This stinking thing is typing French again. When ever I put in an apostrophe by itself it does this... È
If I spell the word it it is ok but if I try and add an apostrophe and an s it will do this... itès
Iève removed French from my language and itès still doing it and itès driving me nucking futs. Can you help me. I think itès a leftover from my stinkinè cat last night but Ièm not sure. If it isnèt him I donèt know what to blame it on.
If I spell the word it it is ok but if I try and add an apostrophe and an s it will do this... itès
Iève removed French from my language and itès still doing it and itès driving me nucking futs. Can you help me. I think itès a leftover from my stinkinè cat last night but Ièm not sure. If it isnèt him I donèt know what to blame it on.