...right I've a got a few stories....I find it hard to share them only because they say people who do have such stories are mentally fucked.

:nod:...so by saying i have stories means I'm fucked up...and I'm....yeah ok I am.:ninja

...the first step is to admit your crazy.
so...once upon a time in the distant past of yours truly, I used to race a 6 cox ( rowing)..sometimes I was the cox( person who sounds off he rows) but most of the time I was the front rower.
Well one morning while making me tea and breaky I had a strange occurrence. It was my usual 5:05 in the morning standing in front of the kettle waiting for the boil when I heard and felt someone breathing down my neck. It had a raspy sound like a man who has a bad throat or something like that... my hair floated as the breath caught it and my back went red hot like someone was holding a match to it. I turned around quick and no one was there. Scared the crap out of me, but I pushed this first one off to well maybe I'm still asleep, so I finished me cup a tea and headed out the door...would take me bike the five miles down to the water front as a warm up before the row.
Right next morning same time... same thing happens...this time I'm really freaked out and take me tea back into the bedroom to finish getting ready, then I bugger off. Later that day I tell me mum about it and she says to come get her the next morning if it happens again.
Third day, it happens again, so I run into me mums room and wake her up saying its done it again. She then says right you're not goin' get back to bed you are obviously sick or something....fine I say and back to bed I go all scared shitless...
Later that day I get a call... its my coach... he says, "Elsa you were lucky not to be in the cox today, as one of the sides all three ores went under and it sunk which wouldn't have been too bad except for the fact of the strong current of the river.":eek... you don't have life jackets in these boats so you have to rely on being a good swimmer and the motor boat that follows you if something shit happens... well... two people almost died that day, from downing.
NOw, the scewed up part about all this.... to this day, if something dangerous is going to happen in my life...I get a three day warning of this breathing hot thing... scares the absolute crap out of me because I no longer get up that early so it like to wake me up in bed...and it will wake whoever else is near me...like my husband and my son.
Sine the day of the rowing accident, I've been 'visited' three more times... the last time was the last time I put up with it... I had a catholic priest do some blessings and crap...its not bothered me or my family since and I hope it never does...scary shit that....and to think I don't do religion.
There ya go...hows that for a freaky story... I have a few more others as well that are different to this breath match dude...but they aren't as scary, thank goodness.
so do I believe there is an afterlife?...I don't know... from my experiences with the unknown I'd still have to say, I'll let you know when I die.:surrender