Woman Kills Unborn Child

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I don't think she should have been found guilty of murder, but she probably should have been found insane for shooting herself in the stomach.
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Insane? Maybe. In desparate need of mental and medical help? Certainly. I know it was mentioned earlier that she give the child up for adoption. I don't know how familiar some of you are with the rules of giving up a child for adoption, but if she knew who the father was then he would have to sign off his parental rights for the child to be placed up for adoption. In this case it sounds as if that was something that the father was unwilling to do. I know she should have left the man, I know I would have, but women trapped in cycles of abuse often take years to "escape" the abuser. I personally feel that shooting herself in the womb when she was full term was wrong, but I couldn't find her guilty when she so obviosly needed help with her situation.


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It also sounds to me as if she didn't look too hard for a way out. And, I think you are giving the "father" too much credit. I doubt his sorry ass was refusing to pay for an abortion because he wanted to keep the child.

Peter Parka

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Personally I strongly disagree with abortion unless there is a serious medical condition why that should happen. If you fuck up thats your problem, not an innocent babies. I don't agree with all this maximum age to abort stuff either, at what point does a baby become a living human? At conception as far as I'm concerned. What this woman did was wrong but given the suffering she put herself through, she must have been fucked up in the head as far as I'm concerned and needs treatment not punnishment.
P.S. Sorry if I've offended anyone with my views, they simply are that, my views, and it dosen't mean I'm right, wrong or personally attacking anyone, this is just such a sensitive subject to talk about without offending someone.:)


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My problem is not with IF she wanted the child or not, she obviously did NOT want the Child... Fine that is her Choice, My problem with it is that she waited until She was ready to deliver to terminate her pregnancy,

If she was that determined to lose the child, she could have done it way sooner then Full Term.

and I don't buy that she was insane, She knew exactly what the hell she was doing, She planned it, Thats not desperation or insanity, Thats pity, and I have none for her. I pity for the children who she is still a mother too. What will she do one day when she wakes up and decides they are somehow at fault for whats wrong??


Heart & Soul
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ok so in talking to Bo about this last night I have been able to be a little more understanding about the judges ruling. They are right when they say if they charge the mother than they are leaving miscarriages open for debate about if it was murder or not. I guess as the saying goes better to let one guilty man go free than 10 innocent be punished. I can understand that they were protecting the option of pro choice... But in this case I still say she was guilty.

And also I have to say the question as to if the baby is alive or not...she was in labor...that baby was ready to take its first breath outside of the womb. I do have to say in response to something someone else posted (can't remember who) But I do not agree with them where it was said that the baby would have to be "born" to be considered alive...cause think of it this way... If it was you/your girlfriend/wife whatever... say the woman was even as far as eight months pregnant...got into a car accident...the woman died... the baby still had a chance for life if they went into the stomach and pulled it out...But they didnt...and why? Because the baby hasnt been "born" yet ... so therefor the baby is not alive...now instead of just losing one life you lose 2. Thats why i so strongly say that baby is alive the second it could survive outside of the womb (imo even before then...but thats just cause I could never have an abortion myself)

Mrs Behavin

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Well let's see... she woke up, got a gun, had someone load it for her, drove to a parking lot, shot herself in the womb area and then called 911 and told the operator that someone named Travis shot her in the stomach. Sounds like premeditated murder to me.
I don't know how it is in Virginia, but at least in Mississippi I know for a fact that there are free health clinics that give out many forms of birth control to people just like her. The tax payers flip the bill on that, so why not use it? I have no sympathy for her. None. If her boyfriend is so verbally abusive then she needs to leave his sorry ass. End of story.

I agree with you Steve! When I got pregnant with my 3rd child (which I never wanted 3 kids) I was so upset and depressed for quite a while. So many thoughts running thru my head......how am I going to afford ANOTHER child, what is my mom and dad going to think,etc. I DID not want another child. So I can see how she must have felt when she found out she was pregnant again for the 3rd time. But now that my 3rd child (Cameron) is in this world, I dont have a clue where I would be w/o him. My kids are my life and my life revolves around them constantly. Why couldnt she have just given this baby a chance? There are so many people who would love to have babies of thier own but are unable. She was so selfish in doing that. My opinion, she should have been found guilty.