Is there no one around to help you get well??


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mazHur posted:

Haha!! you 'embrace' not only for the sake of love....but money. Australia , Canada, UK,and many other countries do it to earn money, eke out great revenue from them

Slick, everyone in the US, except the American Indian, has heritage from an immigrant that left their homeland to come live in the land of opportunity.
Muslims are no different in that respect.
Diversity has benefited the US in helping create our nation.
I know you won't read this, but perhaps a reader of this thread might.
From (Muslim public affairs council )
by Precious Rasheeda Muhammad
(pdf link to his full article)

The positives of diversity make us stronger than your racist position ( that you posted at this web site ) of the US being a race of mulattoes inferring the purity of your ethnic origins made you superior to us.
Well, as I posted before, look at the shit hole you live in ........and explain to me how your racist position is working out for you.


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mazHur posted:

Conflict of interest, political ambitions, and occupation of another country through force,,,,,and more are the factors which go in the making of Mujahideens ( when they serve your interest) otherwise you call the 'terrorist''...
Wouldn't you crusade if someone attacked your country and occupied your home?? would you call that 'terrorism' on your part?? NO.Everyone has a right to failed to defend your own country and a few Arabs screwed you in your own house on 911

You just posted this previously:
What terrorists are doing is not Jihad, it's more like vengeance and war against oppressors and occupiers of their land and resources.

I caught you in a lie, mazHur.
al Qaeda declared a global jihad.
That's terrorists invoking their religion as rationale for a holy war.

You lie and twist many things in this debate forum.
But as I've posted before, you simply aren't good enough at sophistry and deception to pull it off.


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mazHur posted:

Slick, everyone in the US, except the American Indian, has heritage from an immigrant that left their homeland to come live in the land of opportunity.
Muslims are no different in that respect.
Diversity has benefited the US in helping create our nation.
I know you won't read this, but perhaps a reader of this thread might.
From (Muslim public affairs council )
by Precious Rasheeda Muhammad
(pdf link to his full article)

The positives of diversity make us stronger than your racist position ( that you posted at this web site ) of the US being a race of mulattoes inferring the purity of your ethnic origins made you superior to us.
Well, as I posted before, look at the shit hole you live in ........and explain to me how your racist position is working out for you.

History tells us that Americans are a mixture of different nationalities who came to America for jobs or say,Gold Rush,,,gosh, how greedy of them!! History also tells they grabbed Indian's lands, tortured blacks,,,,,remember what you did in Virginia etc?? Remember how you spread terror by forming cults like KKK??
Civilization came to you gradually,,,,and some like you still require to attain full civility,,

Racism doesn't exist here,,,,Apartheid was a hallmark of the Whites,,and it still exists in some parts of America,,watch youtube for some reality videos which tell you how badly you treat Muslims there.

Muslims are simply disorganized and disunited. Just imagine what will happen to the world if they got united and disciplined>??? But they can't .....their enemies want them to be at loggerheads and in perpetual disorder.
Maybe some day Jesus will show up and gather these poor Muslim sheep and herd them to safety.

Enough of your bullshit,,,,I don't read links,,,say what you wanna say but outa your own dirty biased mind,,,you will get a stone in return for a stone,,,no flowers for you, boy!!


Well-Known Member
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mazHur posted:

You just posted this previously:

I caught you in a lie, mazHur.
al Qaeda declared a global jihad.
That's terrorists invoking their religion as rationale for a holy war.

You lie and twist many things in this debate forum.
But as I've posted before, you simply aren't good enough at sophistry and deception to pull it off.

I am not Alquiada's sister's keeper,,,I don't know who leads them or what they say, YOu know them, they are Arabs,,,,,,Saudi's ,,,,yet you are their friends?? Amazing !!
As regards Afghans I heard they term their war against you as Jihad ,,,,,,the reason they put forth is that you are oppressors and illegitimately occupied their land and want to set up a puppet govt of yours. Didn't your Bush say he saw a dream in which he was 'order' to wage a Crusade against Muslims???
You are short of memory,,,aren't you?? Wake up and stop day dreaming and abusing others,,
I don't lie you do,,,


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mazHur posted:

Muslims immigrants in the West are mostly highly educated and cream of our nation,,,,,they are helping you economy and are doing better than most of you...
They are there to earn and they do earn through hard work

Good for them. I like the best of your culture coming here to enjoy freedom and add to our society.
And if they eventually do go back to PK, they take some of our ideals with them to improve you and your lot.


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I think you must first learn how to ride a motobike before coming here to whine.

All your accusations revolve on these generalizations and that is gross ignorance,
<<<< is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder ...>>>>>

What would you do if some stranger abducts your sister, daughter or mother and rapes her before your eyes?? Will you kiss him or offer him your own ass as well??
If you do that you would be the most dishonorable person on earth!!
Sometimes 'honor' needs 'sacrifices' to avenge itself,,, just like your ex president Jackson did to win his love,,,and for that either you give away your life take that of your 'enemy' ....This may sound you bad but cultural differences are everywherre,,,,you cannot say yours is the ideal one, No.

I don't say your culture is bad,,,only you try to put your words into my mouth,
American has its own characteristics acceptable to its citizens but these characteristics are Not ideal,,,,each of your state has different laws,,,and the world has different laws too... To each his own, don't discriminate or your will end up nowhere. No one is going to listen to you,,,you are neither Moses, Muhammad or Jesus.

Our civilization is older than could it exist if it were bad??
..If you come to East you will have to respect prevailing laws , customs and culture there otherwise you will go mad.
And, conversely if i come to the West I will adhere to the laws ( perfectly) , customs or culture (in theory atleast) of you land. My grumbling or grudging about ain't going to help me neither you will gain anything from it.

Again, I must say you are a biased Islamophobe,,,,and you are arguing only for the sake of argument,,.,,your mind is fixed to a single notion,,,and you are unable to get out of your doom and gloom!!

Is there no one around to help you get well??

I've seen the 'motorcycles' you Pakistani manufacture and understand why you are so jealous :D

All your accusations revolve on these generalizations and that is gross ignorance,
<<<< is no excuse for the honor killings, the wife beatings, the wife abuse, the child abuse, endangerment and murder
No excuse for a rational human being, you mean. You have posted both condemnation and later claimed reasons for social acceptance.
It's not that I don't trust you.......well, hell.....I don't trust a damn word you post anymore because you'll come out later and contradict it.

What would you do if some stranger abducts your sister, daughter or mother and rapes her before your eyes?? Will you kiss him or offer him your own ass as well??
So why does your culture honor kill the sister/daughter/mother?
That's the issue that's bizarre and inhuman and seems completely unreasonable.

quote] Sometimes 'honor' needs 'sacrifices' to avenge itself,[/quote]
That's why you honor kill your relatives that are abused or disobey a command?
You really wonder why I've changed my outlook on your culture?

I don't say your culture is bad,,,only you try to put your words into my mouth,
:D after all the shit and lies you've posted about the US.....come hate our guts for being better than yourselves. It's a severe case of envy exacerbated by the history of your Golden Age.

American has its own characteristics acceptable to its citizens but these characteristics are Not ideal,,,,each of your state has different laws,,,and the world has different laws too... To each his own,
Hey ding dong, know why we are called the 'United' States?
Because we are a group of 50 states that agree to a common set of laws ( The Constitution) for all of us with the states crafting laws specific to their needs.
And those state laws are fairly common from state to state and do not infringe upon our rights as granted by our Constitution.
If you are going to comment on our legal system, at least do so intelligently.

don't discriminate or your will end up nowhere. No one is going to listen to you,,,you are neither Moses, Muhammad or Jesus.
Words, worthless words. mazHur, have you ever thought of posting commentary of substance aimed at the topic ?

Our civilization is older than could it exist if it were bad??
Look around at the shit hole you call Pakistan and rethink your comment.

Remember when in Rome do as the Romans do.
There you go again :D
But I don't want to murder anyone if I did visit PK!!!!!!!
Now go ahead and tell me Muslims don't have to change their ways if they live in a different culture. You've stated so in the past.

Again, I must say you are a biased Islamophobe
Of course you must, you have no argument but to name call with out backing it up.
I call it as I see it and you've inadvertently exposed the dark side of your culture.


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I've seen the 'motorcycles' you Pakistani manufacture and understand why you are so jealous :D

No excuse for a rational human being, you mean. You have posted both condemnation and later claimed reasons for social acceptance.
It's not that I don't trust you.......well, hell.....I don't trust a damn word you post anymore because you'll come out later and contradict it.

So why does your culture honor kill the sister/daughter/mother?
That's the issue that's bizarre and inhuman and seems completely unreasonable.

quote] Sometimes 'honor' needs 'sacrifices' to avenge itself,
That's why you honor kill your relatives that are abused or disobey a command?
You really wonder why I've changed my outlook on your culture?

:D after all the shit and lies you've posted about the US.....come hate our guts for being better than yourselves. It's a severe case of envy exacerbated by the history of your Golden Age.

Hey ding dong, know why we are called the 'United' States?
Because we are a group of 50 states that agree to a common set of laws ( The Constitution) for all of us with the states crafting laws specific to their needs.
And those state laws are fairly common from state to state and do not infringe upon our rights as granted by our Constitution.
If you are going to comment on our legal system, at least do so intelligently.

Words, worthless words. mazHur, have you ever thought of posting commentary of substance aimed at the topic ?

Look around at the shit hole you call Pakistan and rethink your comment.

There you go again :D
But I don't want to murder anyone if I did visit PK!!!!!!!
Now go ahead and tell me Muslims don't have to change their ways if they live in a different culture. You've stated so in the past.

Of course you must, you have no argument but to name call with out backing it up.
I call it as I see it and you've inadvertently exposed the dark side of your culture.[/QUOTE]

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[If you call my county ''shit hole' what do you expect others to call yours??

don't be over enthusiastic,,,,,,I have been to the US , done that..
Whenever lights go off you start looting shops and stores!

good country governed by the iron hands of law.....[[
