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After having FAILED you are leaving the dogs to us again!! Ha! How brave you are!!

Common belief here among the Afghans and Paks is that they can handle Taliban without US intervention,,,and that they must get out of their territory and mind their own business.
Previously there were 'shouts' about Al Quaida screwing you ,,,so you killed OBL,,,
Why did you hid his body and not place it before the world as proof??
This places doubts in some minds,....

Some people here think OBL had already died his physical death and the OBL case was just a frame-up..
What's true would have been on the slate had OBL's body been showed to the world at large and a dummy of his kept in the Horror Section of Mme Tusaid's wax museum in London!!

Was there any need to conceal Truth?? Truth should be Manifest..but in your case it was shoved under the rug....

And now it is Taliban...who are they?? Never seen them here..I swear by my toe,,,I never saw or met one!! Naming Afghans and Pakhtuns seems like a hoax set up by your govt to eke out more and more taxes from its citizens and spend it war mongering !!

Ever checked your national budget??? Do you know how much you are spending on wasteful belligerency?? Ever though why America is not popular in many countries??

The war expenditures are high, but our national debt is actually driven by other factors, SS,welfare, social services and medical.
It's the human factor that's really the issue.
That's a western culture trait you Pakis wouldn't understand because you don't value life or even your own lives very much as you humiliate your women with beatings, public executions in front of their families and children, honor killings and the same general abuse of children......and not forgetting the new fad of cannibalism that's being heard of in your midst.

I suspect with the new tech drones coming into play, the US simply won't need as many 'boots on the ground'.
I suspect that upsets you considerably.

Ever though why America is not popular in many countries
Asked and answered earlier.
Obviously you don't read many of the replies to your propaganda.
Ever wonder why the world thinks Pakistan is a terrorist shit hole?

As far as the majority of your post, I don't see anything any different from the rest of your posts....just denial and sophistry.
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The war expenditures are high, but our national debt is actually driven by other factors, SS,welfare, social services and medical.
It's the human factor that's really the issue.
That's a western culture trait you Pakis wouldn't understand because you don't value life or even your own lives very much as you humiliate your women with beatings, public executions in front of their families and children, honor killings and the same general abuse of children......and not forgetting the new fad of cannibalism that's being heard of in your midst.

I suspect with the new tech drones coming into play, the US simply won't need as many 'boots on the ground'.
I suspect that upsets you considerably.

Asked and answered earlier.
Obviously you don't read many of the replies to your propaganda.
Ever wonder why the world thinks Pakistan is a terrorist shit hole?

As far as the majority of your post, I don't see anything any different from the rest of your posts....just denial and sophistry.

Now don't try to wriggle out of the debate you have so badly lost...No excuse or apologetic ploys needed.. Every body understand you are in hot waters.

Pak is defamed as a 'terrorist state' because you have spread your war on terror from Afghanistan to Pak and your propaganda machinery is very active.,......and which war has turned counter productive.......
It's disgusting to note that you could ravage a big country like Iraq and Syria but you are a FAIL putting down a handful of Taliban Pathans Afghans and Pakhtuns..
Go and fight them fist to fist and destroy them,,,,but you have FAILED over the last more than 11 years...what a wasteful war you are in!!
Talibans believe YOU are OPPRESSORS , OCCUPIERS AND TERRORISTS.....killing innocent men, women and children indiscriminately....
You must be held for war crimes,,,,many have this demand.

You must have done something to change their ideology and shouldn't have cast evil eye on their natural wealth or access to warm waters...

Russia will not allow you to come near it...and China and India too....

Korea had already 'challenged' you but.....something made you piss off.
Iran too looks in your eyes,,,you also failed warring there...You couldn't even rescue your hostages for months or years.!! You bombed them and what did you get?? FAIL FAIL and FAIL .

Do something constructive to bring peace to the world,, respect humanity-- human rights come afterwards....

You are a LEGAL entity kept in the succincts of a LEGAL zoo...where you are taught to behave as the LAW says...and that legally strapped collar keeps you and your culture withing their 'skins'....


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I have No idea about Al Quaida or taliban's motives but I guess it is related to socio-politico- economical factors...YOu want to steal their natural wealth,,,you try to bully them...and here the worms turn!!

al Qaeda and the Taliban have no 'natural wealth'. Never have. They are funded by Islamics.
They obviously have political intentions.

But again, you are the proxy apologist for their acts and it's evident every time you make excuses for them.


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How long have you been getting away with such ridiculous claims, Mr. Intellectual ? :D

Of course there is Islamic humor.

Read these verses from the Quran, which I believe in, and evaluate what Islamic HUMOR means.
“That it is He Who granteth Laughter and Tears.”

—Qur'an, chapter 53 (An-Najm), Verse 65-66.[20]
1) The Quran discourages insulting anyone.[12][21]

“O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong.”

—Qur'an, chapter 49 (Al-Hujurat), Verse 11.[22]
2) The Quran discourages mocking Islam.[6][21]

“If thou dost question them, they declare (with emphasis): ‘We were only talking idly and in play.’ Say: ‘Was it at Allah, and His Signs, and His Messenger, that ye were mocking?’ Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin.”

—Qur'an, chapter 9 (At-Tawba), Verse 65-66.[23]


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Religion seems to be used or misused by them to further their interest. Natural because a 'drowning man catches at the straw'' and they too 'caught' at the 'religious straw'....

I've noticed the same trait in you from time to time.
Are you drowning in this debate forum? :D


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why don't you learn to defend yerself rather than poke your nose everywhere??
Your people say America wants to be the policeman of the world.,..okay,,let it be it but killing 10 to punish one criminal is not fair.. ..................................

No, most Americans do not want to be the 'policeman' of the world.
Some politicians do and have pushed that policy forward.

But that's not the issue with al Qaeda, Taliban and Pakistan.
The issue is a terrorist attack on US civilians by the above and declaring a jihad against western civilization.
Your leaders should have considered the US would retaliate.
So stop your whining.


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al Qaeda and the Taliban have no 'natural wealth'. Never have. They are funded by Islamics.
They obviously have political intentions.

But again, you are the proxy apologist for their acts and it's evident every time you make excuses for them.

Which Islamists are funding them? Why do you believe their 'funds' are more than 'yours' ?? Will someone buy crackers to fight a super power if it had funds>>>???

The Truth is , as Hillary Clinton clearly put it in her speech, that the Taliban were trained and funded by America against USSR and America proudly called them Mujahideens.....they were ditched when these Mujahideens kicked out Ruskies from Afghanistan,,,,America breached their 'contract' or 'promises' with them and tried to reach Central Asia and plant its puppet govt ovr their heads in Afghania...
This is said to have cautioned Afghans, the favorite mercenaries of America ,,,who in turn turned against America itself..

Why don't you confess your blunders and disloyalty to others???
Why don't you read Hillary Clintons speech and tell us she was wrong??
You don't seem to have respect for your Presidents, ex or on....
What sorta culture is that?? Fascist.


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I've noticed the same trait in you from time to time.
Are you drowning in this debate forum? :D

I can see you heartbleed...wait someone will put some emolient on your wounds and perhaps stitch the fissure..

I told you am not a practising Muslim.,....just a theoretical one like most of the Christians the West boasts about to cover up their bent towards Christianity...or Judaism...

You will surely join Christians if there is a war between Christians and Muslims...
It is quite conceivable from your bent of mind,....


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America has killed more innocent people than terrorists during the war.......................

You'd have to include the Invasion of Iraq to make a point and I'd agree that the invasion of Iraq was not only unwise, unnecessary.

But the real enemy still exists and 'he' is you and your terrorist brother in arms. And the US goes to your nation because that's where the terrorist problem exists.
Perhaps your leaders should have contemplated these results before becoming involved in planning terrorist activities?


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Why doesn't innocent people matter to you?? Doesn't the word 'humanity' exist in your 'dictionaries'?? Shame on you when you talk about Human rights.....there are No human rights in the advanced world...the rights that exist are 'Legal' rights...only ...which keep you and your culture straight

Why did your Paki culture get involved in a terrorist plan involving an attack on the US?
Did you not think innocents would die in the ensuing conflict?
Are you so primitive you can't think beyond the instant gratification of terrorism?

Welcome to reality, mazHur.


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No, most Americans do not want to be the 'policeman' of the world.
Some politicians do and have pushed that policy forward.

But that's not the issue with al Qaeda, Taliban and Pakistan.
The issue is a terrorist attack on US civilians by the above and declaring a jihad against western civilization.
Your leaders should have considered the US would retaliate.
So stop your whining.

No one has any complain against the Americans.....they love them. The problem is with the political leadership of America...

Talibans are Muslims and Islam teaches Universal Brotherhood.....They might be having their supporters or sympathizers everywhere ...who are with them with their cause..seemingly good because YOU have occupied their land and YOu are the oppressors killing their innocent men, women and children. Your bad that your media doesn't show you pictures of your dead or wounded well as those of killed maimed Afghans..They even hid the dead body of OBL to hush up the hoax and fool its citizens......
If you happen to see those pic...unfortunately i deleted the gorish stuff or had sent you would practically go screaming in the street!!

Taliban as such believe you are their enemy...therefore they have used the slogan of Jihad ( which is permissible by Islam against invaders and occupiers or aggressors...whoever they may be,,,anywhere they may be) to inspire their men to fight back....

This Jihad is not endorsed by the govt, though, but if it had been most of the world Muslims would have taken to guns....just like most of Christians would have taken to rockets...
so., evil begets evil,,,,,you too might do the same to your enemy who kills your family members, destroys your house or bombs you...

Political matters ought to be resolved politically and not throug waging wars...
It goes without saying that the two WW began in Europe with America as their cheer leader....what do you plan to do for the 'inauguration' of 3rd WW??



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You'd have to include the Invasion of Iraq to make a point and I'd agree that the invasion of Iraq was not only unwise, unnecessary.

But the real enemy still exists and 'he' is you and your terrorist brother in arms. And the US goes to your nation because that's where the terrorist problem exists.
Perhaps your leaders should have contemplated these results before becoming involved in planning terrorist activities?

you talk bullshit...I am an enemy of the Taliban or Al qaida but I also hate people like you who spread hate and nothing else but false accusations...

Answer me this question: Why is the fear of terrorism only buggering America and not others?? Why are Taliban primarily against America only??

No Pakistani attacked US,,,all of the attackers were Arabs..Why don't you catch them and leave us alone??


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Why did your Paki culture get involved in a terrorist plan involving an attack on the US?
Did you not think innocents would die in the ensuing conflict?
Are you so primitive you can't think beyond the instant gratification of terrorism?

Welcome to reality, mazHur.

You are used to killing innocent people ,,,,you did it by nuking Japan..and hurling Nepalm bombs in Vietnam. YOu cannnot adopt the same policy everywhere if you had any rrespect for HUMANITY....

You culture loves animals more than human beings...that's the problem.


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Which Islamists are funding them? Why do you believe their 'funds' are more than 'yours' ?? Will someone buy crackers to fight a super power if it had funds>>>???

The Truth is , as Hillary Clinton clearly put it in her speech, that the Taliban were trained and funded by America against USSR and America proudly called them Mujahideens.....they were ditched when these Mujahideens kicked out Ruskies from Afghanistan,,,,America breached their 'contract' or 'promises' with them and tried to reach Central Asia and plant its puppet govt ovr their heads in Afghania...
This is said to have cautioned Afghans, the favorite mercenaries of America ,,,who in turn turned against America itself..

Why don't you confess your blunders and disloyalty to others???
Why don't you read Hillary Clintons speech and tell us she was wrong??
You don't seem to have respect for your Presidents, ex or on....
What sorta culture is that?? Fascist.

Yeah, the US funded a revolt against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Turned out the revolutionaries had plans other than freeing their people. Turns out, with the aid of Pakistan, same revolutionaries became terrorists.
If you claim that was a policy error, I'd agree.
But that's on al Qaeda and Pakistan along with PK's support of the Taliban as the means to control Afghanistan.
What sort of culture is that?
Islamic duplicity.

As far as funding and al Qaeda, generally
The Saudis were notorious in funding early al Qaeda and thought to be a bribe to keep them out.
Iran funds and supplies Islamic terrorists.
Kuwait funds al Qaeda.
Pakistan offers support, logistics and sanctionary to both al Qaeda and Taliban.
google any of those claims......lots of links that verify.


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Now don't try to wriggle out of the debate you have so badly lost...No excuse or apologetic ploys needed.. Every body understand you are in hot waters.

Pak is defamed as a 'terrorist state' because you have spread your war on terror from Afghanistan to Pak and your propaganda machinery is very active.,......and which war has turned counter productive.......
It's disgusting to note that you could ravage a big country like Iraq and Syria but you are a FAIL putting down a handful of Taliban Pathans Afghans and Pakhtuns..
Go and fight them fist to fist and destroy them,,,,but you have FAILED over the last more than 11 years...what a wasteful war you are in!!
Talibans believe YOU are OPPRESSORS , OCCUPIERS AND TERRORISTS.....killing innocent men, women and children indiscriminately....
You must be held for war crimes,,,,many have this demand.

You must have done something to change their ideology and shouldn't have cast evil eye on their natural wealth or access to warm waters...

Russia will not allow you to come near it...and China and India too....

Korea had already 'challenged' you but.....something made you piss off.
Iran too looks in your eyes,,,you also failed warring there...You couldn't even rescue your hostages for months or years.!! You bombed them and what did you get?? FAIL FAIL and FAIL .

Do something constructive to bring peace to the world,, respect humanity-- human rights come afterwards....

You are a LEGAL entity kept in the succincts of a LEGAL zoo...where you are taught to behave as the LAW says...and that legally strapped collar keeps you and your culture withing their 'skins'....

Same propaganda as before.
All has been addressed.
You're only asking the same questions over and over and not liking the answers.


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Read these verses from the Quran, which I believe in, and evaluate what Islamic HUMOR means.
“That it is He Who granteth Laughter and Tears.”

—Qur'an, chapter 53 (An-Najm), Verse 65-66.[20]
1) The Quran discourages insulting anyone.[12][21]

And to think that our discussions started when you claimed western women were whores and your culture treated women like princesses.

Obviously that verse means nothing to you.