Many people, especially evolutionists, want to cast God as the answer to the question of What, rather than Why. As a proponent of intelligent design, I believe the what is that the big bang occurred, the universe is constantly expanding, evolution happened, Terra is 65 billion years old and our brief recored history is the bat of an eyelash in cosmic terms. The Why is the question that only faith can answer. Why did the big bang happen? Why did we evolve the way we did? Why are we here? Why do we have a level of consciousness and self awareness that no other animal has? Perhaps science will answer those questions someday, but the more likely answer is that those questions will never get answered in a scientific manner and will continue to be the province of faith.
In the case of the Bible, there are many Christians who are not literalists. The Bible may have been inspired by God, but pen was put to paper by men, plain and simple. The Bible has some great teachings that last the test of time and it has other teachings that are antiquated and based on an ancient view of the world (such as not eating pork). The trick with the Bible is that not everything is meant as literally as it's written. Many of the Bible stories and proverbs are analogy or observation of natural events. Sadam and Gemora is a great example of this. Archeologists have found the cities they believe to be Sadam and Gemora. Guess what destroyed them? A volcanic eruption. Now to the ancient peoples of the period, what do you think it appeared to be? God's anger of course.