What’s with Protestants and Catholics and their hate of knowledge?

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Greatest I am

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What’s with Protestants and Catholics and their hate of knowledge?


In the early years, the Catholics hierarchy was against the reading of scriptures. In that day, to question any dogma was often met with violence. It took Martin Luther to end Catholic monopoly of biblical interpretation yet it can be argued that he did so for political, monetary and not religious reasons. Germany was losing too much wealth to Rome and he used his theses against indulgences to split from the Catholic Church.

Since that day, the Spanish inquisition, and Catholic/Protestant policies have pushes for only the biblical interpretations that have been sanctioned by the various Church hierarchies to be accepted. IOW, they are to control your theosis or apotheosis.
Being a Gnostic Christian, I of course ignore such commands. If you are one of faith then you cannot. You must kowtow to whatever sect you belong to and believe as they believe.

Most Catholics and Protestants I talk to tell me that we are not to judge God. Strange as this condition excludes them of course, as they have judged their God to be good. The rest of us are fine if we agree and since we cannot judge God on our own, we are not allowed to judge anything but good. Judging God as evil is not allowed.

To judge, one needs knowledge first and foremost. Eden shows that God did not want Adam and Eve to have knowledge of good and evil. The early Catholic Church followed suit by burning competing gospels and killing members of other Christian sects that did not convert. Protestant sects and their hierarchies, by insisting that theosis is under their guidance only, also discourage questioning and judging and acquiring knowledge.

“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”
Martin Luther

What do the churches fear with a more intelligent population?

Are they afraid that with knowledge, people will stop believing in talking animals and other fantasies, miracles and magic and realize that their faith has no clothes?


Are so called religious folk following religions and Gods or are they following tradition and culture as this following indicates?


Is that why the various Abrahamic cults are not reconciling their doctrinal differences and not seeking knowledge and unification?

A & E were punished for seeking knowledge and becoming as Gods.

The Church punishes any that seek knowledge that does not match Church dogma. True or not.

Just how stupid does the Church want their adherents? Do they want slaves the same way their God does?

As a believer, just how big of a blinder are you willing to wear to follow your Church and God?

How much B S are you willing to eat from your Church hierarchy to maintain the delusion that you believe in an invisible miracle working absentee super God?

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Institutionalized fear, I'd say...need to stay in control, need to keep things as they are...knowledge disturbs the norm and liberates people. That can be troubling is social control is part of the goal of a group.

Greatest I am

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Institutionalized fear, I'd say...need to stay in control, need to keep things as they are...knowledge disturbs the norm and liberates people. That can be troubling is social control is part of the goal of a group.

Yes. It is all about control and Christians might note how secular governments have maintained control without fear and lies. In fact, non-Christians seem to better with their morals than the believers do.



alice in chains

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i agree it's about control too. have you seen how angry and potentially violent alot of christians' get when you back them into a corner and slap them in the face with something they cannot ignore? it's so typical and expected you already know what they will say in return.

it's as if they're preprogrammed computers...

just if we could find a way to load a virus... :)

Greatest I am

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i agree it's about control too. have you seen how angry and potentially violent alot of christians' get when you back them into a corner and slap them in the face with something they cannot ignore? it's so typical and expected you already know what they will say in return.

it's as if they're preprogrammed computers...

just if we could find a way to load a virus... :)

What is required is something that gets past their la la la la factor.




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As far as the Spanish Inquisition goes there are misconceptions. One article says: "The Spanish Inquisition never persecuted scientists, and relatively few scientific books were placed on the Index. On the other hand, Spain was a state with more political freedom than in other absolute monarchies in the 16th to 18th centuries. The backwardness of Spain in economy and science can hardly be attributed to the Inquisition."

I don't think there is a "hate of knowledge" as much as there is a doubt of what science claims to be true. Questioning something is good. Science, religion, governments, etc... should be questioned. One of the most controlled nations of today is North Korea. Here is what one article says about the country: Multiple international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, accuse North Korea of having one of the worst human rights records of any nation. North Koreans have been referred to as "some of the world's most brutalized people" by Human Rights Watch, due to the severe restrictions placed on their political and economic freedoms."

It is well known how isolated North Koreans are kept from the outside world by their own government. Talk about fear of knowledge. This is an Atheist ran present day government. This didn't happen many years ago.


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Yes. It is all about control and Christians might note how secular governments have maintained control without fear and lies. In fact, non-Christians seem to better with their morals than the believers do.

Democide is defined as "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder." In the 20th century Atheist governments have been responsible for much of the democide.

Murders by Atheists (20 th Century)
Country Dates Murders
Afghanistan 1978-1992 1,750,000
Albania 1944-1985 100,000
Angola 1975-2002 125,000
Bulgaria 1944-1989 222,000
China/PRC 1923-2007 76,702,000
Cuba 1959-1992 73,000
Czechoslovakia 1948-1968 65,000
Ethiopia 1974-1991 1,343,610
Greece 1946-1949 20,000
Hungary 1948-1989 27,000
Kampuchea/Cambodia 1973-1991 2,627,000
Laos 1975-2007 93,000
Mongolia 1926-2007 100,000
Mozambique 1975-1990 118,000
North Korea 1948-2007 3,163,000
Poland 1945-1948 1,607,000
Romania 1948-1987 438,000
Spain (Republic) 1936-1939 102,000
U.S.S.R. 1917-1987 61,911,000
Vietnam 1945-2007 1,670,000
Yugoslavia 1944-1980 1,072,000

This makes censorship of science that happened some centuries ago look like child's play. So much for secularists "morals".


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Democide is defined as "the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder." In the 20th century Atheist governments have been responsible for much of the democide.

Murders by Atheists (20 th Century)
Country Dates Murders
Afghanistan 1978-1992 1,750,000
Albania 1944-1985 100,000
Angola 1975-2002 125,000
Bulgaria 1944-1989 222,000
China/PRC 1923-2007 76,702,000
Cuba 1959-1992 73,000
Czechoslovakia 1948-1968 65,000
Ethiopia 1974-1991 1,343,610
Greece 1946-1949 20,000
Hungary 1948-1989 27,000
Kampuchea/Cambodia 1973-1991 2,627,000
Laos 1975-2007 93,000
Mongolia 1926-2007 100,000
Mozambique 1975-1990 118,000
North Korea 1948-2007 3,163,000
Poland 1945-1948 1,607,000
Romania 1948-1987 438,000
Spain (Republic) 1936-1939 102,000
U.S.S.R. 1917-1987 61,911,000
Vietnam 1945-2007 1,670,000
Yugoslavia 1944-1980 1,072,000

This makes censorship of science that happened some centuries ago look like child's play. So much for secularists "morals".

I never have cared alot for stats like this. It is just like GIA's video that claims since the US is a religious country that has a higher rate of crime, divorce, etc... than a non-religious country this proves Atheists are more moral than religious people. The problem with this kind of "proof" is there is no direct correlation shown between crime, divorce, murder, etc... and whether people are religious or not. Many other factors are involved.

In 2010 Sweden had the highest divorce rate in the world according to some sources. Sweden also has the highest percentage of Atheists in it's population. So this statistic conflicts with GIA's video stats. Also, the claim that Christians are intolerant of science and knowledge that is made is also conflicted by the fact that the US has been a world leader in scientific research. If the US is such a religious nation as the video claims how can Christians be against science and knowledge.


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I never have cared alot for stats like this. It is just like GIA's video that claims since the US is a religious country that has a higher rate of crime, divorce, etc... than a non-religious country this proves Atheists are more moral than religious people. The problem with this kind of "proof" is there is no direct correlation shown between crime, divorce, murder, etc... and whether people are religious or not. Many other factors are involved.

In 2010 Sweden had the highest divorce rate in the world according to some sources. Sweden also has the highest percentage of Atheists in it's population. So this statistic conflicts with GIA's video stats. Also, the claim that Christians are intolerant of science and knowledge that is made is also conflicted by the fact that the US has been a world leader in scientific research. If the US is such a religious nation as the video claims how can Christians be against science and knowledge.

I don't believe these kind of statistics prove anything either. If a country has a higher crime rate it is probably because of many reasons. Not just because someone believes or doesn't believe in god.

Greatest I am

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I don't think there is a "hate of knowledge".

If there is no hate of knowledge, why does Christianity call it a fall the very first time A & E decided to seek it?

It can be argued that the knowledge of good and evil is what leads to almost all other knowledge as most issues have a good or evil content.


Greatest I am

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This makes censorship of science that happened some centuries ago look like child's play. So much for secularists "morals".

Welcome neophyte.

Sure. We can point the finger in both directions for the past.


The present though is what is important.


The moral position in the present for Christianity is immoral.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.


Greatest I am

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Also, the claim that Christians are intolerant of science and knowledge that is made is also conflicted by the fact that the US has been a world leader in scientific research. If the US is such a religious nation as the video claims how can Christians be against science and knowledge.

Do you recall the U S stem cell law against research that had to be repealed?
What did Obama say? A poor religious decision that had to be replaced by a good political one.

Do you recall the I D trial where creationist lied and distorted evidence?



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I'd be much more interested to see statistics on the number of murders and crimes committed in the name of atheism compared to murders and crimes committed in the name of a god character. Certainly it's no stretch to imagine humans are universally capable of murder and other crimes, but the interesting piece of knowledge is whether or not religiosity/lack of religiosity is the catalyst for any more crime than the lack thereof.

Greatest I am

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I don't believe these kind of statistics prove anything either. If a country has a higher crime rate it is probably because of many reasons. Not just because someone believes or doesn't believe in god.

I agree as I believe that the vast majority of believers do not really believe.

The fact that this type of map can even be accurately made tends to help me believe this.
My personal experience adds to this as well.



Greatest I am

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I'd be much more interested to see statistics on the number of murders and crimes committed in the name of atheism compared to murders and crimes committed in the name of a god character. Certainly it's no stretch to imagine humans are universally capable of murder and other crimes, but the interesting piece of knowledge is whether or not religiosity/lack of religiosity is the catalyst for any more crime than the lack thereof.

Hard to say but it would seem to me, that if a believer really believed, then, thou shalt not kill, would lead them. Not the government's ---go and kill.

The fact that believers kill tend to show that they fear government more than God or eternal damnation.

Imagine the killer in front of God saying,------but but but God, they told me to.
I think God would be quick to send any of these to hell.



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I don't believe these kind of statistics prove anything either. If a country has a higher crime rate it is probably because of many reasons. Not just because someone believes or doesn't believe in god.

You are right about that. The information I gave correlates about the same as the information in the video posted by the OP. But there was a study done in Canada that asked theists and atheists which values they consider to be important. The results gave how each person considered the values.

Here are the results of the study:

Moral Values of Theists vs. Atheists

Moral Value

Honesty/ Theists: 94% Atheists:89%
Kindness/ Theists: 88 Atheists:75
Family life/ Theists: 88 Atheists: 65
Being loved Theists: 86 Atheists: 70
Friendship/ Theists: 85 Atheists: 74
Courtesy/ Theists: 81 Atheists:71
Concern for others/Theists: 82 Atheists: 63
Forgiveness/ Theists:84 Atheists: 52
Politeness/ Theists: 77 Atheists: 65
Friendliness/ Theists: 79 Atheists: 66
Patience/ Theists: 72 Atheists:39
Generosity/ Theists: 67 Atheists:37


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You are right about that. The information I gave correlates about the same as the information in the video posted by the OP. But there was a study done in Canada that asked theists and atheists which values they consider to be important. The results gave how each person considered the values.

Here are the results of the study:

Moral Values of Theists vs. Atheists

Moral Value

Honesty/ Theists: 94% Atheists:89%
Kindness/ Theists: 88 Atheists:75
Family life/ Theists: 88 Atheists: 65
Being loved Theists: 86 Atheists: 70
Friendship/ Theists: 85 Atheists: 74
Courtesy/ Theists: 81 Atheists:71
Concern for others/Theists: 82 Atheists: 63
Forgiveness/ Theists:84 Atheists: 52
Politeness/ Theists: 77 Atheists: 65
Friendliness/ Theists: 79 Atheists: 66
Patience/ Theists: 72 Atheists:39
Generosity/ Theists: 67 Atheists:37


Definitely better stats that actually have something to do with the subject. Still don't know if I agree. I think it is something that can't be proven.


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Do you recall the U S stem cell law against research that had to be repealed?
What did Obama say? A poor religious decision that had to be replaced by a good political one.


....and Obama is a Christian which further proves how incorrect your assumptions are. :24: