Afterlife and Such...

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I really like this idea. but I think its more of a-
You get one chance with your life, do something amazing with it, and you can go to heaven (utopia, w/e). Otherwise your just 'worm food'.

I really do like to think that there is an afterlife-it makes me think that this life is worth living, and that people should do something with it. But perhaps people should just enjoy the life they have instead of worrying about and preparing for an afterlife which may or may not happen.

I disagree with that. I believe that the sevety-odd years we can expect is a short time on this planet and we should make the most of it while we have the chance. An afterlive implies that if you fuck up in this life or waste it away you can have another go the next time around, That is denial and escapeism. There is "only" this life - then it's worm food, baby! :24:
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But you cant say that lumpy..not until u go.
Its what people believe is the key matter...and i agree with Becky to a degree...i think this life should be made the most of, enjoy every second..........but i dont think that a soon as r bodies decide to fuck off that everything else goes with it.


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But you cant say that lumpy..not until u go.
Its what people believe is the key matter...and i agree with Becky to a degree...i think this life should be made the most of, enjoy every second..........but i dont think that a soon as r bodies decide to fuck off that everything else goes with it.

Yes, I know and I have heard that before but qualify it. Why do you believe that? What is there, besides stories from others, that makes yu believe? I personally believe that - collectively and not just you personally - it is wishful thinking. People want to continue on but unfortunately there is not one iota of evidence for it despite all the anecdotal accounts. I can't put my faith in wishful thinking.


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I understand you opinion...and the reason i justify it is that my mother nearly died 3 times...and experienced her father, and brother (both deceased) there for her......But even without that i would believe...i dont believe that "this" is all there all comes down to personal opinion...and nobody can sway that fact either way...because nobody has "facts"


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I understand you opinion...and the reason i justify it is that my mother nearly died 3 times...and experienced her father, and brother (both deceased) there for her......But even without that i would believe...i dont believe that "this" is all there all comes down to personal opinion...and nobody can sway that fact either way...because nobody has "facts"



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I understand you opinion...and the reason i justify it is that my mother nearly died 3 times...and experienced her father, and brother (both deceased) there for her......But even without that i would believe...i dont believe that "this" is all there all comes down to personal opinion...and nobody can sway that fact either way...because nobody has "facts"

It may have been my opinion but what is fact is that when a person is near death the human brain starts firing synapses like crazy and hallucinatios can occur, not dissimilar to having a fantastic dream.

You keep saying that you don't believe that "this" is all there is. But why? There has to be a reason. I am curious.


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It may have been my opinion but what is fact is that when a person is near death the human brain starts firing synapses like crazy and hallucinatios can occur, not dissimilar to having a fantastic dream.

You keep saying that you don't believe that "this" is all there is. But why? There has to be a reason. I am curious.
Because as you do dear sir..have your own opinion....mine is that there is more than this life.

I dont have facts...i have experiences....i dont have proof...neither do you.:D

We will see on the flip side??


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Because as you do dear sir..have your own opinion....mine is that there is more than this life.

I dont have facts...i have experiences....i dont have proof...neither do you.:D

We will see on the flip side??

Yes, my dear lady but when I offer an opinion I at least give a reason why I have that opinion. It reminds me of my sister when we were very young. The following conversation took place on many occasions:

MOM (at supper time): Try this

SISTER: No. I don't like it.

MOM: Why don't you like it? You haven't even tried it yet.

SISTER: I don't like it!

MOM: Why not?

SISTER: Because!

My point being, "because" does not answer the question.


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I have given u a reason sir...^^scroll back you may find it...That my mother had a out of body experience...i trust and believe in her faith...
And i really dislike the fact that you have resulted to making a scenerio of such a trivial thing??

You havent exactly given me a reason bar the fact we are all worm food either...

Quit pro quo...and "because" will never answer this question...or anything to that matter...there is no answer to the question you are looking for.


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I have given u a reason sir...^^scroll back you may find it...That my mother had a out of body experience...i trust and believe in her faith...
And i really dislike the fact that you have resulted to making a scenerio of such a trivial thing??

You havent exactly given me a reason bar the fact we are all worm food either...

Quit pro quo...and "because" will never answer this question...or anything to that matter...there is no answer to the question you are looking for.

Well put, Wednesday.

Has anyone ever experimented w/ EVP?


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I have given u a reason sir...^^scroll back you may find it...That my mother had a out of body experience...i trust and believe in her faith...
And i really dislike the fact that you have resulted to making a scenerio of such a trivial thing??

You havent exactly given me a reason bar the fact we are all worm food either...

Quit pro quo...and "because" will never answer this question...or anything to that matter...there is no answer to the question you are looking for.

No disrespect is intended to either you or your mother but such stories can only be classified as anecdotal, as they cannot be confirmed.

I don't understand what you mean by "making a scenario of such a trivial thing".

At least the decay of flesh and its return to nature is observable, a fact, not an opinion, theory or act of faith.

I'm not looking for any answer to any question. I merely asked for an explanation to belief.

Minor Axis

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Whoa!! My wife has that exact same theory!!

Regarding reincarnation, I'd say thats more religion, then theory. :)

I'm not ready to bet on anything, but I feel that humans and animals have spirits and an afterlife. While it's possible that any of the religions could be right, about heaven, hell, popular views of God, and reincarnation, of the concepts I listed, I actually think that reincarnation has more weight than some of the other traditional views. The concept of coming back repeatedly until you get "it" right, does not seem all that outlandish to me. However it's all based on faith. If I was going to bet, I'd say there is an afterlife, but it's just a feeling. :)

BTW, I tend to lean away from the traditional view of a Christian God- the guy who sits up in heaven and watches over us. It really seems like a figment of humans imagination, a simple view that most people can understand. And when analyzed it does not seem like a very healthy relationship. I think there are definitely forces we can't understand that effect our lives, but I would not attribute it to the traditional Father in heaven. I'd say there is something, but we don't know what it is.


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Regarding reincarnation, I'd say thats more religion, then theory. :)

I'm not ready to bet on anything, but I feel that humans and animals have spirits and an afterlife. While it's possible that any of the religions could be right, about heaven, hell, popular views of God, and reincarnation, of the concepts I listed, I actually think that reincarnation has more weight than some of the other traditional views. The concept of coming back repeatedly until you get "it" right, does not seem all that outlandish to me. However it's all based on faith. If I was going to bet, I'd say there is an afterlife, but it's just a feeling. :)

BTW, I tend to lean away from the traditional view of a Christian God- the guy who sits up in heaven and watches over us. It really seems like a figment of humans imagination, a simple view that most people can understand. And when analyzed it does not seem like a very healthy relationship. I think there are definitely forces we can't understand that effect our lives, but I would not attribute it to the traditional Father in heaven. I'd say there is something, but we don't know what it is.
This concept is popular because it is emotionally pleasing. And what a concept! I can fuck up all I want because I get to come back and do it all over again! In that case I will fuck up on purpose and live forever! Wow!

Unfortunately there is one fly in the ointment. Nobody can remember any former lives!


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No disrespect is intended to either you or your mother but such stories can only be classified as anecdotal, as they cannot be confirmed.

I don't understand what you mean by "making a scenario of such a trivial thing".

At least the decay of flesh and its return to nature is observable, a fact, not an opinion, theory or act of faith.

I'm not looking for any answer to any question. I merely asked for an explanation to belief.
And i believe i gave you an explanation to my beliefs?

And no disrespect have your views and i have mine.
And correct these stories cannot be neither can your theory! So why are we having this discussion again?:ninja

Jason Stayborne

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I am catholic so i believe in Heaven, but only heaven alone, evil people just come back as spirits whose only purpose is to haunt and to wander without redemption. BUT even though i am catholic, i am a devious one, so i am not full out bible hugger (those are the worst)

I do believe in ghosts because i had real life experiences to make myself believe in them. In my old home there was a always a chill in my room, even on a hot summers day, and a celestrial form appeared every once and a while, usually as a girl or a stripped cat. It was very wierd at first but she never bothered me and just stood there half the entire time i saw her.

Lastly, for dreams. Whenever i do have a dream it usually is something that comes true, like a fortune teller but with not control over the power, i just see as it is in my sleep and it appears right there the next morning or during school, or hanging out with friend or doing something outside of the house.

Its wierd, sounds a bit corny, but thats what i am :D


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I watch all of these shows and thensome.....

Ghost hunter
Psychic investigator
haunting evidence
ghost whisper
most haunted
and some others on the Sci-fi Channel.

As you go through life you experiance all sorts of weird things, that you cannot explain. I am 99% sure I have something that lives in my PC, that now and again it upsets me. :eek

Talking about De-ja-Vu, I sometimes, very randomly I might add, have a dream where somewhere in the distant future like about a week the exact same thing happens to me in real life... very eerie!

The last heavy De-ja-Vu I had was in Presott Az. about 10 years ago now. We were driving, and turning a corner, and the Deja vu thing started up in me, and I said "Wow, I'm having a", and just as we turned the full view was a huge sign on a storefront...what did it say....that's right "DEJA VU" ;) :D


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That is denial and escapeism. There is "only" this life - then it's worm food, baby! :24:

I just want to jump in on the worm food comment. The whole point of this thread is what if anything happens when the physical body does become worm food. There is no dispute that the physical body dies, decays, etc. However, what is in question is whether or not you believe there is an existence beyond that. Clearly your position is that there is not and that's respectable as an opinion. Perhaps you haven't had the experiences (which may not be considered fact in the scientific community but become a factual experience to the individual) that some have had. But to say to them that they are not valid and real simply because you haven't experienced them, isn't a fair assumption. Really the crux of this is a couple of things; experience and faith. Some have had experiences to boost their existing faith, some have had experiences that gave them their faith of belief system...and then there are those that have neither. None of those are wrong or right across the board, if that makes any sense. It's not denial or escapism if someone's grandmother happens to show up after she's been dead 10 is what it is and up to the individual to believe it or not.

Personally, when I was a child I was very much in tune to and sensitive to things that were not of this existence...I've lost that a bit as I've grown older, but still have a sense of things around me. I don't talk about it much because the mainstream sees it as sort of nutty. However, I sort of look at it from a scientific perspective. There are aspects of our brains that we do not understand and that are latent and undeveloped...why could there possibly not be those who have tapped into a part of their brain that allows them to "see" or experience things that others cannot. It's like developing an extra sense. There is nothing boogity boogity about it.

I personally believe in an afterlife (though I don't subscribe to any particular religion...raised a skeptic Catholic) because I've seen things and experienced things as I said that I could not explain. Again though, I sort of believe it's more of a transference of energy. The first law of thermodynamics tells us (yes, this is a science thingy) energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to could argue the so-called afterlife is simply that.

Now what you do with this life is up to you...and this physical life is short. However, I don't see the possibilty of an afterlife as being a way out of living a good life in this one. But again, that's a matter of faith and belief.

PS: I know you from somewheres? :)