Greatest I am
Active Member
Was Noah insane or a traitor for finishing the Ark?
I have tried to imagine myself as Noah.
The way society works today is that the vast majority decide who within its ranks will live or die.
In the days of Noah, the opposite was given unto Noah.
He, in effect, was given power that would destroy all but himself and 7 others.
He decided to use it by finishing the Ark.
Try along with me here to think like Noah.
Pretend that the miracle working super God of scripture just proved himself real to you. and He is right there in your reality, and whatever you believed before has been overshadowed by the reality of God‘s REAL reality.
Now try to believe that the letter Y on the keyboard is the button of destruction.
Would you push that button at the command of an alien, God of love, who is telling you to do a think of great Evil?
A sin of the Highest Order.
PUSH the Y. Push it now!!! Push!!!!
I think one would be insane to push the Y.
Scripture shows Noah as, arguably, a traitor to his race and species.
Jesus as well.
It also makes God look rather incompetent as a farmer of souls. Only 8 out of millions planted.
Unless the prize was worth it.
What could that prize be?
Do ye not know that ye are Gods?
Is that the prize fellow Gods.
Would you do what Noah did?
I have tried to imagine myself as Noah.
The way society works today is that the vast majority decide who within its ranks will live or die.
In the days of Noah, the opposite was given unto Noah.
He, in effect, was given power that would destroy all but himself and 7 others.
He decided to use it by finishing the Ark.
Try along with me here to think like Noah.
Pretend that the miracle working super God of scripture just proved himself real to you. and He is right there in your reality, and whatever you believed before has been overshadowed by the reality of God‘s REAL reality.
Now try to believe that the letter Y on the keyboard is the button of destruction.
Would you push that button at the command of an alien, God of love, who is telling you to do a think of great Evil?
A sin of the Highest Order.
PUSH the Y. Push it now!!! Push!!!!
I think one would be insane to push the Y.
Scripture shows Noah as, arguably, a traitor to his race and species.
Jesus as well.
It also makes God look rather incompetent as a farmer of souls. Only 8 out of millions planted.
Unless the prize was worth it.
What could that prize be?
Do ye not know that ye are Gods?
Is that the prize fellow Gods.
Would you do what Noah did?