Greatest I am
Active Member
I don't recall Jesus mentioning an inflexible plan, but I'm hardly a scholar. Of course, Jesus wasn't a Christian, though.
But if Christians follow something that Jesus never postulated, it can't legitimately be called Christian, can it?
Well, many who call themselves Christian believe that genocide is good and Jesus certainly did not take that position and would not even stone a prostitute.
I do not know what a Christian is anymore if that kind of illogical inconsistency in policy can be somehow reconciled.
Christians do not walk their talk so to find the odd one in that crowd for us to ask guidance from as to their beliefs is hard to do.
I actually know the one man that speaks of God not doing anything that a loving God would not do but he spends most of his time arguing with Christians that do not agree with his promoting God's loving ways. They seem to love to hate too much to let God only act in loving ways.