African American prejudice against homosexuals by a margin of 3 to 1!!!

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Fox Mulder

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As some of you probably know we have a very controversial Proposition here (Prop 8) that recently passed. The idiot liberals on the Supreme Court by a vote of 4-3 for the first time in 200 years decided that marriage is a fundamental right and that gays have the same right under the California Constitution--absurd legal reasoning--but that's for another thread.

So the Proposition was a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman and correct the abortion of a decision by the liberals in the Cal Supreme Court. I voted against it because I don't think it should be a Constitutional issue (I think the people should decide it by legilsation). But this is the kind of stupid fucking shit that happens when liberals get nominated to the courts--they start making up law that doesn't exist (literally make it up out of the Constitution which says absolutely nothing about marriage at all), then people get angry and they pass a proposition and then the stupid ass liberal judges will simply invalidate the law again.

Anyway, as it turns out, African Americans voted overwhelming (3 out of 4) in favor of Proposition 8 (which would define marriage as man and woman only). The gay rights activists are claiming this is discrimination against gays and whining about how in the world could African Americans vote for discrimination when they were/are victims themselves?

What this shows is how fucking stupid all this liberal politically correct discrimination crap is. Its getting ridiculous--anytime anyone doesn't agree with the loud abrasive caustic liberal majority, there must be some sort of "ism" involved in it. These people are so full of themselves that they don't honor the will of the people. Its the "will of the liberal" or nothing--its really the most hypocritical shit I think I've yet seen out of the politically correct left! :rolleyes:
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As some of you probably know we have a very controversial Proposition here (Prop 8) that recently passed. The idiot liberals on the Supreme Court by a vote of 4-3 for the first time in 200 years decided that marriage is a fundamental right and that gays have the same right under the California Constitution--absurd legal reasoning--but that's for another thread.

So the Proposition was a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman and correct the abortion of a decision by the liberals in the Cal Supreme Court. I voted against it because I don't think it should be a Constitutional issue (I think the people should decide it by legilsation). But this is the kind of stupid fucking shit that happens when liberals get nominated to the courts--they start making up law that doesn't exist (literally make it up out of the Constitution which says absolutely nothing about marriage at all), then people get angry and they pass a proposition and then the stupid ass liberal judges will simply invalidate the law again.

Anyway, as it turns out, African Americans voted overwhelming (3 out of 4) in favor of Proposition 8 (which would define marriage as man and woman only). The gay rights activists are claiming this is discrimination against gays and whining about how in the world could African Americans vote for discrimination when they were/are victims themselves?

What this shows is how fucking stupid all this liberal politically correct discrimination crap is. Its getting ridiculous--anytime anyone doesn't agree with the loud abrasive caustic liberal majority, there must be some sort of "ism" involved in it. These people are so full of themselves that they don't honor the will of the people. Its the "will of the liberal" or nothing--its really the most hypocritical shit I think I've yet seen out of the politically correct left! :rolleyes:

Yeah but do you have an opinion on it Mulder?
:D :24: ;)

Fox Mulder

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Hey that's a nice signature you got their Pyritechips! :thumbup

BTW--you hate the politically correct bullshit as much as I do!!!


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Hey that's a nice signature you got their Pyritechips! :thumbup

BTW--you hate the politically correct bullshit as much as I do!!!

Thanks. The sig is actually the banner from my website.

Yeah I hate the bullshit too! We got it coming out our arses here! :mad


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A guy at work was referring to a co-worker who's name he didn't know so he said "The Filipino guy" and he was told he couldn't say that - he had to call the guy Asian! WTF is with that bull? Another guy screwed up his nose because somebody was heating some strange food in the lunchroom and he was reprimanded, saying he was offending somebody! :mad:mad

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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not gonna argue the point about gay marriage.

but the issue Mulder pointed out is interesting. 3-1 blacks were against it.

does this mean that whites are progressive and there is hope for the blacks moving towards conservationism?? :D

Fox Mulder

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not gonna argue the point about gay marriage.

but the issue Mulder pointed out is interesting. 3-1 blacks were against it.

does this mean that whites are progressive and there is hope for the blacks moving towards conservationism?? :D

The point is that we are being force fed other people's opinions by way of political correctness. Blacks are now being targeted as homophobic. The bullshit here is that if you don't agree with the politically correct crowd, you are immediately targeted as a threat. These people will destroy lives, destroy good people simply because these people disagree.

BTW--I could care less about the issue myself--if the people want define marriage as man and woman--fine--if the people want to define it as any two human beings--fine. Hell, they can define it as any number of human beings of any sex, I don't give a rat's ass, but it should be the people, not some fucking liberal judge deciding it.


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The point is that we are being force fed other people's opinions by way of political correctness. Blacks are now being targeted as homophobic. The bullshit here is that if you don't agree with the politically correct crowd, you are immediately targeted as a threat. These people will destroy lives, destroy good people simply because these people disagree.

Would that not be the liberal justification for the fairness doctrine.

Fox Mulder

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Would that not be the liberal justification for the fairness doctrine.

You mean the unfairness doctrine? If that gets passed, there will be revolt. That's how the Nazi's took control of Germany--by controlling the press. The Liberal fascists arlready control the mainstream media--the Fairness Doctrine will allow them to control all relevant media and effectively put an end to the free speech of any one that disagrees with their communist agenda.


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You think that will be one of the first things to come up with the new congress??

if so would it stand up in a review by the SC??

how the fuck you been anyway?? :)

I'm fine, just stop by for a moment. If it is one of the first hings to come up, considering the other problems center stage at this time, would mean we are really going to get screwed. I don't even Pelsoi has the balls to bring this up the first 100 days.

You mean the unfairness doctrine? If that gets passed, there will be revolt. That's how the Nazi's took control of Germany--by controlling the press. The Liberal fascists arlready control the mainstream media--the Fairness Doctrine will allow them to control all relevant media and effectively put an end to the free speech of any one that disagrees with their communist agenda.

You mean we can't be forced to choose what we want to listen too? We must listen to what our government considers best for us?.