09:20:48AM (DST) Thursday,June 30,2011.
As we all know @ this time same-sex marriage has been passed in New York Last weekend.
Matter of fact there maybe plans already good to go.
What about the main stream church ?
Example ?
A same-sex couple wants to get married and...they want there vows taken in a Catholic church.
We know the church's stand.
Keeping this passage in mind,can the Catholic or any church say..."Not in our church,try Jerry Springer." ?
As we all know @ this time same-sex marriage has been passed in New York Last weekend.
Matter of fact there maybe plans already good to go.
What about the main stream church ?
Example ?
A same-sex couple wants to get married and...they want there vows taken in a Catholic church.
We know the church's stand.
Keeping this passage in mind,can the Catholic or any church say..."Not in our church,try Jerry Springer." ?