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It's sad that so many American are so prideful that they refuse to discuss this issue. Some Americans are so defensive about their country that if you even mention something you like about another part of the world like Europe or Australia, their response is often "If it's so much better, then why don't you move there?"
WTF is wrong with so many of my fellow Americans?
WTF is wrong with so many of my fellow Americans?
Self-Righteous Indifference: A Recipe For Failure
Here are some rather depressing statistics that ought to be enough to put a dent in any tricorn hat:
• The United States has less than five percent of the total human population, yet locks up nearly twenty-five percent of the world’s prisoners (the majority for non-violent offenses). That’s 2.3 million people behind bars – the most of any country on Earth and by far the highest per capita rate – almost five times that of Britain, eight times that of Germany, and a whopping twelve time that of Japan
The U.S. also emits twenty-five percent of global carbon dioxide emissions – the second highest of any nation in both gross tonnage as well as per capita.
• The gap in pay between CEOs at some of America’s largest companies and their average workers stands at a ratio of over three hundred to one – the largest of any developed country.
• There are nearly fifty million Americans without health insurance (sixteen percent of the population) despite the fact that many of them work full-time. The percentage of workers who receive health insurance through their employers continues to fall, currently approaching a measly fifty percent.
• The U.S. spends more annually on the War Department (as it was known before the official implementation of Orwellian doublespeak following World War II, which renamed it the Department of Defense) than it does on education, welfare, police and fire, transportation, arts and sciences combined. Incidentally, this is more than the defense budgets of the next fifteen countries added together.
• According to the latest OECD comprehensive world education report (based on student test scores in over sixty countries), the U.S. ranks 14th, 25th, and 17th in reading, math, and science respectively, lagging behind Canada, Japan, and South Korea among others.
As grim and sobering as these facts may be, what’s almost worse is the seeming inability of so many people on both sides of the political establishment to a) acknowledge them, and b) to sit down and engage in a rational discussion as to what ought to be done to try to fix them. Ever since September 11th, free discourse in this country has been held hostage by a curious mixture of jingoistic patriotism, hyper-partisanship, and a sort of self-righteous indifference that permeates every level of society.
It seems that as soon as anyone dares to point out any of the very real problems facing this country, unless those grievances are shared by the corporate power structure and the mass-media empire they’ve come to control, then such a person is immediately treated with suspicion, disdain, or outright contempt.
Case in point: The first time I traveled to Europe, upon my return, I was telling a friend about my visit to Amsterdam, saying how cool it was to be able to walk into a shop, buy some bread and cheese and a bottle of wine, and then sit in a public park, eating and drinking without fear of being harassed or arrested for violating “open container laws”. His immediate reaction was not one of admiration, as I would have expected, but rather of hurt pride and reflexive lashing-out, replying, “Well if you like it so much better in Europe, why don’t you move there?” This was someone close to me and I couldn’t understand what could trigger such an immediate, defensive sentiment. After all, I was only mentioning something different that I thought was good. Would it have been the same if I’d said how tasty the French fries were?
Since then, it’s happened again and again in a variety of settings, when, after having suggested possible improvements that could be made to various aspects of the status quo, or merely mentioning the way things are done elsewhere, I’m presented with this same knee-jerk response, or its slight variation; “So what? America is still the greatest country on Earth.” I continue to be stumped in trying to make sense of this recurring, baseless belligerence. I just don’t get the reasoning behind it. Apathy, I could understand, by why the hostility? It’s not like I’d engaged in a personal attack, or an assault on the moral and intellectual failings of any one individual.
Even allowing for the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance – that muddled thinking that comes when the facts no longer align with the rhetoric that’s been ingrained in every American since childhood; when it gets harder and harder to mesh reality with cherished notions of “the land of the free,” place of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and home of “freedom and justice for all” – even if one can somehow ignore or look beyond the laundry list of evils listed at the beginning of this article, and see them as something other than a betrayal of our founding principles and an everlasting stain upon the country’s honor and reputation – even pretending for a moment that we are, in fact, the greatest, freest nation ever to grace the face of the planet; it still wouldn’t explain why we shouldn’t strive to be even better yet. Isn’t that what America is supposed to be all about – being the best at everything we do? Isn’t that the American Dream – working to make the world a better place than we found it; giving our children better lives than our own? Have we somehow reached the pinnacle of excellence and now any further development can only lead to ruin?