…the first forum that I joined …(…after much lurking and browsing etc…)…was a reality show one…Big Brother specifically, actually…it was back in the height of the rise of Big Brother as this kind of phenomenon in TV…when It was all more of a social experiment, rather than the contrived storyline reality TV of present time…having people from different lifestyles etc, brought up conflicts and lots of talking points …it’s funny how the fans would all watch the same situations but see things differently…?..so lots of lively discussions to have…
…I didn’t know anyone in real life though who watched it, to be able to have those lively discussions with…so yeah, that led me to a Big Brother/reality TV forum…for quite a long time I only ever posted there during the airing of Big Brother…in ‘on season’ as it was called…and only ever posted on that topic…but then, I gradually started to post in the general topics and eventually got to know members more and I guess …became a part of an online community…through members on that site, I was introduced to a few other sites….one of which has led me here…so….hello….that’s my forum history story in a little ol’ nutshell….and 2009 was my first year of joining forum life…