abortion or not..
Hmmm eaither way its such a biased conversation because it all depends on what side your on right?
but what if your the poor innocent little girl who just got raped and your now pregO..than what..its wrong to get rid of it?
Or what if your just a little sleeze that is careless and isnt on birth control or uses any form of birth control..
Does she deserve to get an abortion just because shes careless..?
the careless girls sluts are the ones that give abortion a bad name, because to be quite honest, if you were the one who was just raped and your now pregO how the hell would you feel..Not so damn good.
Abortion is only right in some ways/First, I believe abortion needs to be legal.
This does not mean that I like abortion. I dislike many things that I think need to be legal.
Abortion should be legal for one reason only.Making it illegal would cause more harm than good. People would continue having abortions, but it would be yet another massive government police state problem, like the alcohol prohibition, or any other prohibition the government has tried to force on people. Perhaps if there were, as there someday may be, real alternatives to abortion. And I don't mean adoption. That seems reasonable to a lot of people, but there are too many who simply could not get through that, either because they want to conceal the whole thing, or because they believe that killing the baby would be easier than trying to give him or her up after they are born. Someday, perhaps, either birth control will be so perfect and accessible that unwanted pregnancy is almost unheard-of, and/or a baby could safely be "adopted" when only a few months old, using some high tech transplant process. But until this happens, it would be like banning anything else. A failure that creates more excuses for oppressive government. Unfortunately, this is the least-used argument by the pro-life people.This is probably because so many of them are so fond of prohibition on almost any other subject, other than abortion.
you dont just GET PREGNEANT, there is so many ways to prevent it. There is more than just a few options. Yeah its being careless, Did you know there is only a certain time when women are most fertile? i bet you did, so why shoudlt the girl protect her self..if this is something she really really doesnt want truly deep down inside..than she will prevent it other than that shes just asking for it.for example " plan b" or the morning after pill.
same thing.
Get your self a box of condom, go to the doctors get some sort of birth control, get a dam inside your shit...whatever prevent it and STOP KILLING INNOCENT BABIES!there is condoms,birth control, spermicide, and the list goes on..
And if your choosing to not use one or all of thos than how is it an accident that you got pregneant?
A girl can rememeber to shower, shave her legs wash her hair ect...just like a daily routine BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO KEEP CLEAN
when it comes to sex,
shouldt she rememeber to take her pill, always carry a condom, and yes i understand sex is sponatantious and fun and random sometimes..but if your really that concerned with not wanting and a baby and you know perfectly well that having sex causes a baby, than what the hell ?
haha i dont know
im both sides.
i just think you shouldt have an abortion unless your raped or something horrid like that..
long but this was already a previous thread...soo i copied my old opinions,...which still stand with me