My understanding, (correct me if I'm wrong), is that traditionally fetuses have no civil rights until they are viable. And if it is a choice between health of the mother and the fetus, the mother wins. Regarding abortion I believe it is a matter between the mother (her body), her conscious, her doctor, and her family. It's not an issue for the state.
It's interesting that certain people, don't want government interfering in their lives but they are more than willing to have the government jump in the middle on this issue. If you are going to promote societies' responsibility for the child, I would think it would cover both pre-birth and post-birth. So I find it amusing that these same people who are all over other people's cases about protecting unborn children, but don't give a damn about that child after it is born.
You have a right to be born, but after that you are on your own!
So I would describe myself as "pro-choice" however, in this day and age I don't believe there should be any "surprise pregnancies". As adults you should take responsibility for your body, take precautions, and be responsible. But I don't want the state involved in this one.
I realize as been discussed in this forum there is a pretty big issue regarding irresponsible actions, like popping babies out one after another and not being able to support them. I don't think it's right and I think if society is expected to support the irresponsible person, society should be allowed to make some decisions regarding that individual. Take it as far as mandatory sterilization? I'd consider it. You just don't want that going overboard into some futuristic oppressive system that narrows the definition of "responsible" to keep people under tight control.