If you allow me to redefine the word God just a bit, I would like to be the devils advocate here.
God is usually defined as a miracle working creator of all things. Theists mostly believe that he can and does interfere with us. Miracles abound in their theology.
They do not in mine. I am more of a Deist but not quite. I call myself a Gnostic Christian naturalist, for want of a better label.
The Godhead I know does interfere in the sense that if found, he will communicate with us. That is the extent of his powers, if you can call that a power. Although unseen and to us invisible, I consider it a part of nature somewhat like radio waves.
I do not and will not derail you’re your initial question on the traditional God that you asked without your permission.
Let me know and if you agree I will put something together that I think can make you think That I think is what posting is all about. I would not offer but It has been my experience that your type of question will not draw any theists because they know they are beat before the get go.
Just so that you are not making a blind decision let me give you a hint of where the discussion will go.
And here on earth.
"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”
I will be basing any posts on my own apotheosis but know from the get go that this apotheosis cannot be proven and you will have to accept it as an anecdotal rendering only.