So you don't have an answer then? What do you personally believe? Or do you just not know/care at this point?
I will take a look at the M-theory.
I do not believe in a god or supreme being.
I was raised in a baptist church, up until the age of 18 I went to church 4-5 times a week. I have had the bible taught to me every which way you can imagine. But as I got older and were able to ask more probing questions that did not have answers to them, the more I turned to science. I was a absolute without doubt true believer for many years... But there is one thing that bothered me more than anything else. Something that no pastor could answer...
How can a just god condemn a soul for all of eternity for such a short lifetime on this planet? This may not seem like such a hard question to answer until you start to wrap your mind around what an eternity actually means. To say that I will burn in a lake of fire and suffer eternally for a what I did in my life which is not even a blink of an eye when you are talking about eternity, tells me that there is no god. There is no one that is that cruel, there can't be.