Alien Allen
Froggy the Prick
What about if you're able to work but the jobs arn't there? I've lived through one reccesion as a working man and we're entering into another.
there are short term programs here to handle that. unemployment insurance is for about half a year if I am not mistaken.
Peter I have no idea what your country is like but ours has raised a bunch of pussies that are unwilling to do manual labor. Which is one reason there are so many illegals here. Kids are given a sense of entitlement growing up. They do no want to pay the price to further themselves. There will always be hard times but even when things are great this applied.
None of us conservatives are against a safety net. But it has gone beyond that and the govt is not the answer. The answer is the old fashioned way. Friends, family, neighbors, the church etc. helped people get thru hard times. We used to be closed knit communities. Now we are distant from neighbors