I've had two kids with no pain meds at all and I still think breaking my elbow when I was 5 was worst! LOL ok I don't really remember the pain of it, but it hurt.
But I'm so accident prone I don't even know which one takes the cake.
Broke elbow when I was 5.
Broke my forearm when I was 10...broke it again while it was still in the cast.
Crashed a fourwheeler into a fence and a tree...no helmet...my head hitting the tree...nails in boards and going into each of my legs. It was GREAT! NOT
Then there were a total of 6 broken toes. Not all at once, but one time and 4 broke at once and that sucks cuz you can't do anything about it.
And then two kids being delivered with no pain meds.
Oh and I cracked the tip of my bone in my middle finger while camping a couple weeks ago!
hmmmmm lol