Active Member
I dont know where your info is on this killing if animals thing by PETA.
But by my own understanding of the situation is that PETA goes to animal shelters and will try to help get animals adopted. Here is the twisted part about PETA though. They are able to get euphanised animals from animal shelters. Then they use the dead animals for publicity stunts and P.R. canpaigns. Then they just dump the dead animals in the trash dumpsters cause there frigging ignorant Pot smoking tie dyed wearing throw backs from the 70's. :funnah :nuts
But by my own understanding of the situation is that PETA goes to animal shelters and will try to help get animals adopted. Here is the twisted part about PETA though. They are able to get euphanised animals from animal shelters. Then they use the dead animals for publicity stunts and P.R. canpaigns. Then they just dump the dead animals in the trash dumpsters cause there frigging ignorant Pot smoking tie dyed wearing throw backs from the 70's. :funnah :nuts