What do y'all reckon about this?

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The Man

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From what i saw the two or three people she actually interacted with were all Brits

They claimed to be brit when challenged..doesnt mean they were brits.
None the less the video doesnt show everyone on the train..who in her opinion were alot of non brits.
IMO there is accuracy to her rant with the current influx of immigration........As said earlier more and more Brits have been complaining about the culture deteriorating due to the influx of immigration.

The Man

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They'll do.;)

For the most part..I didnt see her do any verbal assault though.....but another passenger threatened to toss her off the train..Why wasnt she arrested as well? ;)
As that is a clear crime.....A threat to do commit severe injury or death.
Far worse than telling someone to go back home IMO.
I am not approving of the ladies swearing and rudeness mind you am just trying to put this in perspective.
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For the most part..I didnt see her do any verbal assault though.....but another passenger threatened to toss her off the train..Why wasnt she arrested as well? ;)
As that is a clear crime.....A threat to do commit severe injury or death.
Far worse than telling someone to go back home IMO.
I am not approving of the ladies swearing and rudeness mind you and just trying to put this in perspective.
Now you are just nitpicking :p


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People shouldn't have to listen to her foul mouthed hatred. The way I see it people have the right to assemble and say what they want to those who want to listen. Nobody wanted to listen to her.

cam elle toe

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People shouldn't have to listen to her foul mouthed hatred. The way I see it people have the right to assemble and say what they want to those who want to listen. Nobody wanted to listen to her.

Excellent point, and its not as if they could "escape" her tirade, being stuck on a tram with her. (well, not until the next stop anyway)


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ok then.....immigration has been way to high for a long time nowi dont think its that that bothers people though..this does,in birmingham the christmas holidays are now called the winter holidays in case it offends minorities,in birmingham the nativity scene is now banned in schools in case it offends minorities...we've had cases where england shirts are banned in pubs during the world cup in case it offends minorities...its the PC brigade that causes alot of problems

now dont get me wrong here,i know many muslims etc and they're not offended by christianity at all,and in some cases they want their kids to learn our values so they can fit into society when older..and most are football fanatics so no football shirt is going to offend them

as for the poles,i work with quite a few...our shift pattern is any 5 from 7,including earlies,lates and weekends..our early shift starts at 6am..now we were on about this a few days ago...if you look at the average unemployed teen/early 20's over here its glaringly obvious that most wouldn't get up at 5am for a 6am start..these poles do

and both the poles and africans i know show one thing that our youngsters dont,and thats respect for their elders...this woman should get to meet some of these people before she starts ranting


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Suspicion of a racially aggravated offense covers a wide amount of offences in the UK.

[h=2]What are 'racially aggravated' offences?[/h] Racially aggravated offences are offences where the offender shows or is driven by racial hostility. They are offences where:

  • At the time of committing the offence, or immediately before or after doing so, the offender demonstrates hostility towards the victim based on the victim's membership (or presumed membership) of a racial group;
  • Or the offence is motivated (wholly or partly) by hostility towards members of a racial group based on their membership of that group.
[h=2]Which offences can be racially aggravated?[/h] Racially aggravated offences for assault, criminal damage, harassment and public order were introduced under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998:

  • Assaults
    • malicious wounding or grievous bodily harm (Section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861)
    • actual bodily harm (Section 47 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861)
    • common assault.
  • Criminal Damage
    • destroying or damaging property belonging to another (Section 1(1) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971)
  • Harassment
    • harassment (Section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997)
    • intimidation - putting people in fear of violence (Section 4 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997)
    • racially aggravated harassment (Section 32(1)(a) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998)
  • Public Order offences
    • fear or provocation of violence (Section 4 of the Public Order Act 1986)
    • intentional harassment, alarm or distress (Section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986)
    • harassment, alarm or distress (Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986)
[h=2]Who decides if a sentence is racially aggravated?[/h] Where there appears to be racial aggravation, the Police inform the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) when passing them details of the offence. The CPS will make sure that the racial or religious element of the offence is taken into account appropriately, for example to bring a racially aggravated charge instead of, or together with, the basic charge.

[h=2]How are racially aggravated offences treated?[/h] When racial motivation or hostility is proved to be a factor in a criminal offence this increases the seriousness of the offence and results in a heavier sentence. The court must state openly that the offence was racially aggravated.

For racially aggravated offences, the maximum penalty is higher than the maximum for the basic offence without the element of racial aggravation. Where the maximum sentence is life imprisonment, there is no racially aggravated alternative


I am glad she's been arrested. She is a poor excuse for a human being and ignorant beyond belief.

The Man

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ok then.....immigration has been way to high for a long time nowi dont think its that that bothers people though..this does,in birmingham the christmas holidays are now called the winter holidays in case it offends minorities,in birmingham the nativity scene is now banned in schools in case it offends minorities...we've had cases where england shirts are banned in pubs during the world cup in case it offends minorities...its the PC brigade that causes alot of problems

now dont get me wrong here,i know many muslims etc and they're not offended by christianity at all,and in some cases they want their kids to learn our values so they can fit into society when older..and most are football fanatics so no football shirt is going to offend them

as for the poles,i work with quite a few...our shift pattern is any 5 from 7,including earlies,lates and weekends..our early shift starts at 6am..now we were on about this a few days ago...if you look at the average unemployed teen/early 20's over here its glaringly obvious that most wouldn't get up at 5am for a 6am start..these poles do

and both the poles and africans i know show one thing that our youngsters dont,and thats respect for their elders...this woman should get to meet some of these people before she starts ranting

Sounds like the same problems with PC as here..perhaps worse.
I dont understand the Football shirt in pub though..whats the thesis behind that?.

Some foreigners are no problem here at all as far as cultural adjustment..as they come here to be American.
Its the ones that push the way of the "old country" while here...they have no intent of being American.
Whiners and bitchers "Go home".........If you believe in having multiple wives...Genital mutilation of your daughters while young as well as its OK for a man to rape a woman...and death for homosexuals..Disassociation with non believers and push for scriptural law ..Then go the fuck home...with that crazy shit.

Minor Axis

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I agree. The debate raging on the forum I got this from is whether or not she should have beeen arrested, or was she just practicing "free speech"?

My understanding is that England does not allow the practice of free speech? While I don't like her attitude, I can't say this is worthy of arrest. Did you notice the black guy behind her, jump up like he was getting ready for battle, but was counciled/soothed by his friend not to?

This is a very common reaction when groups of people mix, especially when a homogeneous society like England is faced with immigrants, even when new groups appear in a country like the U.S. since it's inception, blacks, Chinese, Irish, etc. Prejudice, it's part of being a human, something to overcome. However I can understand the anger when a new group appears in a society willing to work for less. Those all ready established feel threatened and economically could be threatened.


The cake is a metaphor
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I can't believe there's even a debate over whether she should be arrested. You can't just sit in a public place abusing people, and you especially can't sit around abusing people and inciting racial hatred. Of course she should be arrested. The courts can decide on the severity of her punishment. Personally, I think she'd be best off doing some community service in the areas full of people from "nig... nig...niggeruania".


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This is a very common reaction when groups of people mix, especially when a homogeneous society like England is faced with immigrants, even when new groups appear in a country like the U.S. since it's inception, blacks, Chinese, Irish, etc. Prejudice, it's part of being a human, something to overcome. However I can understand the anger when a new group appears in a society willing to work for less. Those all ready established feel threatened and economically could be threatened.
England has a very visible afro - carribbean population since long before this bitch was born, (early 60s), if i remember correctly the woman to whom she posed the question "where do you come from then" was black, no excuses here, pure ignorance

sure she started rasnting about eastern europeans but London has ( since pre- WW2) had a large enough poulation of easter europeans ( mostly of jewish descent) who feld places like Poland - nothing new here - ignorance plain and simple


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England has a very visible afro - carribbean population since long before this bitch was born, (early 60s), if i remember correctly the woman to whom she posed the question "where do you come from then" was black, no excuses here, pure ignorance

sure she started rasnting about eastern europeans but London has ( since pre- WW2) had a large enough poulation of easter europeans ( mostly of jewish descent) who feld places like Poland - nothing new here - ignorance plain and simple

I agree completely.

And influxes of immigrants is nothing new to Britain. It's not a modern problem. Crickey, I don't think there's anything British about Britain - just a mix of things other people have bought over with them and we've decided to embrace over thousands of years :D

As for her getting angry at Black people living in England, it's stupidity beyond belief. Black people have had a part in British history for much much longer than most people think. Archaeolgical evidence has suggested there being a significant amount of black people living in Britain during the Roman time. When Katherine of Aragon moved to England to marry Arthur, she brought with her African attendants and it led to an influx of Africans and Spanairds which people complained heavily about and said they were taking English jobs (and over 500 years later you still hear this being said!). During the slave era, there were settlements of black freed slaves and Afro-Caribbean people (mainly in London if I remember rightly) who had come to live in the UK of their own free will though were treated badly because of the "superior" white race.

Lets not even go into Europeans coming and living in Britain throughout history. We've been invaded by Denmark, France, Netherlands, Germanic Tribes, Romans etc too many times to list! And each time it's let to immigrants coming and living in England. Not to mention people coming over for other reasons.


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I can't believe there's even a debate over whether she should be arrested. You can't just sit in a public place abusing people, and you especially can't sit around abusing people and inciting racial hatred. Of course she should be arrested. The courts can decide on the severity of her punishment. Personally, I think she'd be best off doing some community service in the areas full of people from "nig... nig...niggeruania".

Here in the States, what she said was probably worthy of a fine and/or removal from the train... but that's it. We have freedom of speech here, regardless of whether or not it's offensive. Hence the reason why people from here would think that what she didn't isn't really arrest-worthy.

The Man

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Ethnic group
2001 population2001 percentage2009 population2009 percentage
White: British42,747,13686.99%42,893,40082.8%
White: Irish624,1151.27%558,1001.1%
White: Other1,308,1102.66%1,861,8003.6%
Asian or Asian British: Indian1,028,5462.09%1,414,1002.7%
Asian or Asian British: Pakistani706,5391.44%990,7001.9%
Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi275,3940.56%384,3000.7%
Asian or Asian British: Other South Asian237,8100.48%377,7000.7%
Black or Black British: Caribbean561,2461.14%609,4001.2%
Black or Black British: African475,9380.97%787,5001.5%
Black or Black British: Other95,3240.19%124,5000.2%
Chinese or Other: Chinese220,6810.45%439,5000.8%
Chinese or Other: Other214,6190.44%412,1000.8%


Looks like about 2 percent roughly for blacks in 2009..so add a little to that
Other minority groups also appear to have very small percentages.
IMO she boarded a train at the time that had a high number of what she referred to as Non Brits.

She best not come to America to try escape the minorities
We are about 13 percent black here..she would quickly be overwhelmed
I think we are up to about 15 to 20 percent Mexican....often classified as white now ..as Mexican American
A few more races with low percentages to add to the pool as we have several here in the states..to many to name
She best stick with Britain according to above table..as there are "white British" everywhere.

The lady she was arguing with sounded Jamaican to me.....They are no trouble at all..not here anyway they adapt fast/ accept the culture..but the accent remains...Hardly anything to get stirred up about.
If she wants to throw a fit it should be towards the people who reject British culture but move there anyway