Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
You don't like the office ? parks and rec ? mad men ?
Office- no not really.
Parks & Rec- I need to see this.
Mad Men- I missed the boat on that one.
Breaking Bad- I could not stick with this self destructive tale.
Recently watched premier of Tera Nova (Fox) and Person of Interest (CBS).
Both were disappointments. Person of Interest was watchable but I did not quite buy how info is passed to the main character to intervene in a near future crime. Sound familiar? (Minority Report)
When I was 12 years old, I'd have been thrilled with Tera Nova. But it's just a TV show, it looks, feels, smells, like a TV show, nothing memorable about this except the Australia location and the scenery. The characters are surprisingly bland. The CGI was passable, but nothing special. They did take the time to explain that the journey back in time was a one way trip, and that it was to a different time stream so there was no problem with effecting their own past, in the future. Apparently they can communicate with where they came from. Some hints at intrigue, but they need to come a long way to become something I'd stick with. A show like The Walking Dead or The Killing runs circles around this show when it comes to human drama.