Anyone here think that regular broadcast TV for the most part SUCKS? It is why a subscription to the likes of HBO, Showtime, or Stars, etc is a must.
Glee, Biggest Loser, NCIS, NCIS, NCIS, Survivor, CSI, Criminal Minds, XFactor, XFactor Results, CSI NY, and tons of reality bases shows, how to buy, fixup, decorate a house, unbelievably awful social programs like Housewives of Bitchtown (made that up
). It's all most enough to make one retch.
Now that I have that off my chest, what shows are you excited about for the fall season...any?
New: Terra Nova (Monday, Fox, 8pm)- could be good, could suck. Logic question- If you go back in time to populate the land of the dinos, would'nt it be possible to eradicate your modern existence to begin with?
New:Person of Interest (Thur, CBS, 9pm)- the premise is iffy to me, but if it has JJ Abrams name on it, I have to give it a chance.
*Parks and Recreation (Thur, NBC, 8:30pm)- I've heard a lot about this show. I'll have to give it a chance.
All Ready Watching:
Modern Family (Wed, ABC, 9pm)- if it continues like previous seasons, a must comedy watch.
Walking Dead (Sat?, AMC)- Loved the first 6 episodes.
The Killing (AMC)- This pulled me in. Some think as what was supposed to be a mini-series, the first murder should be over, but it's not. I tend to think it has just a little too much time on it's hands to explore interpersonal relationships.
Boardwalk Empire (HBO, Sunday)- Not my favorite, but good enough to watch. I've liked Steve Buscemi more in other roles, like Fargo and The Island.
Game of Thrones (HBO, Sunday)- Can't wait for this to come back (Jan?), but it pisses me off that they can afford this but not to continue Rome or Deadwood- bastards!
Masterpiece Theater (PBS, Sunday)- Not all the time, but there is some good stuff like Dowton Abbey...
True Blood- How to ruin a great vampire series. I know I'll get some disagreement on this. I'm sorry but the Sookie Stackhouse series was not substantially about all things gay. I have nothing against gays, just when a producer/director decides to change everything around in the story and I mean everything!