don't try to be stupid...Both sides of an issue are discussed in a debate and the opinions submitted ought to be read withre ference to context.
Cherry picking a few phrases or sentences from a long long thread is unjust and blackmail....
You two stooges submitted your arguments against terrorists or Taliban to be specific.,..I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists. As you can assess from the various articles i have posted in support of my analysis, not only terrorists are to be blamed but the US too....
If there were no difference of opinion there would be no need for a debate..
Obviously you two guys here are not debating but accusing me as if I am for the terrorists. No, I am not. I only tried to analyse which led to their making and what the war on terror earned for the US and its allies. As you are misconstruing and misrepresenting the whole issue you are not only acting with malafide but sheer hypocrisy and bias.
.I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists.
Indeed you did. By distortion and deception.
As you can assess from the various articles i have posted in support of my analysis, not only terrorists are to be blamed but the US too....
And it's been pointed out to you that your situation is not the same as Iraq's. Saddam did not conspire or plan the 911 attack on the US. But it does look like PK had a hand in it along with terrorist support before and after 911. The blame goes to al Qaeda, the Taliban and PK.
Obviously you two guys here are not debating but accusing me as if I am for the terrorists
Indeed. What do you think your words meant:
.I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists.
I only tried to analyse which led to their making and what the war on terror earned for the US and its allies.
I've told you before, your sophistry is that of a simpleton.
The terrorists the US are addressing in PK and Afg are those that either are involved in initiating an attack on the US or gave aid and protection to al Qaeda when the US initiated a hunt for al Qaeda.
What the US 'earned' in the negative sense was largely from GW Bush calling for a war on terrorism and invading Iraq.
As you are misconstruing and misrepresenting the whole issue you are not only acting with malafide but sheer hypocrisy and bias
All you ever post is denial, mazHur with out a single shred of credible authoritative sources.
You claim your culture more moral than US citizens and research shows you aren't. Women and children are horribly abused, some women publicly executed, rapes a high statistic, general crime so high, Karachi leads in it world wide. And your response is I'm an Islamiphobe. You live in a shit hole.
And then there is the racist issue you have. You claimed no racism in PK and there you are making a statement:
I don't believe your mullato culture is a role model for others to follow. ...
Remove State patronage from the Western folk and see how their men become lesser than women!! Even today they can't maintain a family independently and their women are obliged to earn
I point it out as racism and you merely deny it and bad mouth my character.
Then there's the porn that you claimed didn't exist in PK and we find that you have stashes of it yourself, including bestiality, the example being a dog ass fucking a white woman, that you not only think is funny, you believe there is nothing mentally wrong with you for enjoying it. are one sick puppy.