45 Muslim doctors planned US terror raids

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I'm not stereotyping the people, I'm simply stating fact about the past war crimes perpetuated by the US military. Are you denying historical fact?

No, I just compare it to the vast amount of good our military has done in the last 220+ years.

All Else Failed

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No, I just compare it to the vast amount of good our military has done in the last 220+ years.

The military has done good, I will never deny that. But, they also have a long history of terrorizing civilians as well. You can't really overlook that....especially when its a strategy instituted by the military to use terrorism against civilians.


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You mean Iraq? That isn't a war on terrorism, it's a war for oil companies to seize Iraq's natural resources.

The only advances we have had on the war on terror is through law enforcement. The war on terror should be fought with law enforcement and in our courts. The military should only be used to take out terrorist camps as they are found.

As long as the government keeps the public in fear, they will keep the upper hand. But soon as the majority of the public figure out what is going on, there will be an uprising the likes this country has never seen.

In Bush's speach yesterday, he was still linking Iraq to 9/11 and saying that if we didn't defeat Al-Qaeda they would follow us home... who the fuck is he trying to fool? Well apparently the majority of Americans... people need to wake the hell up... Al-Qaeda makes up less than 5% of the Iraqi insurgence. And they really aren't Al-Qaeda, they are a bunch of wanna bes that use the name for recruitment purposes.

I want ANYONE to tell me why Iraq MUST give up 80% of ALL it's oil revenue for the next 30 years to American oil companies. Why? What does that have to do with a free Iraq and terrorists? Why is our government forcing this on Iraq?

I don't share the same view as you regarding the war on terrorism. And I am glad we are fighting it over there, than over here. I do not believe it is 'all' about oil. Do economics come into play when running a house? Of course they do. But believing it is all about oil . . . no. PSA contracts are not some conspiracy and no one needs to explain why to you. Google and you find plenty of information on PSA contracts. Iraq to give Western companies oil rights: report


Having way too much fun
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I don't share the same view as you regarding the war on terrorism. And I am glad we are fighting it over there, than over here. I do not believe it is 'all' about oil. Do economics come into play when running a house? Of course they do. But believing it is all about oil . . . no. PSA contracts are not some conspiracy and no one needs to explain why to you. Google and you find plenty of information on PSA contracts. Iraq to give Western companies oil rights: report

I know all about PSA's... that's exactly what I was talking about. Why would Iraq want to sign over 80% of it's oil revenue for the next 30 years to American Oil companies? Great for us, bad for them. They don't need us over there helping them drill for oil. That's all they know. They aren't a bunch of hicks that don't know how to drill. They will be able to acquire all the equipment/infrastructure they need as long as they are sitting on trillions of dollars in oil. They don't need us.

Don't you find it coincidental that just after Saddam announced that it was going to sell it's oil to the Chinese, and he was going to stop trading in the US dollar and trade in Euro's, and Cheney had his "energy" meeting with the oil companies, that we invaded Iraq? Don't you realize how bad it would have been if Iraq refused to sell us any of it's oil reserves in the future?

Don't kid yourself. We are over there to protect our own interests. It has nothing to do with terrorism, WMD's, liberating the Iraqi people or anything else.

All Else Failed

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I know all about PSA's... that's exactly what I was talking about. Why would Iraq want to sign over 80% of it's oil revenue for the next 30 years to American Oil companies? Great for us, bad for them. They don't need us over there helping them drill for oil. That's all they know. They aren't a bunch of hicks that don't know how to drill. They will be able to acquire all the equipment/infrastructure they need as long as they are sitting on trillions of dollars in oil. They don't need us.

Don't you find it coincidental that just after Saddam announced that it was going to sell it's oil to the Chinese, and he was going to stop trading in the US dollar and trade in Euro's, and Cheney had his "energy" meeting with the oil companies, that we invaded Iraq? Don't you realize how bad it would have been if Iraq refused to sell us any of it's oil reserves in the future?

Don't kid yourself. We are over there to protect our own interests. It has nothing to do with terrorism, WMD's, liberating the Iraqi people or anything else.

Truth. Plain and simple.

When people realize that most governments, even ours, put money and power before their people, they will realize what is going on.

All Else Failed

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You're right, we should abolish all government...

Funny, I didn't mention anything about that. Not all government is bad, not at all. I think there NEEDS to be some sort of ruling body, unless its beyond corruption, then it needs to be changed through the people. We reserve that right, you know.


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As long as there is man there is going to be greed. US does not hold the rights to greed, it is an earthly epidemic. The Iraqi's have to agree and sign these contracts. Don't think for a minute they are not getting something out of it. Negotiating business deals always look shady to me, which is why I could never work in the business world. When everything is always about money, I find it difficult to deal with it. But like it or not, that is the world we live in. That does not however mean that there are not good and virtuous reasons we are setting up camp in the middle east. And I do believe it has a heck of a lot more to do with than just oil. So, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Since 9/11 we have not been attacked on our homeland. I want it to stay that way.


Wow Tim, tell us how you really feel!

I think that we are over there for every reason you stated, including keeping our interest in the oil. I just don't get you people being so against your country. All you do is whine about the shit that is going on but yet do nothing except sit around and complain on internet forums.


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I was watching CNN last night on this story. I agree with alleycat. NUKE 'EM and lets go home. Then take names if anyone wants to disagree.


Having way too much fun
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As long as there is man there is going to be greed. US does not hold the rights to greed, it is an earthly epidemic. The Iraqi's have to agree and sign these contracts. Don't think for a minute they are not getting something out of it. Negotiating business deals always look shady to me, which is why I could never work in the business world. When everything is always about money, I find it difficult to deal with it. But like it or not, that is the world we live in. That does not however mean that there are not good and virtuous reasons we are setting up camp in the middle east. And I do believe it has a heck of a lot more to do with than just oil. So, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Since 9/11 we have not been attacked on our homeland. I want it to stay that way.

I understand the agree to disagree part, and I don't dismiss your posts. I just want to make sure that people are informed and that things aren't always as they appear.

Why do you think we were attacked on 9/11?

From everything I have heard and read, I believe that it was directly related to our air base in Saudi Arabia, the Price Sultan Air Base.


Having way too much fun
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Nuke and pave them all! Eh forget paving actually. Not worth the money. Just nuke!

You're right Alli, just nuke 'em... that's the American way right there... redneck justice. Try thinking outside the box just once. This would be like burning your house down because you have a few fruit flies in the kitchen, while your kids are still asleep in the house.

Wow Tim, tell us how you really feel!

I think that we are over there for every reason you stated, including keeping our interest in the oil. I just don't get you people being so against your country. All you do is whine about the shit that is going on but yet do nothing except sit around and complain on internet forums.

I'm not against my country at all... I LOVE this country and everything that we stand for. I support the office of the President 100%.. I'm just speaking out against the ass clown that sits at the controls at the moment.
Thomas Jefferson said:
An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight. It is therefore imperative that the nation see to it that a suitable education be provided for all its citizens.
It just amazes me how many people don't know what is really going on in their government. Education is the first step in any needed change.


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I'm not being sarcastic here, but trying to rationalize irrational behavior as the world tries to do is never going to pan out. Every day the news is just so laughable - like when they were trying to rationalize the VA Tech shooters irrational actions. Hello folks you can't rationalize irrational - sick - in - the - head behavior. That is just basic Psych 101 as my Professor puts it.

There are reasons that we can 'speculate' as to why people purposely attack civilians. Some of the assumptions are going to be right and some aren't and some are going to be straight up conspiracy theories. Regardless, targeting civilians on purpose with no military installation in site is a terrorist act. At that point, I really don't care what their reason, it is never going to make what they did ok. And so to set up base in the middle east so we can be right there to go after terrorists in there breeding ground works just fine for me. Trying to set up a democracy in the middle east, which I pray will succeed (it may take 20 years for it to do so) will only help us, not hurt us. It will help them too if or when it ever takes hold. Only history knows how this wash is going to turn out. But in the meantime I don't want my child's school being blown up. The farther I'm away from their irrational behavior the better. I thank God for our men and women in uniform.

All Else Failed

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Wow Tim, tell us how you really feel!

I think that we are over there for every reason you stated, including keeping our interest in the oil. I just don't get you people being so against your country. All you do is whine about the shit that is going on but yet do nothing except sit around and complain on internet forums.

I'm not against America. I love America and believe we can achieve great good in the world. Its the people that run it I strongly disagree with. Dissent is a healthy practice in a democracy.

I was watching CNN last night on this story. I agree with alleycat. NUKE 'EM and lets go home. Then take names if anyone wants to disagree.

Yeah, I hear the elderly and infants melt pretty easily from the radiation so they won't have a chance of survival! KILLING IS SOOOO COOL! :)


Having way too much fun
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You are right, you cannot rationalize irrational behavior. As far as the attacks of 9/11 related to our air base in Saudi Arabia. This was the reason that Osama Bin Laden gave for the attacks. He wanted the US troops/base off of his "Holy land" and shortly after we were attacked our government abandoned the Prince Sultan Air base, exactly what Bin Laden wanted.

you also have to remember that 13 of the 19 terrorists on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia. None were from Iraq