“Guantanamo Bay prison should be closed down immediately”.

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You admitted to passing around animal porn...you enjoy it
You frequently post pictures related to genitalia of animals.
You have mentioned dozens of times about a big dog fucking a white women ending in a tie.

Definition of addict

: to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively

So yes you fit the definition of an addict as you habitually post pictures and speak of sex between animals and humans...such acts are considered deviant.
So it is fair to say you are appear to be addicted to deviant sex ;)

I didn't know how gullible idiots you and Stone are. As you posed sanctimonious, more holy than the holier, as if you never committed any sin, the dog hint was nothing more than a 'teaser' ,,,to be 'sarcastic ' enough to wake up you 'angels'.

Frankly, I don't go to porn sites but if i get some in the email i do take a peek ...a critical peek...or in Stone words, a figment for 'critical thinking' that is!

Enjoying porn is another thing,,,,watching it for censure is another. But you and Stone provoked me to send you teasers and you rightly deserved those.

The Man

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But you and Stone provoked me to send you teasers and you rightly deserved those.
What do you mean "rightly deserved those"

Are you saying that you posted the porn as we deserved it?
What have I or stone done wrong to be subjected to deviant sexual pictures?
You know that I disapprove of such filth..and you continually posted them as I "rightly deserved it"
So not only do those pictures bring you pleasure but you also like to subject individuals to the filth who highly disapprove.
I would continue you on but you would think you are being called a name..but such behavior is in line with those that streak through stadiums..urinate in front of grandma and other deviant acts.
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The Man

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Frankly, I don't go to porn sites but if i get some in the email i do take a peek
I am not calling you a liar,,but i do not believe all the deviant porn your forced upon us came through your email.
This is also supported by the fact you have shown the inability to post pictures from your gmail to the forum as they show up as blank squares.

I would also like to point out that at one time you said you look at the pics to censor them?...Which brings this question..if you are censoring such filth why are you posting it on a public forum for all to see?
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I am not calling you a liar,,but i do not believe all the deviant porn your forced upon us came through your email.
This is also supported by the fact you have shown the inability to post pictures from your gmail to the forum as they show up as blank squares.

I would also like to point out that at one time you said you look at the pics to censor them?...Which brings this question..if you are censoring such filth why are you posting it on a public forum for all to see?

Yet another instance of whining by you!
It reminded me this befitting quote for you:Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
Sarah Cook

Do you know what Porn means?? go and ask someone rather than rely on wiki...

I did just narrated what I happened to see and there is no element of dishonesty in it.. The fact is that my 'honesty' was too hard for you or your sufi saintly sidekick Stony to digest...Go to the monastery and opt for monkhood if you can't take funny pictures with a lighter mood! Nobody except you two criticized me which proves you are trying to act as bosses of OTZ which you are NOT....I will not allow you to monopolize this beautiful site to 'get off' with your predominant hogging and screaming. If you don't like fun go and lie in a mental hospital .....and get treated.
I will watch porn if it comes to me only for censure...
But I never did nor will post porn on this forum because there are saintly children like you and your side kick stony here getting disturbed!

I posted image address in the 'post image' grove on this thread ...and if didn't appear that's not my fault. Maybe you have obsolete or pirated software or are using a 10th century toolbox as a computer.?
At the most you can call it 'posting error'' ....but why are you so keen about seeing images?? Those could be of that ass fucking dog and the white women as well!
Better keep away from such things and don't grieve at small things....they make you look even smaller.

The Man

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LOL...do you read the stuff before you post?
Only 5 percent of the terrorists were capture by US troops...the majority were handed over as terrorists by foreign agencies.
This means your little Jihad was turned over as a terrorist maz...or in the rare event he was captured he would have been actively fighting our troops.
But thanks you have supported what I have been saying..they brainwash children into becoming Jihads.
Also Bush cut the majority of them loose{532} ...in march this year there were 154 in custody {Obama has released 90}
Obama had bashed The Bush Administration in regard to Gitmo...to win votes...turn outs out Bush was processing them out much faster than Obama is currently doing.
But anyway....yeah...Children Jihads very real...be careful over there Maz.
The war on terror isnt going away...as you have stated prior they multiply faster than we can get rid of them.
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LOL...do you read the stuff before you post?
Only 5 percent of the terrorists were capture by US troops...the majority were handed over as terrorists by foreign agencies.
This means your little Jihad was turned over as a terrorist maz...or in the rare event he was captured he would have been actively fighting our troops.
But thanks you have supported what I have been saying..they brainwash children into becoming Jihads.
Also Bush cut the majority of them loose{532} ...in march this year there were 154 in custody {Obama has released 90}
Obama had bashed The Bush Administration in regard to Gitmo...to win votes...turn outs out Bush was processing them out much faster than Obama is currently doing.
But anyway....yeah...Children Jihads very real...be careful over there Maz.
The war on terror isnt going away...as you have stated prior they multiply faster than we can get rid of them.

If the Jihadi's can 'brain wash' children why can't you 'brain wash' the detainees??
Most of them were adults and when released they again took the guns against you!

Let's have a bet..if you brain wash me I will gift you a big black burly dog and even throw coolant to break the tie and if you failed you gift me ...I hope you understand what I mean??;)


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Capturing small children as little as 13 on the pretext of 'terrorism'' is outrageous!
It is UnIslamic to capture women and children or to kill and maim them..but you are not Muslim..so that doesn't apply to you...could be American humor?

Keep the war going and it will be you, your tax money, which will be wasted in this futile pursuit. You will only destroy world peace and lead to WWIII


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Guatemala : Impunity With Genocide

By Amnesty International

25 May, 2014


Almost a year ago Guatemala 's Constitutional Court annulled the conviction of
former President General Efraín Ríos Montt for crimes against humanity and genocide.


The fight for justice for victims of crimes against humanity and genocide, from Guatemala 's past conflict is being seriously undermined, Amnesty International said today.

A year ago today Guatemala 's Constitutional Court annulled the conviction of former President General Efraín Ríos Montt for crimes against humanity and genocide committed in the 1980s. Since then key judicial figures have been replaced or sanctioned, and resolutions passed that further erode the chances of victims of the past conflict seeing justice.

“Victims of Ríos Montt's crimes have been fighting for justice for more than three decades and now are again facing numerous obstacles created to deny them that justice,” said Sebastian Elgueta, Guatemala researcher at Amnesty International.

“ Guatemala owes a debt of justice to those victims, as well as to the rest of the estimated 200,000 victims of the conflict.”

On 20 May 2013 , the conviction of Ríos Montt for his role in the killing, torturing and forced displacement of 1,771 Maya-Ixil indigenous people during his 1982-83 presidency was effectively annulled by Guatemala 's Constitutional Court on a technicality.

Since then the Attorney General who oversaw the prosecution of the original case has been replaced, the presiding judge has been disbarred and the Congress of Guatemala has passed a non-binding resolution declaring that genocide never occurred during the country's 36 year conflict, which ended in 1996.Last week's resolution by Congress of Guatemala directly contradicted a 1999 UN investigation, which concluded that genocide and crimes against humanity had occurred. During the 36-year conflict, around four in five victims were from Guatemala 's Indigenous Peoples population with over 600 massacres recorded in Indigenous areas.

“Findings of fact, which result from independent investigations and impartial courts, cannot be ignored because they make uncomfortable reading for those in positions of power. Such a conclusion may only be reached by a court of justice,” said Sebastian Elgueta.

“Congress should support efforts to hold accountable those alleged to have committed mass human rights atrocities, not strengthen a climate of impunity and discrimination against Indigenous People in Guatemala”.

Congress's resolution came three months after the Guatemalan Bar Association's Ethics Tribunal sanctioned the presiding judge Yassmin Barrios for a procedural ruling taken during the 2013 trial of Ríos Montt.

“The Ethics Tribunal decision to sanction the trial judge, punishing the judge for a judicial decision taken during the trial, amounts to an interference with the independence of the judiciary. If it is allowed to stand, it will set a precedent for allowing lawyers to punish judges for decisions that they didn't agree with,” said Elgueta.

In February this year the Constitutional Court also cut short the period in office of the Attorney General who oversaw the 2013 trial of Ríos Montt. Despite widespread praise for her achievements while in office, Claudia Paz y Paz was not shortlisted for a second term and a new Attorney General has just assumed office.

The curtailment of Claudia Paz y Paz's period in office and her absence from the final shortlist gave the impression of retaliation for ensuring cases of human rights violations committed during the internal armed conflict were properly investigated and prosecuted.

“ Guatemala is currently at a crossroads. The country should not turn back the clock and return to the days when cases of past human rights violations were simply not investigated or prosecuted,” said Sebastian Elgueta.

“Hundreds of thousands of victims of Guatemala 's conflict, including relatives of those killed and disappeared, survivors of massacres and sexual violence expect the new Attorney General to continue efforts to secure justice”.

Otto Perez Molina, the current President of Guatemala, began his term by ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, creating a safeguard for future accountability should war crimes ever be committed again in Guatemala .

“The President's decision to ratify the Rome Statue was welcomed nationally and all over the world. Unless he wants his legacy to be one of impunity for past human rights violations he must show leadership setting the tone for accountability, respect for victims and justice,” said Sebastian Elgueta.


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LOL...do you read the stuff before you post?

Guantanamo Bay: America’s Sevastopol?

By Sean Fenley

16 April, 2014

Not only is Guantanamo Bay an illicit torture and concentration camp for alleged terrorists, but numerous legitimately recognized legal scholars have called into question the continued acceptance for the US government to still be occupying its military enclave there. Additionally, many of the purported “terrorist” poor unfortunates who continue to reside there, were actually individuals who were picked up in avaricious sweeps — by less than utterly scrupulous people — in return for bounties/reward money. The government of Cuba, of course, thinks that the US has far overstayed its welcome and is certainly in contravention of international laws and standards by retaining a foothold at “its” age-old military stomping grounds. And moreover, indeed the former head of the U.S. interests section in Havana from 2005-2008 Michael Parmly has stated that, “Guantanamo Bay Naval Base is not U.S. territory. Cuba is the ultimate owner.” [1]

President Theodore Roosevelt dictated the terms to the Cuban Constitutional Assembly in 1903 that the base would be leased in perpetuity. The agreement does, however, conclusively and unreservedly state that the ultimate sovereign over the base is the government of Cuba. [2] A provision that is, of course, rendered superfluous today by the empire’s authoritative and domineering actions. And so in other words, the United States is unequivocally bullying the government of Cuba, which is only something that Secretary of State John Kerry recently lectured Vladimir Putin on vis a vis his ongoing reaction to the situation in Crimea/the Ukraine. [3] Additionally, Cuba also refuses to cash monthly checks of $4,085 that it receives ostensibly in payment for the American purported lease of the base. It has only has ever cashed one such check at all; however, and that was only in error in the early days of the tumult and instability of the nascent Cuban Revolution. [4]

Does this sound like a democratic practice, by free association — the means of which that the empire retains a hold/control over this military base? The resounding message from the Republic of Cuba seems to be akin to like that of which one would want to send to an unwanted house guest. The patron no longer cares what the guest is willing to barter, trade, or dicker in exchange for some continuous refuge, it’s simply just; there frankly isn’t any other easy way to put it, gotten/deteriorated to the point of (getting the person out of there) anyway and how! Indeed, it’s of course said in the lexicon that a creature — such as a leopard — never changes its spots. And so, in the context of our current question it’s not unreasonable then to lead one to wonder, if a bully is a creature that is ever prone to change any of its such body insignia/demarcations either? In fact, in a recent Guardian of London article President Maduro of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, seemed to verify that in the case of the United States a chronic, deep-seated, and moreover incorrigible behavior might be something that’s at fault here.

In the article President Maduro elucidated that, “Is 100 years of intervention… enough: against Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Chile, Grenada, Brazil? Is the coup attempt against President Chávez by the Bush administration not enough? Why does the US have 2,000 military bases in the world? To dominate it. I have told President Obama: we are not your backyard anymore.” [5] This penetrating quotation, to be sure, may suggest that what’s at the root of the US imperialism/neo-colonialism is a personality disorder of sorts, and of extreme proportion that afflicts the American body politic on a widespread and indeed on a comprehensive scale. In fact, the patient could be on the gurney — and the doctors might be at the ready, but if an unwilling subject is abetted by a static constitution and is not amenable to humanitarian intervention; then the odds of a solution emerging, are about as unlikely as nearly anything that one is thoroughly capable (or even predisposed or inordinately prone) to quite vividly imagine.

[1] http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/02/us-usa-cuba-guantanamo-idUSBRE9810LT20130902
[2] http://www.hnn.us/article/119989
[3] http://www.wusa9.com/story/news/pol...kerry-russia-bullying-putin-politics/6577827/
[4] http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/08/17/idUSN17200921
[5] http://www.theguardian.com/world/20...rotests-sign-us-wants-oil-says-nicolas-maduro

The Man

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You want GITMO closed down immediately..thats pretty evident.
What to do with the terrorists..you have posted that when released they terrorize again..whats the solution maz?


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You want GITMO closed down immediately..thats pretty evident.
What to do with the terrorists..you have posted that when released they terrorize again..whats the solution maz?

Man, I have severally asked you and Stony to first assess what differences exist between America and the terrorists and once that is done try to assess what could be done besides war or with war, if you so like. I know you would say America wants to avenge attack on her...that's okay. But who is your enemy ? Can you name them or are chasing after the shadows?? You have to be specific about your enemies then attack and kill them,

If you think you can kill one named terrorist and the game will be over NO....
Terrorists are like mafia....You severe one limb and the Hydra grows it up again.

I think the diff are of political nature...and these ought to be tackled politically as war has not been able to mitigate terrorists mischiefs very much.

The Man

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Man, I have severally asked you and Stony to first assess what differences exist between America and the terrorists and once that is done try to assess what could be done besides war or with war, if you so like. I know you would say America wants to avenge attack on her...that's okay. But who is your enemy ? Can you name them or are chasing after the shadows?? You have to be specific about your enemies then attack and kill them,

If you think you can kill one named terrorist and the game will be over NO....
Terrorists are like mafia....You severe one limb and the Hydra grows it up again.

I think the diff are of political nature...and these ought to be tackled politically as war has not been able to mitigate terrorists mischiefs very much.
Thats not a response Maz.
You want Gitmo closed immediately ..you have also posted that terrorists terrorize again when released.
I am asking you what to to with the terrorists if Gitmo is closed.

The Man

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You have stated prior that PK forces will kill the Taliban if they go to town.
Should we release the terrorists to a town in PK and let PK forces slaughter them?
You want GITMO closed immediately...so the question "What to do with the terrorists" upon closing, has to be answered before you can close it.
Its not a trick question MAZ.

The Man

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But I never did nor will post porn on this forum because there are saintly children like you and your side kick stony here getting disturbed!
Werent you stating earlier that Americas morals have declined?...I agreed.
What that means MAZ is I see fault with those declining morals..Neither me nor Stone approve of those declining morals..but yet you intentionally force deviant pictures upon us...why?

But to further...while you rant about American values being on the decline..you post deviant pictures showing you have lower values of that which you rant about.

I dont hold it against you as you do not see the wrong that you are committing ...reason being deviant sex is the cultural norm in your region,you are merely a product of your environment.


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I do not support terrorists...
But I know if they come to know my thoughts they would certainly kill me.

The point is not what you imagine...
the point is what to do with them?Their number is growing day by day, more particularly in the aftermath of your war on terror! If you kill one terrorist another one pops up from somewhere like a phoenix!!

I do not know how far Gitmo has served you to crush terrorism. I dimly recall that some of the detainees released from Gitmo got back to their old profession and in fact some of the Whitey's too became antagonist to American high handedness. Sorry, I don't have the details on hand ..you can google for more info.

Your calling all Afghans and Pakistanis is a wide ball..
only some are terrorists....and these gangs terrorize those innocent civilians who are not with them. In other words peace-loving majority consists of peaceful civilians who cannot combat terrorists on their own knowing that even super power like America and its allies have failed to provide them protection from them

I just banked upon Democracy in saying that grievances be solved through mutual negotiations and not war..

The Afghans should be democratically allowed to choose whoever they want. Afgh is their land and foreigners must not interfere and make rules for them. If this happens the handful of terrorists would get wiped off automatically presuming that good Afghans will not vote them into seats..

I do not support terrorists...
You have argued moral support in many other threads.

In other words peace-loving majority consists of peaceful civilians who cannot combat terrorists on their own knowing that even super power like America and its allies have failed to provide them protection from them
It's difficult to see how an abusive culture such as your own, could even conceptualize peace.
Not only do political terrorists exist, your culture is based upon citizens terrorizing each other for personal dominion over each other.

I just banked upon Democracy in saying that grievances be solved through mutual negotiations and not war..
In another thread, you presented an argument against instituting democracy in Muslim nations claiming their culture thrived better under tyrannical governing.
You are so full of shit you think forum members don't remember the contradictions you post!

The Afghans should be democratically allowed to choose whoever they want
They are.

Afgh is their land and foreigners must not interfere and make rules for them. If this happens the handful of terrorists would get wiped off automatically presuming that good Afghans will not vote them into seats..
Muddled thinking.
Pull your head out of your ass and take a look at the real world.