The fact of the matter is that these videos and the "movement" that sprung up out of them are nothing but propaganda in order to further a flawed agenda.
Yeah a totally flawed agenda of creating a sustainable world for all peoples. Yeah, so very flawed....
What exactly is propaganda about it? You say about 9/11, yeah, there are still contestable issues there, but the point of that wasn't the event itself, but what it was used to do: which was launch phony wars (irrefutable), expand America's imperialism by securing foreign resources (irrefutable) and make people scared of a totally fictitious enemy (irrefutable) whilst the US continues its policies of rape and oppression around the world (irrefutable).
And the Fed stuff, I've looked into it, and it actually checks out rather well. Crikey, even Libertarians like Neil Kiernan Stephenson are behind the movement because they understand the problems with the monetary system. Ron Paul's issues with the Fed are no different.
The entire point, which clearly you're not willing to hear because it rattles your very narrow world view, is that we need to change. And that change cannot happen within our VERY limiting frameworks that we have so far for the following reasons:
1) The problems of the world cannot be solved in a profit driven system.
2) The world is a finite resource
3) slavery is wrong, exploitation is wrong
4) the human race cannot continue on our current path
5) Our current models do not even attempt to solve the world's issues
6) Our actions are destroying our planet and each other
7) We can do a lot better than we're doing now.
8) Wars are wrong, innocent civilians dying is wrong.
9) Our current way of living does not benefit many people.
10) We all inherit an equal share of the world's resources at birth
11) A hierarchical society structure like we have now leads to corruption
12) The profit motive STOPS real social change
13) The monetary system builds a fictitious and unnecessary wall between mankind and the resources of the planet
And that's just a handful of them. Keep your "agenda" accusations to yourself, it's an empty label used to imply dishonesty and bad motives. These people actually want to make the world better place, not just make the world more suitable for the rich. And they're coming up with ideas. What exactly are you doing, Retro? Oh yes, championing the status quo. Well done.
But then I guess you want a world filled with inequality, slavery, corruption, war, oppression, poverty and starvation. Otherwise you'd be thinking of solutions too.