Afganistan, WTF?

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Minor Axis

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as if Alter is an unbiased source :D

Do we have such as thing as unbiased journalism these days? Everything must be filtered! :) The problem with being a conservative is that you are way over there on an extreme so everyone else looks liberal to you. As for me, being in the middle, generally speaking I like those left guys and even the guys are are a little to the right of me, so I have a larger pool to like. ;):)
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Do we have such as thing as unbiased journalism these days? Everything must be filtered! :) The problem with being a conservative is that you are way over there on an extreme so everyone else looks liberal to you. As for me, being in the middle, generally speaking I like those left guys and even the guys are are a little to the right of me, so I have a larger pool to like. ;):)

Warn me next time so I don't spit out my Pepsi onto the monitor :D

I am not as conservative as you think. Not many conservatives support legalizing drugs, legalizing prostitution.

Liberals have so bastardized themselves and gone so far left that it makes you think you are in the middle.

Do you live in San Francisco ?? :eek:D

Minor Axis

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Warn me next time so I don't spit out my Pepsi onto the monitor :D

Then I achieved my goal, YESSSSS! :24:

I am not as conservative as you think. Not many conservatives support legalizing drugs, legalizing prostitution.

Liberals have so bastardized themselves and gone so far left that it makes you think you are in the middle.

Do you live in San Francisco ?? :eek:D
Ok, you are not that conservative. :thumbup Anyway I was just trying to be funny and I achieved my goal, YESSSSS! :24:

No actually I live in an uncomfortably conservative state (Texas) where all they do is talk about guns on the radio when not bad mouthing the government. Before Obama they bent over backwards praising the government. Funny how that works, lol. It's cheaper to live here but I felt better in Minn-e-sota. :)
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On weekends all the talk shows are about gardening and car repair.

One of my best online buddies is a lib in Minnesooooooooota! :D


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So, are you telling me that you listen to Car Talk? :jk

Anyway, I've heard that Minnesota is actually more moderate, is this true?
No idea, really. As for the car talk, The thing that saves me is
It's mostly conservative political talk, leaning libertarian. They put their shows online for free download. I put it on my mp3 for the weekend. :D

Minor Axis

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This Newsweek article Obama vs Capone should have been called Obama vs W. If a very good essay on the difference in foreign policy between the Obama Administration and the Bush Adminishtration. I'll re emphasis though, I'd like the U.S. for the most part out of Afganistan.

The gist of the article, bullying other countries does not get you more cooperation.

This is now the settled line of attack against Barack Obama’s foreign policy. He is too soft, and other countries are taking advantage of him. First it was the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians. Now even the Brazilians and Turks are joining in. “There’s nothing to fear from Obama, and everything to gain by ingratiating yourself with America’s rising adversaries,” writes Krauthammer.
His conservative opponents believe that Obama needs to get tougher, to push around these other countries and show them that America means business. There’s just one problem: that policy has been tried extensively and failed miserably. The administration of George W. Bush consciously defined its foreign policy as tough and aggressive.
There is a broader trend that Obama’s critics have completely missed. Countries like Turkey and Brazil (and China and India) have been growing in economic power over the last two decades. In 1995 the emerging-market countries made up about a third of the global economy. This year they will make up half—and rising. They weathered the economic crisis far better than the Western world. They are politically stable, rich, and increasingly confident, determined to play a larger role on the world stage. Under these circumstances, the idea that Obama just needs to throw America’s weight around more is foolish and dangerous. Brazil and Turkey will not become more cooperative if Washington threatens them more. America’s task is to find ways to partner with and convince the emerging powers of the world that they have an interest in a more stable and decent world. And Al Capone is not much of a model for how to make that happen.
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