What Yahoo says about This Healthcare reform...

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In Memoriam - RIP
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By CALVIN WOODWARD, Associated Press Writer Calvin Woodward, Associated Press Writer – Sun Mar 21, 7:13 am ET

WASHINGTON – Rarely does the government, that big, clumsy, poorly regarded oaf, pull off anything short of war that touches all lives with one act, one stroke of a president's pen. Such a moment now seems near.

After a year of riotous argument, decades of failure and a century of spoiled hopes, the United States is reaching for a system of medical care that extends coverage nearly to all citizens. The change that's coming, if Sunday's tussle in the House goes President Barack Obama's way, would reshape a sixth of the economy and shatter the status quo.

To the ardent liberal, Obama's health care plan is a shadow of what should have been, sapped by dispiriting downsizing and trade-offs.

To the loud foe on the right, it is a dreadful expansion of the nanny state.

To history, it is likely to be judged alongside the boldest acts of presidents and Congress in the pantheon of domestic affairs. Think of the guaranteed federal pensions of Social Security, socialized medicine for the old and poor, the civil rights remedies to inequality.

Change is coming, it now appears, but in steps, not overnight. The major expansion of coverage to 30 million people — powered by subsidies, employer obligations, a mandate for most Americans to carry insurance, new places to buy it and rules barring insurance companies from turning sick people away — is four years out.

In contrast, on June 30, 1966, after a titanic struggle capped by the bill signing a year earlier, President Lyndon Johnson launched government health insurance for the elderly with three simple words, as if flicking a switch: "Medicare begins tomorrow."

Obama practically needs a spreadsheet to tell people what's going on and when.

Yet if the overhaul goes through, he and LBJ will share a distinction: the only two presidents to succeed with a transcendent health care law.

You can be sure Obama, a student of history, is aware of how LBJ captured the moment when Medicare became law with his pen. That happened in Independence, Mo., in the presence of the very first American to sign up for the program: Harry Truman. The ex-president had ended a world war but could not achieve national health insurance in his time.

"Care for the sick, serenity for the fearful," Johnson promised that day. "In this town, and a thousand other towns like it, there are men and women in pain who will now find ease."

Said Truman: "I am glad to have lived this long."

Ted Kennedy lived long enough to see a goal of his lifetime take shape but not long enough for it to happen. His death last summer was almost the death of the whole plan because a Republican won his Senate seat, changed the voting balance and left despondent Democrats in search of a second wind, which they found.

Why is this so hard? In part, because self-reliance and suspicion of a strong central government intruding into people's lives are rooted in the founding of the republic, and still strong.

The colonial insurgents who dumped British tea into Boston harbor inspired the name and agitating spirit of today's tea party protesters, who rolled a taped-together health care bill up the Capitol steps like toilet paper to show their disdain. "Grandma's not Shovel-Ready," said one of their signs last week, playing off a fear the aged will see their care rationed away.

In 1854, President Franklin Pierce vetoed a national mental health bill on the basis that it would be unconstitutional to treat health as anything but a private matter that is none of the government's business.

Seventy-five years later, the American Medical Association denounced proposals for organized medical services as an "incitement to revolution" at the hands of "Medical Soviets."

And that wasn't even about government-run health care. The AMA's fierce opposition to collectivism included objections to private health insurance, the norm today, and the pooling of doctors into what became health maintenance organizations decades later.

No wonder would-be health reformers were thwarted one generation after another even as they made deep imprints on the nation in other ways.

Teddy Roosevelt couldn't do it — and he's carved into Mount Rushmore.

Franklin D. Roosevelt rewrote the social compact with his job and retirement security and regulatory expansion, all in the jagged teeth of the Depression, then took the nation to war. He made national health insurance a second-tier priority and it eluded him.

Even so, social responsibility for medicine grew.

In 1930, citizens paid nearly 80 percent of the nation's medical costs from their own pocket. Government at all levels covered a mere 14 percent, with industry and philanthropy picking up the few remaining crumbs. Insurance was barely in the picture.

Federal and state programs now cover half the cost of health care purchased in the country and are expected to go over 50 percent in the next year or two, even absent Obama's plan. By that measure, the government takeover of health care that opponents warn about is happening regardless of what's about to happen next.

Why the creep of government in health care? In part, because individualism isn't the entire American story. The idea of watching out for each other is also in the nation's fabric.

Besides, as much as Americans hate overbearing government and higher taxes, give them a federal benefit and then just try to take it away. Today's hot potato becomes tomorrow's cherished check.

That's one reason government programs grow — and why Democrats dared to push for a less than popular package mere months from congressional elections, when people were telling their leaders to create jobs instead.

Johnson, full of beans after his Medicare victory, realized all of this.

"The doubters predicted a scandal; we gave them a success story," he crowed a month after the law took effect, as hundreds of thousands of patients entered hospitals for treatment covered by the government and some 6 million children and needy adults began getting benefits.

"Where are the doubters tonight?" he asked. "Where are the prophets of crisis and catastrophe? Well, some of them are signing their applications; some of them are mailing in their Medicare cards because they now want to share in the success of this program."

Obama can only hope for such a first-blush reception. He took on the cause of universal coverage after a campaign in which he did not promise it, intending only to secure insurance for all children and shrink the pool of uninsured adults. His health care ambition grew in office, quickly.

More than a quarter century before, Ted Kennedy came close to the prize with none other than the Republican president, Richard Nixon, who embraced ideas that mainstream Republicans today cannot tolerate. Nixon was ready to force businesses to provide health insurance to their workers or pay heavy penalties.

Sound familiar? It will.

At its core, Nixon's proposal is a pillar of Obama's plan today. Nixon's willingness to subsidize coverage for the working poor is also seen in the plan, though writ larger.

Back then, Kennedy's union and liberal allies gambled that by spurning Nixon, they'd get something better later. They didn't. In similar fashion years after that, President Bill Clinton aimed high and crashed hard.

Clinton no doubt drew on his own failure when, in December, he advised Democrats to pass what they could manage and not make it an all-or-nothing fight. "America," he said, "can't afford to let the perfect be the enemy of the good."

Obama absorbed these lessons.

For him, a system with government as the sole or principal payer of everyone's medical bills was a nonstarter, nice for the ideologues and other countries but not the American way. He would have liked the option of a government-run plan competing in the marketplace, but didn't need it.

For months he stood so far back from the legislative nitty-gritty that it was hard to tell what he stood for.

In the end, he stood for more than the incremental steps that succeeded in the past, and for less than the towering ideas that failed.
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In Memoriam - RIP
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Am I right in thinking that this health care is going to make the poor poorer? what about the folks that can't afford health care barely making minimum wage?

I also here talks, I dunno how true they are of separate hospitals wanting to be created for the low income and people practically have to wait in line for some hack job to wait on you? I know cities have public hospitals for the low income but hack jobs? I think maybe I'm hearing a bit too much propaganda?


Slightly Acidic
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I think the REAL fear is no one - and that includes the people who claim to know all - NO ONE knows how this plan will play out. There are far too many variables and moving parts. It could lead to a better system that helps more people. It could become another bloated Government elephant that sucks our nation dry. It could save lives. It could lead to rationed health care services.

Change for the sake of change is a very fearful thing. So is having something so huge in scope being pushed through against the will of the majority of the people.
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Peter Parka

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So is having something so huge in scope being pushed through against the will of the majority of the people.

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Obama and the politicians voting this through elected democratically and made no secret that this was one thing they were going to do? How then do you figure it's going against the will of the majority of the people?


Slightly Acidic
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Obama and the politicians voting this through elected democratically and made no secret that this was one thing they were going to do? How then do you figure it's going against the will of the majority of the people?

Because more than 50% of the current voting population does not support THIS legislation. Sure, most of us like the IDEA of an improved health care system, but this particular plan is so full of garbage, waste and "Let's hope this works" ideas that people aren't in favor of it. The fact that the only way Congress can even pass it is to strong arm members and negotiate shady (possibly illegal) deals to get the votes is more proof that this is happening in the wrong way.


Well-Known Member
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Obama and the politicians voting this through elected democratically and made no secret that this was one thing they were going to do? How then do you figure it's going against the will of the majority of the people?

Obama made no secret that he would try to push it through, but I'm pretty sure that members of Congress didn't campaign with this for the most part.

Peter Parka

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Obama made no secret that he would try to push it through, but I'm pretty sure that members of Congress didn't campaign with this for the most part.

Why would anyone think though that their Democrat candidate wouldn't support a Democrat presidents major idea?

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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So what you're basically saying is the majority of Americans are stupid and vote for someone without even knowing what their main policies the've been extensively promoting are?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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So what you're basically saying is the majority of Americans are stupid and vote for someone without even knowing what their main policies the've been extensively promoting are?

Pretty much we have uneducated idiots that vote

What happens is one party acts like fools and so the people get pissed off at them. Obama did pretty much exactly what he told us he would do. People got taken in by his smooth delivery and paid no heed to what the content of what he was saying but they wanted change.

We got change alright

And we will get change once again this fall. I doubt there is enough lipstick to put on this pig of a health care plan to make people forget when they go to vote this fall.


V.I.P User
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I don't think the majority of Americans are stupid. I think they are ignorant and if a subject is very complicated they have to be fed it in small doses. I think the average American has less attention span than in the past, they want everything, fast, easy and as pain free as possible. And change, of any consequence, never happens that way. My two cents.


Well-Known Member
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That is Republican/Conservative rhetoric, nothing more.

You're hilarious... go look at the polling data. As of yesterday, Rasmussen showed that 54% of voters opposed this health care bill. Now please tell me where the "rhetoric" is; I'm dying to know where you're going to pull that out of.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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You're hilarious... go look at the polling data. As of yesterday, Rasmussen showed that 54% of voters opposed this health care bill. Now please tell me where the "rhetoric" is; I'm dying to know where you're going to pull that out of.

And you are right there with me. Just google it. Polls have consistently shown the majority of U.S. citizens want health care reform.

If you want to focus on the last couple of months, keep in mind that all most half the country voted for the Republican party and the Republicans have been screaming about the end of the U.S. so this has a definite impact on all the lemmings.


Well-Known Member
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And you are right there with me. Just google it. Polls have consistently shown the majority of U.S. citizens want health care reform.

If you want to focus on the last couple of months, keep in mind that all most half the country voted for the Republican party and the Republicans have been screaming about the end of the U.S. so this has a definite impact on all the lemmings.


Go read, it's really not difficult. You should also pay close attention to the big blue sidebar where it shows that this health care bill has been opposed by either a majority or plurality of voters since September. All of us want health care reform, we just don't want this bullshit bill that's been shoved down our throats.

Minor Axis

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Go read, it's really not difficult. You should also pay close attention to the big blue sidebar where it shows that this health care bill has been opposed by either a majority or plurality of voters since September. All of us want health care reform, we just don't want this bullshit bill that's been shoved down our throats.

I'll add, the Republican's want no part of reform of any kind when it is perceived as standing in the way of business as usual.

  • 90 percent of respondents to a CBS/New York Times poll of the general public earlier this year said the U.S. health care system needs to undergo fundamental change (54 percent) or be rebuilt completely (36 percent).
  • 95 percent of the public believes the fact that many Americans do not have health insurance is a very serious (70 percent) or somewhat serious (25 percent) problem, according to that same poll.
  • 84 percent of the same respondent pool said they would favor expansion of a government program that provides health insurance for some children in low- and moderate-income families in order to cover all uninsured children.
  • 85 percent of respondents to an Associated Press poll earlier this year said health care was either extremely or very important to them as an issue while 86 percent of those polled in another CNN survey around the same time agreed.
  • 76 percent of Americans either strongly support (53 percent) or somewhat support (23 percent) providing guaranteed health care coverage for every American, according to a recent Gallup poll.
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Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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spin spin avoid spin spin spin and then avoid some more

I guess both sides here can spin it out to back their point. The most reliable source of evidence though is the fact that a year ago the USA voted for Obama and the Democrats who had one of the main points of their campaign, this health reform. You can excuse it by saying that people voted for him without knowing that but it was hard to avoid so that's just their tough shit.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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I guess both sides here can spin it out to back their point. The most reliable source of evidence though is the fact that a year ago the USA voted for Obama and the Democrats who had one of the main points of their campaign, this health reform. You can excuse it by saying that people voted for him without knowing that but it was hard to avoid so that's just their tough shit.

He promised he was gonna do it and... (I'll let Retro fill in the blank) :D