What Is Salvation?

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Pudding Time

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Re: What Is Savation?

Peter, blessings and prayers to you. Please understand that I am not going to spend hours typing out what salvation means to mankind or me personally to someone that has stated over and over that they don't have any interest. If you are truly interested in a relationship with the Lord, seek Him.

Actually, it's your responsibility as a Christian to spread the gospel as ordered by Jesus Christ himself.
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debbie t

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You bow down to Christ and surrender your will to him, Pete.
dont be so silly...tut :D;)

well ,its like this ,jesus took on all the shit that weve done ,took the blame and died on the cross ,to take all the shit off our shoulders.
easy peasy if youre the son of god and know thatll see your dad soon after....but imagine how amazing that is if youre just a man like non christians believe.he sacrificed himself and gave us salvation.what a hero.

forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us leads to salvation.

accepting jesus leads to salvation thro his sacrifice on the cross.

in tibet there are mummies of tibetan buddhist monks who literally sat down and slowly killed themselves and mummified their own bodies.these men did this to give salvation to people who were in need of saving from some earthly catastrophe ..but similar and amazing.

when i thought jesus was a man i thought that his sacrifice was amazing...not mad because he clearly wasnt ....and that added to his teachings made him special.one day howver when reading acts of the apostles actually...i thought oh shit...its real ,its true and my head exploded(not literally ofcourse) and there was no turning back ,the world changed for me...i had to accept jesus or lie to myself ,so from the christaian point of view i got this salvation thing as a free gift too.:D

debbie t

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roman catholics for instance do more things which i as c of e do for salvation.

salvation is primarily about the transformation of this world..restored by the impact of god to a place of justice ,peace ,and responsible community for me.

to others it is primarily about the well being of the individual before god in another life and condition of existence beyond death.
you see man makes all things very complicated and convaluted and ofcourse christianity is just that .


DT3's Twinkie
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Why does Grace have so much problem saying this then?:confused

I know for myself....Just because I have trouble putting it into words does not mean I do not have it on my heart.;)

Personally, I am normally more impressed with someones expression of good will and harmony, than I am someone telling me where it is in the Bible.

For me, salvation is an internal job....I feel it inside, I see it in the way I look at the innocence in people rather than the bad.

What are you feeling?


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I asked a simple question about one of your basic beliefs. You're not convincing anyone by weaseling out of it. . I honestly want to know!

She told you you have a track record for this type of thing Pete, and I agree. Remember awhile back you were talking about all the inconsistencies in the Bible, and you demanded a Christian answer to them?

I spent several hours in the Bible and gave you a detailed account of each bullet that you copy/pasted. They were good too. I didn't cheap out on you in the least.

The net effect... "Oh... Well, the Bible still has other inaccuracies that I didn't write about, so I still can't believe."

Dude.... What do you want from us?

You're accusing her of coping out... That's almost laughable. Shall I dig up our last cop out thread? I think it's like two weeks old. :smiley24:

debbie t

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Re: What Is Savation?

Actually, it's your responsibility as a Christian to spread the gospel as ordered by Jesus Christ himself.
this is true but spreading the good news can take all forms,and we all do it in different ways.sometimes a persons withdrawl and the way they behave with dignity and love are a better pointer than getting into something they may not necessarily deem to be of use.

i have noticed that all the religion threads particularly the christian ones have the same people (non christians by the way) hammering it out,it gladdens me to see others searching in this way,i hope that an answer is found for those peeps........... as for salvation any good dictionary of beliefs and religions will give the answer.

do believe
i used to think that the belief bit was someone saying ,yes i believe that and if i behave this way ill go to heaven etc
then i had a life changing ,mind blowing experience with this..i didnt just believe ,i knew

this stuff isnt intellectual,its spiritual ,its internal,its amazing:)


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Re: What Is Savation?

this is true but spreading the good news can take all forms,and we all do it in different ways.sometimes a persons withdrawl and the way they behave with dignity and love are a better pointer than getting into something they may not necessarily deem to be of use.

i have noticed that all the religion threads particularly the christian ones have the same people (non christians by the way) hammering it out,it gladdens me to see others searching in this way,i hope that an answer is found for those peeps........... as for salvation any good dictionary of beliefs and religions will give the answer.

do believe
i used to think that the belief bit was someone saying ,yes i believe that and if i behave this way ill go to heaven etc
then i had a life changing ,mind blowing experience with this..i didnt just believe ,i knew

this stuff isnt intellectual,its spiritual ,its internal,its amazing:)

I guess it's more of a personal experience/journey rather than a scientific expedition isn't it?

The thing is non-believers will often strongly resist any offerings on the subject and will continue to find any scientific arguments to counter whatever is put forward by believers regardless.

It is ironic and curious that sometimes, no...oftentimes it takes a or some personal, tragic experience/s to bring or convert some non-believers to believers.


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From the look of the responses here, Peter is at his old game again. Couldnt be happier to have him on my ignore list.


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Re: What Is Savation?

I guess it's more of a personal experience/journey rather than a scientific expedition isn't it?
Absolutely Cool Breeze.

The thing is non-believers will often strongly resist any offerings on the subject and will continue to find any scientific arguments to counter whatever is put forward by believers regardless.
I wish people would realize that science is science and spirituality is spirituality - two separate/parts/areas. One gathers physical knowledge, the other divine wisdom. God does not complicate this. Mankind does due to arrogant pride on both sides of this ridiculous argument.

It is ironic and curious that sometimes, no...oftentimes it takes a or some personal, tragic experience/s to bring or convert some non-believers to believers.
I don't think ironic, as God stated that His ways are opposite of the worlds ways. So actually it makes perfect sense. It is during tragic times that we are often humble and are willing to reach out beyond ourselves. When are doing well we tend to get puffed up and proud, thus not truly seeing past ourselves and what 'we' think is right.

Peter Parka

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From the look of the responses here, Peter is at his old game again. Couldnt be happier to have him on my ignore list.

Yeah, think whatever you like along with Intruder and Grace. I asked a simple question politely but I guess presuming peoples motives is easier if you don't have an answer and thats the only way you can weasel out of answering it.:rolleyes:


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Yeah, think whatever you like along with Intruder and Grace. I asked a simple question politely but I guess presuming peoples motives is easier if you don't have an answer and thats the only way you can weasel out of answering it.:rolleyes:

Nobody weasled out of anything Pete. Grace posted a link that had exactly the information you were looking for.

I typed it out neatly.

I'm not sure I know what you're on about.