The people who refuse to wear leather, drink animal by-products (like milks and butte rmade from dairy products), and don't eat any type animal (fish or chicken included) are vegans.
There are some who "claim" to be vegan but really aren't. They could be dating someone who is vegan or trying to fit into a society, but a "true" vegan does not wear animal skin, or eat animal products. They won't even eat refried beans at certain restaurants because they contain lard, and animal fat.
People who just eat vegetables are vegetarians .. and most do it because they think it is a healthier way to live, and it can be as long as you suppliment your diet heavily with vitamins .. to make up for the loss of such by not eating meat. Like Evan said .. we are omnivores and were created to eat meat. we even have the teeth for it.
I think Pete's main concern was .. if we were to stopped eating meat today .. what would happen to all the animals that have already been produced for meat consumption?
My answer .. we would have a lot of dead animals .. because no one would be able to afford to house/feed them. They pay for their own upkeep .. without the income from selling them for food .. they would in essence be terminating themselves.
Just to slightly make a correction there Jen - us veggies don't just purely eat vegetables and nothing else - many of us eat eggs, cheese, some may choose cheese without retin, but some don't. There are varying veggies but vegans are the real strict ones.
There has been a lot of controversy over vitamins too over the last few years, over here (I don't know about over there). You can actually OD on vitiamins, as far as is told to us over here.
Some veggies eat poultry but not cattle meat, which people don't expect to hear. A couple of my friends are veggies but only eat chicken out of that kind of category.
Some eat Tuna, but no cattle meat or poultry.
Some veggies don't eat meat, poultry, or dairy products.
I know of all the above combinations in veggies.
Some veggies eat and drink dairy products, but will not wear leather or animal fur too.
Vegans are very streamlined, strict and as you say above, they don't eat any of the above, or touch dairy products, or wear leather etc.
I have only known about 4 vegans and they are very rigid in their preferences.
This bit isn't at you Jen - just thought I'd include my post in this too...
As I have said before, I have been a veggie now for about 23 years. I ate Tuna up until about 8 years ago, but no meats - I eat quorn, I make my own food too that is veggie. My son eats meat and can make his own choices in what he wants, but he doesn't like red meat at all.
We both enjoy salad food too.
Veggie food is tasty and colourful - It hasn't to be boring at all, which some people I know, think to be so.
I am all for each to their own - it's preference and neither right or wrong, just because we all eat different things and have different preferences, it's just how it is.
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