Was my friend a Racist?

Is my friend a Racist?

  • Yes he is a racist

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • No he isn't a racist

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • He is just angry at society

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • He is a hardcore Racist

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • His Beliefs are dominated by the Media and Peoples Local Opinions

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • There are other reasons for his Hate and Anger

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters

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lol yeah :) It's all good. I think I think too much :eek


LOL...Reminds me of Descartes "I think. Therefore I am."
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Diggin Deep

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Uly - I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dog and the loss of your friend. I agree with posts before mine. The gentleman you referred to was either raised that way, has had some really bad experiences with people of different races, or really enjoys stirring the pot. Either way, he sounds pretty hardcore about his beliefs.

As far as the Christian thing...I think it is people who act this way, in the name of any god, who give religion a bad name. I am sorry that you have had to experience the negative side of our culture. However, I don't think it is limited to the United States. You'll find people with these types of views anywhere you go, not just in American culture. Just know that we aren't all like that. While there are blacks, whites, people of different countries, religions, and beliefs who are prejudice against another; I tend to hope and believe that the majority of the world view the world in a much more equal and positive manner. Unfortunately, prejudice will always be a part of society and culture, but I think the world has made tremendous leaps and bounds in terms of forgiving and forgetting.

On a happier note...Welcome to OTz and I hope you enjoy your stay!


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Uly - I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dog and the loss of your friend.
Diggin Deep- Thanks for your kind words...That means a lot :) I miss him heaps and life just isn't the same anymore. Chief brought big laughs and happiness to me everyday which isn't there anymore:(

The gentleman you referred to was either raised that way, has had some really bad experiences with people of different races, or really enjoys stirring the pot. Either way, he sounds pretty hardcore about his beliefs.
I agree with your comments. I think if he was stirring pot he would have contacted me by now, retracted his comments with the intention of bringing them up again later. I have heard nothing from him so I'd say he really believes in what he believes. I am pretty confidant that it is 0ne or more of his army buddies that is fueling his beliefs. The majority of the hate mail he sent seems to be forwarded from one of his army buddies.

As far as the Christian thing...I think it is people who act this way, in the name of any god, who give religion a bad name.
I agree with that. I am confident if My Friend was questioned by a religious Scholar he would only know the basics of his religion. I think he is trying to justify he beliefs through his religion.

I am sorry that you have had to experience the negative side of our culture. However, I don't think it is limited to the United States. You'll find people with these types of views anywhere you go, not just in American culture. Just know that we aren't all like that. While there are blacks, whites, people of different countries, religions, and beliefs who are prejudice against another; I tend to hope and believe that the majority of the world view the world in a much more equal and positive manner.
Looking back at this negative experience...I have a lot of Positive's. I have learnt a great deal about the human condition and some individuals beliefs. I have learnt a ton of info on the still on going race issues that I didn't know was still going on...and I have met some great people at Offtopics :) So it's not all bad.

I'm not going to say all Americans are like that...otherwise I would be just as bad as my friend. I agree that prejudice is in every culture.I have noticed it is raising it's ugly head again in Australia too over the last few years.

Unfortunately, prejudice will always be a part of society and culture, but I think the world has made tremendous leaps and bounds in terms of forgiving and forgetting.
I have to admit that I have been losing faith in Humanity lately, But I have seen some wonderful young Aussies lately that have given me hope again with their Intelligence, compassion and tolerance. There seems to be some wonderful young people under 20 years old that are going to be a wonderful example to society. I am sure this is the case in America as well.One thing that Horrifies me is the outbreak of Cyberbulling and teenagers committing Suicide because of this Bulling.

On a happier note...Welcome to OTz and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Thanks for the welcome and I am enjoying my stay :)

Thanks Diggin Deep for your excellent Post :thumbup


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Thanks Paisley for your well thought out Post and swearing makes your post sound just that more correct :rolleyes:

I'll give it too you guys that my Title for this topic wasn't the best and was written in haste.

My Main idea was to understand His reasoning behind his Hate and Anger. I don't think it is always 1 obvious answer why people behave like they do. That has been Illustrated in the poll and by some of the well thought out posts here. Thank you to the people who posted constructively.

Peter Parka...Interesting clip mate. I've never seen that one before.

skyblue....It shows that it's a human issue and not restricted to just the Whites being labeled as Racists.
