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You have publically supported the terroists in prior posts.
Afg no longer wants our assistance even though they are having problems.
Since you support the taliban in pk question is a question you can give a response to.
If you did not support them then your reply would have been fitting..but the fact that your support terrorists my question is a question you can give a response to.
It is also your ideal chance to present the other zide of the arguement which is * let the terrorists do as they wish and leave them alone*

don't try to be stupid...Both sides of an issue are discussed in a debate and the opinions submitted ought to be read withre ference to context.
Cherry picking a few phrases or sentences from a long long thread is unjust and blackmail....
You two stooges submitted your arguments against terrorists or Taliban to be specific.,..I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists. As you can assess from the various articles i have posted in support of my analysis, not only terrorists are to be blamed but the US too....

If there were no difference of opinion there would be no need for a debate..
Obviously you two guys here are not debating but accusing me as if I am for the terrorists. No, I am not. I only tried to analyse which led to their making and what the war on terror earned for the US and its allies. As you are misconstruing and misrepresenting the whole issue you are not only acting with malafide but sheer hypocrisy and bias.
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My conscience is clear and I believe Google's too.
You are a coward and scared of speaking out your heart with honesty.
I am a layman and citizen of a free world!!

You sir, are a racist pervert by your own words.
And your posts on perversion and racism are starting to show up in searches.
If you think this is a game between you and I, you just lost the long game by your own hand....;)


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You have publically supported the terroists in prior posts.
Afg no longer wants our assistance even though they are having problems.
Since you support the taliban in pk question is a question you can give a response to.
If you did not support them then your reply would have been fitting..but the fact that your support terrorists my question is a question you can give a response to.
It is also your ideal chance to present the other zide of the arguement which is * let the terrorists do as they wish and leave them alone*

It is also your ideal chance to present the other zide of the arguement which is * let the terrorists do as they wish and leave them alone
I believe mazHur has made that argument several times in other threads.


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don't try to be stupid...Both sides of an issue are discussed in a debate and the opinions submitted ought to be read withre ference to context.
Cherry picking a few phrases or sentences from a long long thread is unjust and blackmail....
You two stooges submitted your arguments against terrorists or Taliban to be specific.,..I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists. As you can assess from the various articles i have posted in support of my analysis, not only terrorists are to be blamed but the US too....

If there were no difference of opinion there would be no need for a debate..
Obviously you two guys here are not debating but accusing me as if I am for the terrorists. No, I am not. I only tried to analyse which led to their making and what the war on terror earned for the US and its allies. As you are misconstruing and misrepresenting the whole issue you are not only acting with malafide but sheer hypocrisy and bias.

.I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists.
Indeed you did. By distortion and deception.

As you can assess from the various articles i have posted in support of my analysis, not only terrorists are to be blamed but the US too....
And it's been pointed out to you that your situation is not the same as Iraq's. Saddam did not conspire or plan the 911 attack on the US. But it does look like PK had a hand in it along with terrorist support before and after 911. The blame goes to al Qaeda, the Taliban and PK.

Obviously you two guys here are not debating but accusing me as if I am for the terrorists
Indeed. What do you think your words meant:
.I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists.

I only tried to analyse which led to their making and what the war on terror earned for the US and its allies.
I've told you before, your sophistry is that of a simpleton.
The terrorists the US are addressing in PK and Afg are those that either are involved in initiating an attack on the US or gave aid and protection to al Qaeda when the US initiated a hunt for al Qaeda.
What the US 'earned' in the negative sense was largely from GW Bush calling for a war on terrorism and invading Iraq.

As you are misconstruing and misrepresenting the whole issue you are not only acting with malafide but sheer hypocrisy and bias
All you ever post is denial, mazHur with out a single shred of credible authoritative sources.
You claim your culture more moral than US citizens and research shows you aren't. Women and children are horribly abused, some women publicly executed, rapes a high statistic, general crime so high, Karachi leads in it world wide. And your response is I'm an Islamiphobe. You live in a shit hole.

And then there is the racist issue you have. You claimed no racism in PK and there you are making a statement:
I don't believe your mullato culture is a role model for others to follow. ...
Remove State patronage from the Western folk and see how their men become lesser than women!! Even today they can't maintain a family independently and their women are obliged to earn
I point it out as racism and you merely deny it and bad mouth my character.

Then there's the porn that you claimed didn't exist in PK and we find that you have stashes of it yourself, including bestiality, the example being a dog ass fucking a white woman, that you not only think is funny, you believe there is nothing mentally wrong with you for enjoying it. are one sick puppy. :D

The Man

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don't try to be stupid...Both sides of an issue are discussed in a debate and the opinions submitted ought to be read withre ference to context.
Cherry picking a few phrases or sentences from a long long thread is unjust and blackmail....
You two stooges submitted your arguments against terrorists or Taliban to be specific.,..I chose to speak 'for' terrorism and Taliban analysing the situation which led to their becoming terrorists. As you can assess from the various articles i have posted in support of my analysis, not only terrorists are to be blamed but the US too....

If there were no difference of opinion there would be no need for a debate..
Obviously you two guys here are not debating but accusing me as if I am for the terrorists. No, I am not. I only tried to analyse which led to their making and what the war on terror earned for the US and its allies. As you are misconstruing and misrepresenting the whole issue you are not only acting with malafide but sheer hypocrisy and bias.
And thats what we are doing...To me there is no excuse for terrorism.
You in prior posts took the position to let them operate with thier own govt.
If they were a peaceful bunch I could almost agree...note how I said almost.
Fact is no group should decide to use thier own laws and disregard the laws of the nation they reside in....a peaceful bunch could almost be considered. ...but terrorists no way hoze.
The fact that you took the position to let then have thier own govt is a little disturbing.
So why should they be allowed to have thier own govt?
See this is a debate.....I want them eliminated
Your want them to be able to operate as they please with thier own govt.
So the question is why should they be allowed to have their own govt.


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And thats what we are doing...To me there is no excuse for terrorism.
You in prior posts took the position to let them operate with thier own govt.
If they were a peaceful bunch I could almost agree...note how I said almost.
Fact is no group should decide to use thier own laws and disregard the laws of the nation they reside in....a peaceful bunch could almost be considered. ...but terrorists no way hoze.
The fact that you took the position to let then have thier own govt is a little disturbing.
So why should they be allowed to have thier own govt?
See this is a debate.....I want them eliminated
Your want them to be able to operate as they please with thier own govt.
So the question is why should they be allowed to have their own govt.

If your wishes could be granted NATO wouldn't be in this part of the world and now the US not retreating after 12 years of a failed war in Afghanistan.

By democratic rule majority vote is that matters....'
If the Afghans want Sharia why not let them have it?? Isn't Sharia is one form or another operating in Saudia and other places???

Speaking about giving democratic rights to someone isn't siding with terrorists at all.
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The Man

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We are talking about terrorists in pk...not a people's election in afg.
you want the forum to believe that afg wants to have a terrorist run govt?


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We are talking about terrorists in pk...not a people's election in afg.
you want the forum to believe that afg wants to have a terrorist run govt?

Why not let the Afghans have what they want on their land??

General consensus is that the Afghans want Sharia


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If you wishes could be granted NATO wouldn't be in this part of the world and now the US not retreating after 12 years of a failed war in Afghanistan.

By democratic rule majority vote is that matters....'
If the Afghans want Sharia why not let them have it?? Isn't Sharia is one form or another operating in Saudia and other places???

Speaking about giving democratic rights to someone isn't siding with terrorists at all.

Are you taking suggestions from Niewan? She has been visiting a lot lately and you two are of a similar mind set.
Or is that the same stupid sophistry and deception of your own?

The issue isn't about who practices what religion, the issue is about the war al Qaeda started with the involvement of the Talibam and your nation.


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We are talking about terrorists in pk...not a people's election in afg.
you want the forum to believe that afg wants to have a terrorist run govt?

His posts support the terrorist's efforts since he doesn't accept the concept of democracy in an Islamic culture.


Well-Known Member
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Are you taking suggestions from Niewan? She has been visiting a lot lately and you two are of a similar mind set.
Or is that the same stupid sophistry and deception of your own?

The issue isn't about who practices what religion, the issue is about the war al Qaeda started with the involvement of the Talibam and your nation.

Moron, Afghans or Talibans or Al Quaida are NOT my nation.

Come out of your fear and face realities of life.


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His posts support the terrorist's efforts since he doesn't accept the concept of democracy in an Islamic culture.

Democracy is for the people, by the people, of the people. Islam or Mormonism or Sikhism ,,whatever, let democracy be the rule.

Why are you dumb about lack of democracy and enforcement of
Sharia in Saudia?? Why do you object to it if the Afghans want similar or same kinda rule???


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Another example of your support of terrorist activity.

I don't know who you are referring to as terrorists?
Afghans and Paks are not fact the terrorists call you terrorists as well
If they were totally wrong they would also be calling other govts terrorists but since it's not so there is a pinch of salt in their saying...

As for me I hate terrorists and must not train terrorists to serve your ends and after you ditch them make them go wild...


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We are talking about terrorists in pk...not a people's election in afg.
you want the forum to believe that afg wants to have a terrorist run govt?

I know but you are like that Polish fool...nagging all the time.

A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was not perfect, they got along very well.
One day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him to arrange a divorce for him.
The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:

Have you any grounds?Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.
No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?It made of concrete.
I don't think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?No, we have carport, and not need one.
I mean what are your relations like?All my relations still in Poland.
Is there any infidelity in your marriage?We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.Does your wife beat you up?No, I always up before her.Is your wife a nagger?No, she white.
Why do you want this divorce?She going to kill me.What makes you think that?I got proof.
What kind of proof?She going to poison me.

She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom.
I can read English pretty good, and it say:


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Stone and the The Man
"the first step in solving any problem is to recognize that there is a problem!" (i hope i remembered that correctly.)


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Learn from this joke....take a galfriend, boy!!
A man is riding aimlessly through the desert on a donkey. He is not hungry or thirsty, because he has a bottomless bowl of fruit. He wanders for about a week and eventually gets pretty horny. He gets to the point where he can''t stand it anymore. So he decides to try and have sex with the donkey. He drops his pants and positions himself under the donkey. But, to his dismay, the donkey walks away. Only slightly discouraged, the man decides to try again. He walks to where the donkey is standing, positions himself under the donkey, and right before he goes for it, the donkey walks away again. Now the man is getting frustrated. As he prepares for his third and final try, he sees a vision. A beautiful, naked woman appears out of nowhere. She approaches the stunned man, who until recently, believed that he was the only person for hundreds of miles. She smiles at him and says, "I would do anything for that bowl of fruit you have." "Anything?" he says, getting fairly excited. "Yes, anything." she replies. So he says, "Will you hold the donkey!?