It's quite interesting, that whole perception they can see themselves as 'overweight' when they aren't. I actually participated in a study earlier this year about the effects of mirror-checking on self-esteem etc. They predicted that those participants who talked about their body/body part they hated most after ten minutes, while looking in a mirror, would feel worse about it. Seems likely. When you have something like the media these days and you see all the celebrities and models who are thin, the person gets reinforced, they mirror-check, feel even more crap about themselves, etc, leads to other things if it's really that bad. Could be just one factor that leads to the deeper psychological problems that have been mentioned. I find the media is very powerful, like a sort of conditioning thing, that people see it as an 'authority' as such that they think they have to follow it or aspire to it. Hence why I avoid magazines and television. I don't want to aspire to any of that crap, whether I can control it or not.