Was our first God, a Goddess?

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Greatest I am

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Was our first God, a Goddess?

When Eve consumed the fruit of the tree of knowledge, she automatically had the knowledge that --made Her as Gods, knowing good and evil.
A Great thing.
Eve’s thoughts would have turned to Adam.
Should She uphold God’s initial wishes and tell Adam the same thing that God told Her, not to eat, or should She draw Adam to Godly knowledge?
We know what She did. The right thing.
But why did She NOT uphold the ideals of God if She had the same knowledge as God.
It should be a given that She would matched God’s thinking, in this issue and think it a bad idea to have humans be that bright and know good and evil.
The answer is that She was, not so much, more moral than God, but that She was more suited to interpret the knowledge of good and evil for mankind. She was after all, a human.
She was better in this role than God was because She was of the species known as mankind.
She did it out of Love to Her species. Adam was to be the first to enjoy the fruits of Her wise and godly choice. The good sense of that choice is evident to this day. Her pleasure and pain would show profit in so many ways.
By showing Her loyalty to mankind, as She should have, instead of what to her would be an alien God, She launched us into our wondrous history.
We were given the tree of life and God vanished to never more be seen or heard from again.
This means that our first God was a Goddess.
Adam has been peeved ever since. It took him many generations, right on up to today, to recognize that might does not mean right. Some have not quite received that common wisdom as yet.
Adam better be careful, Eve is looking at Her world and is getting peeved Herself because man is so slow to learn this simple lesson.
I have admitted an apotheosis and did not recognize till recently that the Godhead that I found was born of a Female. This may be because I am a male but I think that it may have other reasons having to do with rights of passage.

I think Women should move from the back of the Church, where they was told to sit down and shut up, to the front of the Church, where they belong.
The world needs for all women to step up, now that they have the systems in place to protect them from the assaults of men who would control by more brutish methods.
Eve instinctively knew the right decision to make for mankind by knowing that mankind should be lead by a human and not by an alien God.
I see more of her sister stepping up and hope that more will step up soon because the world seems to be in need of guidance.
Man’s character and nature was perhaps necessary in the past, because of condition, where more brawn than brain were required to lead, but I think that those days are gone, and that mankind should be bright enough to recognize that without female leadership now, we may regress back to a rather unpleasant condition.
I believe that Eve and Her action in the beginning showed God the rightness of humans leading humans and that that is why we have dominion over all that we know and that is why He has never returned to fix what is not broken.
Man has not been able to elect himself a new God as revelation promises and I believe it is because women have the necessary character to lead us as Eve showed in Genesis.
I encourage all women to step up once more and take your rightful place as the leaders of mankind. Our oldest relics are of a mother goddess, not of a father God.
Ladies, the world depends on you because as you can see, men have reached their level of incompetence in dealing with our modern problems. It is to you that the burden MUST fall, to insure that your children and grandchildren have a decent world to live in. Your men are failing you.
I beg you to remember your true place of leadership and rise to the occasion.


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Was our first God, a Goddess?

When Eve consumed the fruit of the tree of knowledge, she automatically had the knowledge that --made Her as Gods, knowing good and evil.



It's a story that never took place.
Thats my thoughts. Its really pointless to over analyze a story (Book) with so many flaws and contradictions


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yes women, remember your true place and step up to that sink and do them dishes:D

i`m sooooooo kidding....lol


In Memoriam - RIP
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Dude you can't clump the Christian God with every culture they weren't the same.

Greatest I am

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Dude you can't clump the Christian God with every culture they weren't the same.

They may well be.

There is nothing much in Christianity that they did not pick up from the other religions of that day. They just consolidated a bunch of myths and legends and rituals.



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Minor Axis

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My impression is that the first religions believed in the "mother" not the "father" this could be expected as it is the mothers who give birth. We all know (I think) when Jesus came along that all changed and the church became to reflect society- men in charge with women as second class citizens.

Of all the stories in the Bible, Adam and Eve is one of the most disturbing and most discredits the concept of the Christian God and his standards because:

1. It was all Eve's fault. (And consider Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs.) Male dominated society, think about it.
2. Does God only want children who function like robots with "good" programming or want real intelligent people who must weight their moral choices in life? How could we advance as sentient beings without being tempted, failing, evaluating why we made a bad choice, and then improving ourselves? To truly succeed, you must be allowed to fail.
3. More on morality: What is moral? Are you moral because if you are not good, you'll be punished? Or do you do the right thing because inside you want to do the right thing? This is what a God should be promoting, but he and the human race will never get there if we are only responding to the prospect of burning in Hell. Although you are influenced by the actions of others, identifying the right choice comes from within, not from being coerced.

4. The most damning Godly attribute- he expects unconditional obedience and is cruel: not only did he punish Adam and Eve, he extended that punishment to all of their children, in essence all of mankind. Anyone here think that is a reasonable standard? I honestly don't know how devote Christians can reconcile this story with any reasonable moral standard. If any biblical story puts the truth of the Bible in question, this is it.

Greatest I am

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My impression is that the first religions believed in the "mother" not the "father" this could be expected as it is the mothers who give birth. We all know (I think) when Jesus came along that all changed and the church became to reflect society- men in charge with women as second class citizens.

Of all the stories in the Bible, Adam and Eve is one of the most disturbing and most discredits the concept of the Christian God and his standards because:

1. It was all Eve's fault. (And consider Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs.) Male dominated society, think about it.
2. Does God only want children who function like robots with "good" programming or want real intelligent people who must weight their moral choices in life? How could we advance as sentient beings without being tempted, failing, evaluating why we made a bad choice, and then improving ourselves? To truly succeed, you must be allowed to fail.
3. More on morality: What is moral? Are you moral because if you are not good, you'll be punished? Or do you do the right thing because inside you want to do the right thing? This is what a God should be promoting, but he and the human race will never get there if we are only responding to the prospect of burning in Hell. Although you are influenced by the actions of others, identifying the right choice comes from within, not from being coerced.

4. The most damning Godly attribute- he expects unconditional obedience and is cruel: not only did he punish Adam and Eve, he extended that punishment to all of their children, in essence all of mankind. Anyone here think that is a reasonable standard? I honestly don't know how devote Christians can reconcile this story with any reasonable moral standard. If any biblical story puts the truth of the Bible in question, this is it.

Well put and I agree.
If man does not reach for moral sense the way Eve did then we lose all that makes us above the beasts of the field.

If Adam gave birth to Eve then Adam would look like this.


V.I.P User
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How do we know there was ever a God or Goddess? I didn't read thru the whole post so if somebody already asked this my apologies.

Minor Axis

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How do we know there was ever a God or Goddess? I didn't read thru the whole post so if somebody already asked this my apologies.

The OP's intent is mostly to pick apart scripture which I don't consider bad if the intent is widen perspectives. Instead of just going with what "they" tell you , an analytical eye should be focused on ancient scripts.


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I mean no offense by what I am about to say but why are their threads about what people believe? If they believe in God or multiple Gods just let them believe what they would like to. Again. No offense is intended to anyone on this forum or anyone else. :D


In Memoriam - RIP
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I mean no offense by what I am about to say but why are their threads about what people believe? If they believe in God or multiple Gods just let them believe what they would like to. Again. No offense is intended to anyone on this forum or anyone else. :D
it's all about trying to get someones goat...

Minor Axis

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SO minor what is ur answer to my question?

God, Goddess, none of the above, at least none that we really understand. So who knows? We don't know squat. :) If there is a Christian/Muslim God, I have no idea why it would need a gender, but who is to say? Pagans believed in the "Mother", maybe not a human mother, but a mother who gave birth to our existence. "Birth" is more of a female quality than a male quality and lets face it, mothers as a rule are thought of as having more loving qualities than fathers. Better a Goddess than a God imo. ;)

Mankind has been trying to make sense of his/her existence from the beginning. We've heard all the popular theories that theologians tend to describe as fact. They provide an easy to understand scenario which results in you living happily ever after or burning in hell for eternity. Two extremes, no in between. The number one indictment against the believability of a Christian God (of which I'm familiar) and reinforces the idea of it's creation by humans, is supposedly God's use of punishment to enforce moral behavior. To me this is suspect.

If God is so unimaginably smart, I would think it would encourage the development of morality itself (not just moral behavior). Among humans, moral behavior can't even be consistently achieved by the threat of harsh punishment, but even if it could, it does not make "moral" people, only people who can follow rules. Morality is a personal standard that comes from within, the basis of which is not punishment. You can see the difference?

If "God" exists as described in the Bible, it has been curiously silent allowing humans to create the stories, and the structure, and even the rules to get into heaven. Such a silent divine entity might cause one to assume there are no divine rules for us other than to experience life, to learn something from it, and improve ourselves. That is just a guess, a wish, a hope. But if you go with the possibility, the question becomes, why learn if you are not going to carry it forward with you to the next life? :D

BTW, I'd like to clarify, if it sounds like I'm proposing there is no God, I'm only questioning the nature of God. We don't know what or who God is.- divine entity, cosmic process; intelligent? maybe; focused on us? maybe, maybe not. We can only guess. Within the limits of human thought, we can only imagine a divine father/mother, of whom we were made in his image. Is that a symptom of our self imagined importance? But basically the traditional view is something we can understand. I propose whatever the entity/process we call God, maybe beyond human understanding. Making up something that is easy to understand does not make it true.
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