Afterlife and Such...

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And i believe i gave you an explanation to my beliefs?

And no disrespect have your views and i have mine.
And correct these stories cannot be neither can your theory! So why are we having this discussion again?:ninja

I'm confused. What theory of mine? :confused

Umm...we are having this discussion because this is Philosophy and Debate? :dunno
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Yes, BlackCherry, I accept the fact that people have had experiences but my burning question is: exactly what did they experience. This is an entirely different question than asking: What did they perceive?


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I'm confused. What theory of mine? :confused

Umm...we are having this discussion because this is Philosophy and Debate? :dunno

You know what, i will leave you to your own devices sir.........

When it gets as a low as a point as sarcasm and degrading people i think its time to leave the thread.

I have told you the reasons for my beliefs and yet you seem to still think you can judge me on them?

Your theory again revolves around your worm food statement....i thought that was obvious.

And lastly there is no need to quite capable of seeing sarcasm without the added raised font.

Good luck with your quest for enlightenment.:D


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You know what, i will leave you to your own devices sir.........

When it gets as a low as a point as sarcasm and degrading people i think its time to leave the thread.

I have told you the reasons for my beliefs and yet you seem to still think you can judge me on them?

Your theory again revolves around your worm food statement....i thought that was obvious.

And lastly there is no need to quite capable of seeing sarcasm without the added raised font.

Good luck with your quest for enlightenment.:D

You insult me. In no way was sarcasm intended. I despise sarcasm and if you think that was my intention then you have completely misunderstood me. I asked sincere questions and if you misunderstood then that is your fault and not mine.. Good luck with my quest for enlightenment? You accuse me of sarcasm yet use it yourself? I see a double standard at work here. You keep mentioning my "theory" yet when I ask what you are talking about you fail yet again to tell me. As for judging you, I feel you are reading into my words something that is not there. I judge not, nor do you know me well enough to come to that conclusion. You are the one that continuously make statements but when asked to back them up with reasoning fail time and time again. You can't just declare something and be done with it. In proper discourse any person has the right to an explanation and I'm not the bad guy for asking for one, so who is judging whom here?


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You insult me. In no way was sarcasm intended. I despise sarcasm and if you think that was my intention then you have completely misunderstood me. I asked sincere questions and if you misunderstood then that is your fault and not mine.. Good luck with my quest for enlightenment? You accuse me of sarcasm yet use it yourself? I see a double standard at work here. You keep mentioning my "theory" yet when I ask what you are talking about you fail yet again to tell me. As for judging you, I feel you are reading into my words something that is not there. I judge not, nor do you know me well enough to come to that conclusion. You are the one that continuously make statements but when asked to back them up with reasoning fail time and time again. You can't just declare something and be done with it. In proper discourse any person has the right to an explanation and I'm not the bad guy for asking for one, so who is judging whom here?
FFS scroll back and you will say why i believe in it..
That doesnt make it true...but its my fucking belief so get of my ass like a tail.


OTz's Typo Scouser
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i want more stories.. i am facinated by them.. no such things have happend in ym sheltered life
...right I've a got a few stories....I find it hard to share them only because they say people who do have such stories are mentally by saying i have stories means I'm fucked up...and I'm....yeah ok I am.:ninja:D...the first step is to admit your crazy.


so...once upon a time in the distant past of yours truly, I used to race a 6 cox ( rowing)..sometimes I was the cox( person who sounds off he rows) but most of the time I was the front rower.

Well one morning while making me tea and breaky I had a strange occurrence. It was my usual 5:05 in the morning standing in front of the kettle waiting for the boil when I heard and felt someone breathing down my neck. It had a raspy sound like a man who has a bad throat or something like that... my hair floated as the breath caught it and my back went red hot like someone was holding a match to it. I turned around quick and no one was there. Scared the crap out of me, but I pushed this first one off to well maybe I'm still asleep, so I finished me cup a tea and headed out the door...would take me bike the five miles down to the water front as a warm up before the row.

Right next morning same time... same thing happens...this time I'm really freaked out and take me tea back into the bedroom to finish getting ready, then I bugger off. Later that day I tell me mum about it and she says to come get her the next morning if it happens again.

Third day, it happens again, so I run into me mums room and wake her up saying its done it again. She then says right you're not goin' get back to bed you are obviously sick or something....fine I say and back to bed I go all scared shitless...

Later that day I get a call... its my coach... he says, "Elsa you were lucky not to be in the cox today, as one of the sides all three ores went under and it sunk which wouldn't have been too bad except for the fact of the strong current of the river.":eek... you don't have life jackets in these boats so you have to rely on being a good swimmer and the motor boat that follows you if something shit happens... well... two people almost died that day, from downing.

NOw, the scewed up part about all this.... to this day, if something dangerous is going to happen in my life...I get a three day warning of this breathing hot thing... scares the absolute crap out of me because I no longer get up that early so it like to wake me up in bed...and it will wake whoever else is near my husband and my son.

Sine the day of the rowing accident, I've been 'visited' three more times... the last time was the last time I put up with it... I had a catholic priest do some blessings and crap...its not bothered me or my family since and I hope it never does...scary shit that....and to think I don't do religion.:D

There ya go...hows that for a freaky story... I have a few more others as well that are different to this breath match dude...but they aren't as scary, thank goodness.

so do I believe there is an afterlife?...I don't know... from my experiences with the unknown I'd still have to say, I'll let you know when I die.:surrender


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FFS scroll back and you will say why i believe in it..
That doesnt make it true...but its my fucking belief so get of my ass like a tail.
Sure. You're not interested in discussing anything so I will overlook your posts from now skin off my nose.


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Im still not sure what I believe in, but theres no fucking way science can explain EVERYTHING in creation. There ALWAYS has to be a first "thing". Nothing CANNOT create nothing. I dont think things were just "there".

I believe in a hgiher power, I believe if a higher power made us live here, they are perfectly capable of making us live again. We as humans on a global scale are spots of dust. Thinking we were formed by just seems impossible for anyone other than someone in denial of a high power. It is scary that there is a supreme being, eternity is scary to think about how long it is, but things are what they are. If you spend the whole time stressing about eternity or the future, you arent even living.


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...right I've a got a few stories....I find it hard to share them only because they say people who do have such stories are mentally by saying i have stories means I'm fucked up...and I'm....yeah ok I am.:ninja:D...the first step is to admit your crazy.


so...once upon a time in the distant past of yours truly, I used to race a 6 cox ( rowing)..sometimes I was the cox( person who sounds off he rows) but most of the time I was the front rower.

Well one morning while making me tea and breaky I had a strange occurrence. It was my usual 5:05 in the morning standing in front of the kettle waiting for the boil when I heard and felt someone breathing down my neck. It had a raspy sound like a man who has a bad throat or something like that... my hair floated as the breath caught it and my back went red hot like someone was holding a match to it. I turned around quick and no one was there. Scared the crap out of me, but I pushed this first one off to well maybe I'm still asleep, so I finished me cup a tea and headed out the door...would take me bike the five miles down to the water front as a warm up before the row.

Right next morning same time... same thing happens...this time I'm really freaked out and take me tea back into the bedroom to finish getting ready, then I bugger off. Later that day I tell me mum about it and she says to come get her the next morning if it happens again.

Third day, it happens again, so I run into me mums room and wake her up saying its done it again. She then says right you're not goin' get back to bed you are obviously sick or something....fine I say and back to bed I go all scared shitless...

Later that day I get a call... its my coach... he says, "Elsa you were lucky not to be in the cox today, as one of the sides all three ores went under and it sunk which wouldn't have been too bad except for the fact of the strong current of the river.":eek... you don't have life jackets in these boats so you have to rely on being a good swimmer and the motor boat that follows you if something shit happens... well... two people almost died that day, from downing.

NOw, the scewed up part about all this.... to this day, if something dangerous is going to happen in my life...I get a three day warning of this breathing hot thing... scares the absolute crap out of me because I no longer get up that early so it like to wake me up in bed...and it will wake whoever else is near my husband and my son.

Sine the day of the rowing accident, I've been 'visited' three more times... the last time was the last time I put up with it... I had a catholic priest do some blessings and crap...its not bothered me or my family since and I hope it never does...scary shit that....and to think I don't do religion.:D

There ya go...hows that for a freaky story... I have a few more others as well that are different to this breath match dude...but they aren't as scary, thank goodness.

so do I believe there is an afterlife?...I don't know... from my experiences with the unknown I'd still have to say, I'll let you know when I die.:surrender
something similar happened to my friend. So every saturday my friend and her mum would go to the bus stop to try catch the bus into town to go shopping.. every weekend the janiter at the school her mum works at would be on his way in to town and would offer them a lift my friend would squeeze her self in the back . So one Saturday as usualy they are about to head down to the bus stop when the phone rang. It was my friend Aunty. when she answered her aunty said.. i dont know why i just phoned you,I wasnt really thinking. so they chat for a little while anyway. This making them late to the bus stop and missing the routine lift from the janiter. Only to find out that day the janiter was in a serious car accident on the way into town.. the entire back of the car was caved in.


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I've had a variety of experiences throughout my life, but there is one in particular that fits this thread because I had some verification from another person...a skeptic.

So a few moons ago, I moved into an apartment with my roommate at the time that was the top half of a very old house. It was absolutely gorgeous! Hardwood floors, big stone fireplaces with built-ins on either side, stained glass, deep claw foot tub, big rooms. We fell in love with the place! Plus, it was cheap and even though there was a bit of a creepy vibe (from my perspective) I sucked it up given the location, cost, and how beautiful it was.

The night we moved in we were kind of making a mad dash because we both had to work the next day. My dad came to help me and as we were loading up my closet, we came across this little round silver tin. Now the woman who was there before us collected antiques, so I thought she just forgot it. We opened it and found a hairpiece in it...a woman's hair piece that was real human hair, and plaited sort of old timey. It gave me the douche chills, frankly so I suggested since the tin was pretty, we put it in the dining room in one of the built ins.

We unpacked well into the night and I finally decided to turn in. My bed was tucked in a corner of the room so one side was literally against the wall. I no sooner got into bed and rolled over facing the wall that I saw, standing through my bed in the corner, a very angry old woman scowling at me...Her hair was pulled tight into a bun and she was wearing an outfit that I would put around the 20's or so. She literally got in my face and I flew out of bed into the hall where my roommate was standing. She said laughing at me, "you look like you've just seen a ghost." My response, "I think I just did!" Her reaction was kind of "whatever" you're probably just tired go back to bed.

From then on the feel of the place just wasn't right and you'd hear footsteps in the dining room (which I tried to explain away as just being an old house settling) and you'd get those weird cold spots right in front of the built in. Again, trying to use logic I thought it was near the fireplace, but that one was sealed up.

Anyway, a few months had passed and I happened to go home one weekend and my roommate had the place to herself. When I came back on Sunday she said to me, "By the way, I saw your friend." Thinking she meant one of my friends, I asked her who...she said, "You know...kinda transparent, gray, floats above the floor." Now, she was a complete skeptic (remember she laughed at me) and would repeatedly tell me I was nuts when I would get that weird vibe. She said she'd gotten up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our rooms were at opposite ends of the hall with the bathroom in the middle. When she made her way to the bathroom, she said this thing (and she described her exactly as I saw her...and no, I'd never told her exactly what I saw) was standing arms crossed scowling in my doorway (just as she did with me, just in my bed). She said she ran to the bathroom and slammed the door...looked back out of it and said it was still there but faded back into my room...Needless to say, I was very thankful that I was dating someone at the time and could sleep there! lol


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My experience started a little after I turned twelve. My cousin, sister and I had a fascination with using the Ouija Board. We had been using the board for a short while, and every time we used it, the experience was a weird one.

One night, some family friends came over. I was telling my friend about how I used our Ouija board and how we were communicating with spirits. She was skeptical about it so I was on a mission to prove what me, my sister and cousin had seen. We went to my bedroom and proceeded to do a seance. We made contact with a spirit on first attempt and it was an angry one. It kept spelling out vulgar remarks and repeating that it was going to kill us.

We were both getting really creeped out so she went and got her cousin, who after a few minutes of rambling, brought him into my room. We still had contact with the same spirit as though we'd never stopped using the board. It kept repeating that it was going to kill us, and that we needed to leave the room. So "Mr. Gangsta" cousin started to argue with the spirit and antagonize it. He eventually got frustrated with the situation and we all left the room.

That night I remember ranting on about a ghost in my room to my mother, and she reassured me that it was an over active imagination.

A couple of months later we started experiencing poltergeist activity in the house. Doors opening and closing on their own, lights turning on in the middle of the night, particularly the one in the dinning room. This light switch is a turn style knob, so it takes a little more effort to turn it on, rather than just flipping the switch. The kitchen was a hotspot for activity. The cupboards and drawers would open on their own. Cups would fall out of the cabinets and break on the floor on the middle of the night on a frequent basis.

And of course, there is my bedroom. Every night I could hear a deep, heavy breathing, like a man slowly panting next to my bed. It would start quiet, get louder and louder and then stop completely. I'd sleep under all of my blankets and pillows just to get to sleep. Objects in the house would be re-positioned, or moved from its original spot to a different room. We never saw this happen, but it was always confusing to walk into a room and think, how the hell did this get here?

We also were seeing shadows. It would walk down the hallway past the bedrooms, and through the kitchen. You'd catch it from the corner of your eye, or feel a cold gust pass by. On many occasions I would be sitting on the couch in the living room doing my homework and I would feel finger tips brush across my hand as I wrote. This would follow with the walls creaking, starting from one end of the house all the way to the opposite side. I used to fear this being entirely. Later as the years went by, I learned that my fear only gave it energy to manifest the disturbances in the household. It seemed particularly angry at me, though other members of the family experienced many of the same things as me.

I don't know if anyone else has had experiences like these but they were real to me. I do not allow Ouija boards in my house to this day. I stay away from anything that seems out of the ordinary. I will never forget the things that happened to me as a child growing up. Some scary shit!

Minor Axis

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Unfortunately there is one fly in the ointment. Nobody can remember any former lives!

Under hypnosis they can! ;)

But it's not necessary that you remember details of your former life, it's your base qualities that you start out with the next time around. BTW, I'm not pushing the idea of reincarnation as a certainty, it's just an intriguing notion.

So a few moons ago, I moved into an apartment with my roommate at the time that was the top half of a very old house. It was absolutely gorgeous! Hardwood floors, big stone fireplaces with built-ins on either side, stained glass, deep claw foot tub, big rooms. We fell in love with the place! Plus, it was cheap and even though there was a bit of a creepy vibe (from my perspective) I sucked it up given the location, cost, and how beautiful it was.

Did you talk to the landlords about this?

I do believe in ghosts because i had real life experiences to make myself believe in them. In my old home there was a always a chill in my room, even on a hot summers day, and a celestrial form appeared every once and a while, usually as a girl or a stripped cat. It was very wierd at first but she never bothered me and just stood there half the entire time i saw her.

I love ghost stories. What did she do the other half of the time? :)

My understanding there are two types of "ghost" energy but I don't remember exactly what they are called. One type is like watching a recording. You see something but it does not react to your presence. The other interacts with humans. I admit to watching Most Haunted on The Travel Channel and if what is portrayed is not rigged, much of the energy they encounter interacts with them, can hear them, and responds to requests. I really want to emphasize that although I'm open to the possibility, with a TV show, you really don't know if it's real or just rigged for entertainment, unless you can witness it yourself.

My experience started a little after I turned twelve. My cousin, sister and I had a fascination with using the Ouija Board. We had been using the board for a short while, and every time we used it, the experience was a weird one.

Great post, if not posted for entertainment. ;) Maybe someone should start a Ghost Encounter thread? I've always wanted to see a ghost but not in my house :) and I never have. I'm a pilot for a living and I had a co-pilot tell me he was staying in Omaha, but I can't remember the name of the hotel. In the middle of the night he was startled awake by something pressing down on his chest. When he turned on the light the sensation went away. But it so unnerved him, that in the middle of the night he changed rooms. He came back a week later and the hotel was no longer allowing guests to stay in that room.


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Did you talk to the landlords about this?

I love ghost stories. What did she do the other half of the time? :)

My understanding there are two types of "ghost" energy but I don't remember exactly what they are called. One type is like watching a recording. You see something but it does not react to your presence. The other interacts with humans. I admit to watching Most Haunted on The Travel Channel and if what is portrayed is not rigged, much of the energy they encounter interacts with them, can hear them, and responds to requests. I really want to emphasize that although I'm open to the possibility, with a TV show, you really don't know if it's real or just rigged for entertainment, unless you can witness it yourself.

I did talk to him about it...he was raised in the house and when his parents left it he and his sister split it into a duplex. He said he never noticed anything growing up. I spoke to the woman who was there before us though and she said that things started to happen when she brought some of the antiques in the house. I mentioned the tin and she got very sheepish...probably explains why she left it. :p

Oh and the different types of haunts to which you refer are intelligent haunts (the ones that interact or try to make contact with you) or residual haunts (the ones that replay/re-enact an event over and over).

Most Haunted was called out as being fake. Entertaining to a point, but kind of mocks the science with the showboating...shame too because a lot of the locations would be great if studied properly. That's why I enjoy Ghost Hunters...they exhaust all possibilities before deeming a location haunted.

Minor Axis

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I did talk to him about it...he was raised in the house and when his parents left it he and his sister split it into a duplex. He said he never noticed anything growing up. I spoke to the woman who was there before us though and she said that things started to happen when she brought some of the antiques in the house. I mentioned the tin and she got very sheepish...probably explains why she left it. :p

Oh and the different types of haunts to which you refer are intelligent haunts (the ones that interact or try to make contact with you) or residual haunts (the ones that replay/re-enact an event over and over).

Most Haunted was called out as being fake. Entertaining to a point, but kind of mocks the science with the showboating...shame too because a lot of the locations would be great if studied properly. That's why I enjoy Ghost Hunters...they exhaust all possibilities before deeming a location haunted.

Thanks for the terminology.

I've watched both shows. I'd say that MH is the slickest production, they have the most things that happen to them and they are the most susceptible to being fake. I've seen shows where they are having stones and chicken bones thrown at them. I've seen a seance table rise up. All impressive but very fakable. The other feature of this show are the psychics who through dialog make up about 30% of the show with them telling you whom the ghosts are. Authenticity- who knows? One of their psychics left and started his own show "Ghost Town" which lasted about a week I think. (g) In this show Derick(?) was constantly being possessed. It looked very fake.

GH, appears more realistic but it tends to be very boring, which is probably realistic! :) What I don't like about GH is they really seem like amateur plummer/ghost hunters. I get a big gaffaw when they say "ok, lets analyze the tapes" and you see them in front of monitors on the verge of nodding off with boredom. :) Also I don't think spending one night in a supposed haunted location really proves anything, other than nothing happened that night. It's not really enough time to make a determination IMO.


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I think we do have life after death. Whether it's life as we know it now is another thing. But, I've had enough experiences to convince me that one does not just cease to exist after one dies.


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I do not believe in an afterlife or God or gods. I used to be religious but then I started to think about things logically.