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Dope is legal in America not in Pakistan.....

Pot is legal in several states, but 'dope' is not legal.
And both are abused in the US.
Since you can rationalize honor killing, wife beating, raping , killing and the same with children, and you claim those acts are against your written laws.....I'm doubtful your culture has any restraint in the abuse of drugs, and has likely been at drug abuse for a longer time with a greater per capita intake. Other wise you wouldn't have the image as a culture of death.


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Pot is legal in several states, but 'dope' is not legal.
And both are abused in the US.
Since you can rationalize honor killing, wife beating, raping , killing and the same with children, and you claim those acts are against your written laws.....I'm doubtful your culture has any restraint in the abuse of drugs, and has likely been at drug abuse for a longer time with a greater per capita intake. Other wise you wouldn't have the image as a culture of death.

stop day dreaming and leave alone the few phrases which have obsessed your thinking faculties. Our culture may be bad than yours , so it has to be given the foolish whims of war on terror thrust on us....and your support of warfare every now and then. You have money, we don't ...that's the only diff which makes our two cultures different.

Ever head the old axiom:: a hungry man knows no manners...and a snail will turn if you stepped on it??

either way you are wrong.


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and now it is UK....yet another ally of the US..
UK's £72BILLION bill for its 'failed' wars: True costs of operations since the Cold War revealed by defence think-tank
  • Most of it squandered on 'strategic failure' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Toppling Saddam Hussein 'helped radicalise young Muslims in the UK'
  • Iraq war 'left UK open to homegrown attacks such as July 7 bombings'
By Ian Drury

Critics said the cost of the 2003 invasion of Iraq and sending thousands of troops to Helmand province in Afghanistan in 2006 - around £30billion and 627 lives lost - was simply not worth the results.Last night John Miller, 63, the father of Royal Military policeman Corporal Simon Miller, who was murdered by a mob in Iraq in 2003, said: ‘It is disgusting.

‘What have we actually achieved by spending that kind of money and losing that many troops’ lives in those conflicts? Nothing. Both places are worse off and thousands of people are still being killed.’

The study also estimates another £30billion may have to be spent on long-term care for war veterans and compensation
payments for deaths and injuries could add another £7billion - bringing the total cost to £71.7billion.The sum is enough to pay nearly 5,000 nurses or police officers for their entire career, or fund free
university tuition for all higher education students for a decade.

The UK failed in Bosnia in the early 1990s, the 2003 invasion in Iraq, the deployment of troops to the insurgents’ stronghold of Helmand and the air strikes in Libya which helped oust Colonel Gaddafi but fuelled a brutal civil war.


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Cost the USA more than a trillion (s).
Meanwhile, Junior is enjoying painting and Cheney is probably hunting ducks and shooting some friends along the way !!


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stop day dreaming and leave alone the few phrases which have obsessed your thinking faculties. Our culture may be bad than yours , so it has to be given the foolish whims of war on terror thrust on us....and your support of warfare every now and then. You have money, we don't ...that's the only diff which makes our two cultures different.

Ever head the old axiom:: a hungry man knows no manners...and a snail will turn if you stepped on it??

either way you are wrong.

Your culture isn't just more evil, it's degenerated rather than growing from what once were positions of strength. Your Golden Age was that turning point. The traits of your culture the cause.

Your 'hungry man' analogy is no excuse for what is done to the citizenry by it's own culture.
Where the west strives to better itself, your culture punishes arbitrarily with insanity.

either way you are wrong.
I'm obviously correct since I've presented facts in place and logic behind those statements while you avoided these issues directly and honestly over the last 6/7 weeks of dodging and denials.

The history of Pakistan is currently being written as a nation of terrorists bent on destroying it's neighbors and in envy as you have shown, the west for it's progressiveness,

Whether the US maintains it's leadership and wealth position or not, western civilization will always be centuries ahead of your culture, not just because it's more successful in it's endeavors, more because your culture is embedded with the trait of self destruction.

Your political leadership essentially invited the US into your theater of conflict with a terrorist attack upon us and now you whine about the consequences.

Bad things happen all over the globe by many nations at different times.
It's your turn to stand out as the example of just how evil a nation can be and all your rhetoric will never cloud the image of who/what your culture really is. ( The current problem )


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I'm also noticing that you, mazHur, have been debating a lot less lately and merely 'billboarding' your politics and hatred for the US.

Run out of your own terrorist rhetoric and now need to depend on your brother terrorists?

That would make Google your friend.


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Your culture isn't just more evil, it's degenerated rather than growing from what once were positions of strength. Your Golden Age was that turning point. The traits of your culture the cause.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[Born and living in Pakistan I am witness to a peaceful culture here ,,,only you and your warring whims brought the dirty must say sorry for that. Hillary Clinton did admit this fact on air....]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Your 'hungry man' analogy is no excuse for what is done to the citizenry by it's own culture.
Where the west strives to better itself, your culture punishes arbitrarily with insanity.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[with most of its people living below One dollar a day , no employment, no social security , no medical, no clean water to drink, you expect them to be as civilised as you?? You must be mad!!
Rich nations can exploit them for their own vulgar ambitions,,,,,and it's being done,,,rrejoice, dear, it's YOUR time...]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

I'm obviously correct since I've presented facts in place and logic behind those statements while you avoided these issues directly and honestly over the last 6/7 weeks of dodging and denials.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Oh, so you are an angel!! Stop bragging...there has been nothing coherent in your talk .,..just mastication and regurgitation of a few cliches....]]]]]]]]]]

The history of Pakistan is currently being written as a nation of terrorists bent on destroying it's neighbors and in envy as you have shown, the west for it's progressiveness,

Whether the US maintains it's leadership and wealth position or not, western civilization will always be centuries ahead of your culture, not just because it's more successful in it's endeavors, more because your culture is embedded with the trait of self destruction.

[[[[[[[[[[[there is no denying the fact that the West is much more advanced than us...and scientifically and technologically we are backward ..for reason...YOU..
it was same with China and Japan and also Korea and you used to scorn them after WW2.....these same nations are now global giants..and can look into your eyes.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Your political leadership essentially invited the US into your theater of conflict with a terrorist attack upon us and now you whine about the consequences.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[haha!! nothing more childish and ridiculous than that!!....Okay I invite you to Pakistan ..are you coming???]]]]]]]]]]]]

Bad things happen all over the globe by many nations at different times.
It's your turn to stand out as the example of just how evil a nation can be and all your rhetoric will never cloud the image of who/what your culture really is. ( The current problem )

[[[[[[[[You brought the terrorist culture to Pakistan,,,,it was not there until you waged war first against the USSR and then the Afghans...I am a living witness to that not even a neat spectator.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


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[[[[[[[[You brought the terrorist culture to Pakistan,,,,it was not there until you waged war first against the USSR and then the Afghans...I am a living witness to that not even a neat spectator.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

You have your history confused. Intentionally.
And as far as you being an authority of PK's history, little of what you've been posting has been truthful and those that challenged you proved their points.
Your simply can not be trusted. Your words have no value.


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mazHur posted:

[[[[[[[[( comments by mazHur)]]]]]]]]
bolded my replies.

Your culture isn't just more evil, it's degenerated rather than growing from what once were positions of strength. Your Golden Age was that turning point. The traits of your culture the cause.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[Born and living in Pakistan I am witness to a peaceful culture here ,,,only you and your warring whims brought the dirty must say sorry for that. Hillary Clinton did admit this fact on air....]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
What are you blathering about now?
Of course you don't live in a peaceful society.
And I owe you no apologies for the terrorism your nation/culture sanctions and gives sanctuary to.

Your 'hungry man' analogy is no excuse for what is done to the citizenry by it's own culture.
Where the west strives to better itself, your culture punishes arbitrarily with insanity.
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[with most of its people living below One dollar a day , no employment, no social security , no medical, no clean water to drink, you expect them to be as civilised as you?? You must be mad!!
Rich nations can exploit them for their own vulgar ambitions,,,,,and it's being done,,,rrejoice, dear, it's YOUR time...]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Your culture honor kills, your culture beats and abuses and executes your women in public. Humanity in PK is too often treated worse than animals.
Not even primitive societies of the past were as infamous as what is going on in PK at the moment.
Your nation protects terrorists and spreads terrorism along with killing itself from within.
All this I learned from researching your claims.

I'm obviously correct since I've presented facts in place and logic behind those statements while you avoided these issues directly and honestly over the last 6/7 weeks of dodging and denials.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Oh, so you are an angel!! Stop bragging...there has been nothing coherent in your talk .,..just mastication and regurgitation of a few cliches....]]]]]]]]]]
Oh....not just me. Man has nailed you many times and AA called you out also.
Your are merely whining from all the wounds you take from being dishonest with us, mr intellectual.

The history of Pakistan is currently being written as a nation of terrorists bent on destroying it's neighbors and in envy as you have shown, the west for it's progressiveness,

Whether the US maintains it's leadership and wealth position or not, western civilization will always be centuries ahead of your culture, not just because it's more successful in it's endeavors, more because your culture is embedded with the trait of self destruction.

[[[[[[[[[[[there is no denying the fact that the West is much more advanced than us...and scientifically and technologically we are backward ..for reason...YOU..
Most of the civilized world is more advanced than Pakistan other than Afghanistan which PK played a big part in destabilizing. PK didn't even engineer the nuclear weapons it built. that tech was given to you by the Soviets and Chinese.

it was same with China and Japan and also Korea and you used to scorn them after WW2.....these same nations are now global giants..and can look into your eyes.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Indeed, they decided to become cooperative global neighbors in a global economy rather than open militarily antagonistic. And look at the benefits of civility.
Then look at the shit hole you live in. Your terrorism does not enhance your humanity nor your standard of living..

Your political leadership essentially invited the US into your theater of conflict with a terrorist attack upon us and now you whine about the consequences.

[[[[[[[[[[[[[haha!! nothing more childish and ridiculous than that!!....Okay I invite you to Pakistan ..are you coming???]]]]]]]]]]]]
But it is correct.

Bad things happen all over the globe by many nations at different times.
It's your turn to stand out as the example of just how evil a nation can be and all your rhetoric will never cloud the image of who/what your culture really is. ( The current problem )

Face it, mazHur, you live in a terrorist shit hole and you are only digging yourself deeper.
Seek peace.


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mazHur posted:

[[[[[[[[( comments by mazHur)]]]]]]]]
bolded my replies.

Face it, mazHur, you live in a terrorist shit hole and you are only digging yourself deeper.
Seek peace.

WTF NATO is trying to sneak out of Afghanistan,,,hahahahaha!! Another FAIL!!


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Stone said: ↑

mazHur posted:

[[[[[[[[( comments by mazHur)]]]]]]]]
bolded my replies.

Face it, mazHur, you live in a terrorist shit hole and you are only digging yourself deeper.
Seek peace.

mazHur posted in reply:
WTF NATO is trying to sneak out of Afghanistan,,,hahahahaha!! Another FAIL!!

And how does NATO leaving Afghanistan make Pakistan any less of a terrorist shit hole?


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Islamophobes showing scorn for Muslims and Pakistan...


That's another image that didn't post, so I have no idea what Islamic humor you chose to post.

But our discussions really haven't been so much about the religion you don't seem to follow. Perhaps there is an element of how your Pakistani culture has interpreted it to advance terrorism.
Your al Qaeda and Taliban terrorist movements are religiously motivated, after all.


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mazHur posted in reply:

And how does NATO leaving Afghanistan make Pakistan any less of a terrorist shit hole?

After having FAILED you are leaving the dogs to us again!! Ha! How brave you are!!

Common belief here among the Afghans and Paks is that they can handle Taliban without US intervention,,,and that they must get out of their territory and mind their own business.
Previously there were 'shouts' about Al Quaida screwing you ,,,so you killed OBL,,,
Why did you hid his body and not place it before the world as proof??
This places doubts in some minds,....

Some people here think OBL had already died his physical death and the OBL case was just a frame-up..
What's true would have been on the slate had OBL's body been showed to the world at large and a dummy of his kept in the Horror Section of Mme Tusaid's wax museum in London!!

Was there any need to conceal Truth?? Truth should be Manifest..but in your case it was shoved under the rug....

And now it is Taliban...who are they?? Never seen them here..I swear by my toe,,,I never saw or met one!! Naming Afghans and Pakhtuns seems like a hoax set up by your govt to eke out more and more taxes from its citizens and spend it war mongering !!

Ever checked your national budget??? Do you know how much you are spending on wasteful belligerency?? Ever though why America is not popular in many countries??


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That's another image that didn't post, so I have no idea what Islamic humor you chose to post.

But our discussions really haven't been so much about the religion you don't seem to follow. Perhaps there is an element of how your Pakistani culture has interpreted it to advance terrorism.
Your al Qaeda and Taliban terrorist movements are religiously motivated, after all.

There is no such thing as Islamic humor.,..Humor is just Humor!!
Did you ever move farther than grade V? Read Arabian Nights for once...

I have No idea about Al Quaida or taliban's motives but I guess it is related to socio-politico- economical factors...YOu want to steal their natural wealth,,,you try to bully them...and here the worms turn!!

Religion seems to be used or misused by them to further their interest. Natural because a 'drowning man catches at the straw'' and they too 'caught' at the 'religious straw'....

why don't you learn to defend yerself rather than poke your nose everywhere??
Your people say America wants to be the policeman of the world.,..okay,,let it be it but killing 10 to punish one criminal is not fair..
America has killed more innocent people than terrorists during the war...
Why doesn't innocent people matter to you?? Doesn't the word 'humanity' exist in your 'dictionaries'?? Shame on you when you talk about Human rights.....there are No human rights in the advanced world...the rights that exist are 'Legal' rights...only ...which keep you and your culture straight


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