What's wrong with homosexuality?

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Mr Jolly

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Here's the stumbling block. Homosexuality is not "same sex copulation". If you read those links you would realise that almost every example of "homosexuality" in animals is actually an example of bi-sexuality. If bi-sexuality exists in the animal kingdom it does not prove homosexuality is natural, rather the opposite, it would seem to illustrate that "homosexuality" doesn't exist naturally but that homosexual men are more likely bi-sexual.

In the first link scientists report that the "homosexual" behaviour is a strategy for finding a heterosexual partner. So that's not very gay is it?

The only cases I've ever seen of completely homosexual, not bi-sexual, animals were found in zoos. So can't be considered "natural behaviour". Or were proved to have been caused by brain damage.

What you have found are 1500 animal species which are bi-sexual. Keep looking. ;)


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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What's wrong with homosexuality? I think it's the part where the penis goes into the butt of someone else with a penis.
Anal sex is just a type of se and why would it matter than both of them have a penis? anyway, there are a lot of gay people who don't even like anal sex, and only have oral. And are you forgetting the lesbians? sigh...


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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I like the fact that the speaker's video had 24 different breaks in it, cleverly edited no doubt.

I also like the fact that it's very unlikely that Martin Sheen has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Bible, and yet his presidential character even at best probably cherry picks scripture so that it can come out on YouTube and uninformed people can latch on to it and say, "Martin Sheen is the greatest president in history because he can recite lines that are arranged so that he absolutely OWNS a fake Bible thumper! HIP HIP, HOORAY!!!"
That something is on the TV doesn't make it true, of course not. But I do not understan what you want to say, because I could have avoided posting any video and just give the same argument he gave, which I agree with, right?

All Else Failed

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Here's the stumbling block. Homosexuality is not "same sex copulation". If you read those links you would realise that almost every example of "homosexuality" in animals is actually an example of bi-sexuality. If bi-sexuality exists in the animal kingdom it does not prove homosexuality is natural, rather the opposite, it would seem to illustrate that "homosexuality" doesn't exist naturally but that homosexual men are more likely bi-sexual.

In the first link scientists report that the "homosexual" behaviour is a strategy for finding a heterosexual partner. So that's not very gay is it?

The only cases I've ever seen of completely homosexual, not bi-sexual, animals were found in zoos. So can't be considered "natural behaviour". Or were proved to have been caused by brain damage.

What you have found are 1500 animal species which are bi-sexual. Keep looking. ;)
No theres actually apes in captivity right now that do not show bi-sexuality at all, but pure homosexuality. I'll try to look for the article and post it later. So no, my links still stand.

Plus, I think you suggesting that gay men are really bi-sexual is a little silly. I know dozens of gay men and women and trust me, they are gay.

The thing is, you have to understand what the word natural means. IF somehting occurs or takes place IN THE NATURAL WORLD, it is considered "natural". Now, what you are confusing is the concepts of what is natural and what is normal (common place). Now, to understand this idea, you have to look at another word's meaning: Normal. Normal simply means something happens often to where is is common place, and homosexuality doesn't occur on the scale it would need to be considered "normal" or commonplace. Homosexuality isn't commonplace enough to be considered "normal" but since it occurs in the human condition (whether someone chooses to be gay, or simply born that way doesn't matter in this case) it is totally natural.

All Else Failed

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I believe this is what grace is talking about. The bible was not written in verses it was simply a way for us to reference it easily. Anyone can pick out a verse in the bible somewhere to fit there needs but to actually get the context of what it is talking about the least amount of text you could pick out would be the entire book that it comes out of ie, the entire book of matthew and so on.
Even if you read those in context, they are pretty definite statements to make.

Mr Jolly

New Member
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No theres actually apes in captivity right now that do not show bi-sexuality at all, but pure homosexuality. I'll try to look for the article and post it later. So no, my links still stand.

Plus, I think you suggesting that gay men are really bi-sexual is a little silly. I know dozens of gay men and women and trust me, they are gay.

The thing is, you have to understand what the word natural means. IF somehting occurs or takes place IN THE NATURAL WORLD, it is considered "natural". Now, what you are confusing is the concepts of what is natural and what is normal (common place). Now, to understand this idea, you have to look at another word's meaning: Normal. Normal simply means something happens often to where is is common place, and homosexuality doesn't occur on the scale it would need to be considered "normal" or commonplace. Homosexuality isn't commonplace enough to be considered "normal" but since it occurs in the human condition (whether someone chooses to be gay, or simply born that way doesn't matter in this case) it is totally natural.
I'm not suggesting gay men are really bi-sexual, where did you get that from?

I'm not mistaking natural with normal at all, you said that homosexuality occurs naturally in the animal kingdom. Then you admit that the only example you might be able to find is of monkeys kept in captivity. Do you think captive animals are a good example of "the natural world"? You appear to be mistaking "natural" with existing.


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I am torn between whether or not to bring up that homosexuality/bisexuality is entirely a choice...but on second thought I think it might cause a decent bit of hatred to be thrown in my direction. but hey, if anyone wants to debate it with me cleanly I'm game.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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I'm not suggesting gay men are really bi-sexual, where did you get that from?

I'm not mistaking natural with normal at all, you said that homosexuality occurs naturally in the animal kingdom. Then you admit that the only example you might be able to find is of monkeys kept in captivity. Do you think captive animals are a good example of "the natural world"? You appear to be mistaking "natural" with existing.
No, thats just one example.

The point I was trying to make is that this behavior occurs in both captivity and in the natural world. Seriously, take a course in zoology, studies of this have been done by hundreds around the world for decades. I'll try to dig some up in my college's scientific article database.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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I am torn between whether or not to bring up that homosexuality/bisexuality is entirely a choice...but on second thought I think it might cause a decent bit of hatred to be thrown in my direction. but hey, if anyone wants to debate it with me cleanly I'm game.
I disagree that its a choice, but never be afraid to express your opinion!


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I'm interested to hear your theory on why you believe homosexuality is a lifestyle choice.

Alright, I'll go into it a little bit now, though I don't feel like fleshing out my thoughts fully just yet...
Basically, people who say they are a certain sexual orientation and claim they don't have a choice in the matter are flat out liars. Well, maybe thats a bit harsh, especially since they themselves probably actually think they have no choice, but they do, whether or not they know it...at least, as much choice as anything else. People have as much choice over their sexual orientation as they do over what to eat for lunch...but to be honest thats not really saying very much since in the end we don't have free will anyways, but thats kinda a different discussion.

Actually, screw it...I hate this discussion, if I go into this then I inevitable have to go into the whole free will argument and thats an assload of typing and I'm really not up to it right now. Whatever.