At least you did not blurt "YOU LIE!"
What kind of rationing do you prefer? Not to put you on the spot but for some perspective do you currently have health insurance? (I do.) Would you describe it as good or bad? (Mine has been pretty good but is sinking fast.) Have the costs been steadily rising as long as you've had it? (Mine has gone up astronomically over a 20 year period.)
Would you prefer a system based on covering the majority of citizens especially children, or an every-person-for-themselves system, as in- I'm covered, don't mess my deal up?
I prefer a system where most people don't face bankruptcy when faced with a major illness. I could say I have decent insurance, I don't care about anyone else. But I'm worried that even for me insurance is rising to the point of not being affordable. So how do we fix that?
I'm pretty sure the Republican Party does not want to fix anything. They are so intent on keeping costs under control, keeping corporations profitable, they don't want to consider much of anything that just helps people. Instead of worrying about citizens they represent, they'd be more than happy to dismantle both SS and Medicare and allow you when sick to just crawl in a gutter and die.
What kind of system would you like to see? What kind of reforms need to be done to make this a working health care system for a majority of citizens? How do we keep for-profit SOB health provider corporations from sucking us dry?