Weight loss

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well...going back through the thread I can see that so far (thankfully) no one is "thinspired"...cept for the OP.
Good to see common sense prevails.:thumbup
I think anorexia is a psycological/behavorial issue it lies way deeper than the way you look outward. Counseling is in order for these people Im afraid
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I wouldn't say the people in the pics are anorexic, but then again I can't see much because they are covered with clothes (I compare this to pictures of anorexic people which I Googled and found quite disturbing...literally walking skeletons, but weren't like these pictures).
However, being this thin (like in the pictures posted in this thread) I'm afraid is still enough to cause problems with health.
I wouldn't mind knowing what type of method the OPer is using to lose weight exactly, seeing from my own experience, the older you get, it gets harder to lose weight/keep fit.
When I was 15, I came to about 48.5kg after putting on weight after depression (I am only 5 foot however). If I tried to do this today, I probably couldn't do it without starving myself relentlessly or over-exercising.
I don't know how losing weight to 100 pounds is going to be rewarding, trying to put off hunger, and in the end, ending up with a body that is worse off and a body that will hate you for what you did to it. And you will have to work so hard to maintain it, probably constantly thinking about it. Just sayin' :shrug:


Toes in the water...
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well...going back through the thread I can see that so far (thankfully) no one is "thinspired"...cept for the OP.
Good to see common sense prevails.:thumbup

I think anorexia is a psycological/behavorial issue it lies way deeper than the way you look outward. Counseling is in order for these people Im afraid

It's a dismorphic thing.This is what an anorexic (or bulimic) person sees:


No matter how thin they get, they will always see themselves as fat. Another common trait people with eating disorders have is that they DON"T show off their bodies. It's because they feel fat or ugly or what have you. They want to hide from the world.
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It's a dismorphic thing.This is what an anorexic (or bulimic) person sees:

No matter how thin they get, they will always see themselves as fat. Another common trait people with eating disorders have is that they DON"T show off their bodies. It's because they feel fat or ugly or what have you. They want to hide from the world.

It's quite interesting, that whole perception thing...how they can see themselves as 'overweight' when they aren't. I actually participated in a study earlier this year about the effects of mirror-checking on self-esteem etc. They predicted that those participants who talked about their body/body part they hated most after ten minutes, while looking in a mirror, would feel worse about it. Seems likely. When you have something like the media these days and you see all the celebrities and models who are thin, the person gets reinforced, they mirror-check, feel even more crap about themselves, etc, leads to other things if it's really that bad. Could be just one factor that leads to the deeper psychological problems that have been mentioned. I find the media is very powerful, like a sort of conditioning thing, that people see it as an 'authority' as such that they think they have to follow it or aspire to it. Hence why I avoid magazines and television. I don't want to aspire to any of that crap, whether I can control it or not.


Toes in the water...
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It's quite interesting, that whole perception thing...how they can see themselves as 'overweight' when they aren't. I actually participated in a study earlier this year about the effects of mirror-checking on self-esteem etc. They predicted that those participants who talked about their body/body part they hated most after ten minutes, while looking in a mirror, would feel worse about it. Seems likely. When you have something like the media these days and you see all the celebrities and models who are thin, the person gets reinforced, they mirror-check, feel even more crap about themselves, etc, leads to other things if it's really that bad. Could be just one factor that leads to the deeper psychological problems that have been mentioned. I find the media is very powerful, like a sort of conditioning thing, that people see it as an 'authority' as such that they think they have to follow it or aspire to it. Hence why I avoid magazines and television. I don't want to aspire to any of that crap, whether I can control it or not.

And that right there is the entire drive behind eating disorders. It's a need for control.


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we should honestly have a thread like this in the debate section of the ideal "weight",body or something regarding that which would be interesting

for instance most of you guys prolly remember me dangling all those bodybuilding avatars of guys like ronnie, cutler and etc.. kind of same deal i guess as for this thread

def. a psychological factor though


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Everyone aspires to something, people just think it's more obvious to want to be a healthy body shape because that's what's best for you really isn't it.


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I wouldn't say the people in the pics are anorexic
thars basically what the site that was mentioned in the OP is

we should honestly have a thread like this in the debate section of the ideal "weight",body or something regarding that which would be interesting

for instance most of you guys prolly remember me dangling all those bodybuilding avatars of guys like ronnie, cutler and etc.. kind of same deal i guess as for this thread

def. a psychological factor though
we did kinda it turned into an all and out war and had to be locked and moved out of general


Toes in the water...
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I think it all boils down to a personal comfort thing. Some people don't want any flab, some people want rippling muscles, some people want to be a little squishier. There's ways to be all of those things and still be healthy. And the worst part about the media, I think, is that it encourages people to fight their natural body shape. There are a lot of figures out there I'd love to have, but I'm not built that way; it'll never happen.


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I think it all boils down to a personal comfort thing. Some people don't want any flab, some people want rippling muscles, some people want to be a little squishier. There's ways to be all of those things and still be healthy. And the worst part about the media, I think, is that it encourages people to fight their natural body shape. There are a lot of figures out there I'd love to have, but I'm not built that way; it'll never happen.

That seems pretty true.
I love curvy women, they are gorgeous (by curvy I mean a little bit bigger than normal/average body shape). But I can't stand being curvy myself. I just like to be normal/average. The thing that bugs me is when I sit down and those tummy rolls, and my shirt getting tucked in them (well this never happens) but it has before and I try to avoid that lol. Even though I know quite well it's natural, I still worry about it.


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I think your definition of curvy is a little off a woman can be curvy and have a flat somach look at JLo for example shes curvy as hell and has no fat rolls.maybe you should use a different term also normal body shape? whats that thin and toned? thin with no extra body fat?
Im not saying this to call you out but rather to show that perception and definition is all in the eye of the beholder


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I think your definition of curvy is a little off a woman can be curvy and have a flat somach look at JLo for example shes curvy as hell and has no fat rolls.maybe you should use a different term also normal body shape? whats that thin and toned? thin with no extra body fat?
Im not saying this to call you out but rather to show that perception and definition is all in the eye of the beholder

Yeah I know what you mean. I actually use both types of curvy, just depends. I like hour-glass feminine figures and both curvaceous shapely figures. The latter one I would just prefer not to be.

By normal also, I mean like healthy weight range, about 19/20 to 25 BMI. From what I've observed though, most 'curvaceous' women I like are about 25/26. Nothing wrong with that though, I just don't want to be on that borderline.
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Between darkness and wonder
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I think that the 98 pound girl looks best at 103 pounds, but gross when she reaches 98. & no that's not me in my avatar.

My diet plan is that you can eat anything you want for breakfast, and have a good healthy lunch (but not too heavy) and then drink fluids for the rest of the day & exercising 3 times a week. I'm in no way promoting anorexia or bulimia.

I thought that this was going to be a weight loss inspirational threat where everyone posts pictures of their thinspo and writes their current weight and goal weight and updates their daily intake and exercise till they reach their goal weight. I didn't say that anyone has to be as skinny as the girls I posted, they're my thinspo. It seems that this thread has lost its purpose though since all it's getting is criticism..


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I think that the 98 pound girl looks best at 103 pounds, but gross when she reaches 98. & no that's not me in my avatar.

My diet plan is that you can eat anything you want for breakfast, and have a good healthy lunch (but not too heavy) and then drink fluids for the rest of the day & exercising 3 times a week. I'm in no way promoting anorexia or bulimia.

I thought that this was going to be a weight loss inspirational threat where everyone posts pictures of their thinspo and writes their current weight and goal weight and updates their daily intake and exercise till they reach their goal weight. I didn't say that anyone has to be as skinny as the girls I posted, they're my thinspo. It seems that this thread has lost its purpose though since all it's getting is criticism..

Well it's a pretty heated topic you gotta admit lol, especially if you can see why people don't like your idea of 'thinspo'. I know you think it's hot, and that's fine for you, but can you see why we are criticising it lol? It's just unhealthy really.

My idea of 'thinspo' is more like 'normalspo' or 'average-spo' lol :p


La entrepierna de fuego
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I think that the 98 pound girl looks best at 103 pounds, but gross when she reaches 98. & no that's not me in my avatar.

My diet plan is that you can eat anything you want for breakfast, and have a good healthy lunch (but not too heavy) and then drink fluids for the rest of the day & exercising 3 times a week. I'm in no way promoting anorexia or bulimia.

I thought that this was going to be a weight loss inspirational threat where everyone posts pictures of their thinspo and writes their current weight and goal weight and updates their daily intake and exercise till they reach their goal weight. I didn't say that anyone has to be as skinny as the girls I posted, they're my thinspo. It seems that this thread has lost its purpose though since all it's getting is criticism..
I tried to think of a way to say this w/o it coming off as harsh but there's really no way of doing it, so here's my take on it:

The reason you haven't gotten a positive response in this thread from other women being inspired by the pictures is that, quite frankly, it's not exactly normal to be inspired by such images. Sure, for a percentage of the population it IS (I mean, hell, look at any fetish website and you'll be amazed how many people are into however many different things) but most of us have a little healthier preoccupation w/ weight. It's not healthy...and the important thing is to be as healthy as possible, not as SKINNY as possible.

Lady Chaos

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I am NOT inspired by these images - I'm sickened.

I have a close friend that battles anorexia daily and hates the fact that it controlled her and these images are what is known as "triggering" to people that that have dealt and still do deal with eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder.

I am all for people being happy in themselves, but I am very against them making themselves sick to acheive whatever twisted weight goals they have in their mind.

Attempting to become anything close to the girls in those images will put pressure on your body and your internal organs to the point where you will end up in hospital or worse - dead.
Your BMI (body mass index) will sit at around 15/16 which is very underweight - any medically minded person will tell you that at your height, a HEALTHY weight sits at around 125lbs if your height is 5'5" - any lower than that and you will be in the dangerously underweight category.
Once you hit that place your internal organs will stop functioning normally and your teeth will rot (as will, eventually most of your stomach lining).

If you think that is hot - you need help.


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I have a theory that the ankle, calf and thigh should all be different measurements.

Also, there needs to be a difference between the bust, waist and hips numbers.

Finally, I should be able to tell if I'm looking at her front or back if she's naked without seeing her head.

Bonus fun fact- if you can play a tune on her ribs like they were a xylophone... GET A SAMMICH, ASAP!!

Just one male pig's opinion. :D


Or am I?
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Not sexy at all. Who wants to lay up with a toothpic? I recently (3 months ago) had a good friend who's mother died of complications due to anorexia. She was in her mid 50's and weighed around 55 lbs. Sde literally looked like a skeleton with skin. My friend had dealt with it for atleast 8 years. Her mom was always sick or hurting herself in some way because her body was so weak and brittle. It was a sad situation.