Hi Guys...I'm new to Offtopicz. Hopefully this is the right forum to post this topic in.
I'm trying to understand a former friends reasoning and Attitude to People. I'm leaning towards he core beliefs are racist and based in Hate, but could I be wrong?
I met this guy on a Forum for German Shepherd dogs that have Degenerative Myelopepathy. Both our Dogs passed away from this disease so we both had something in common. He seemed like a great guy...loved dogs and animals, loved his wife, son and friends.He comes from Ohio, America. He seemed caring and concerned about many issues. Over time he seemed to say things that caught me off guard.
He casually mentioned That he hated "Blacks". When I questioned him and told him that some of my Friends are Australian Aboriginal he said I mean "African American Blacks". He tried to justify it by saying the African American have a chip on their shoulders because their great, great, grandfather was a slave and they can't get over it, and the African American blacks are yelling racist comments to whites all the time and that seems to be ok.
He also made comments that Australia should get rid of all the immigrants and that they are ruining Australia as they are in America.
He also hates Muslims and considers all Muslims Terrorists. I have had many friends that are Muslims and I know that comment by him isn't true.
He said he was a proud American. He owned between 7-10 guns. He was a former Army soldier in Korea and Apparently a Christian.
He also seemed to hate Women's Sports calling them "Mentally Challenged"
He constantly sent me hate emails aimed at the groups I mentioned above.Out of 10 emails 7 would be hate emails aimed at various groups and the rest would be nice emails about Dogs / Animals, nature or Funny emails.
Most of his emails were extremely Negative and are worse than what I have written here. He mentioned That when he was in the army he got along with African Americans and some were good friends of his. Then he said he trusted "ONE" once and paid the price for trusting him.
So was this event for him the start of his mistrust of African Americans that slowly over the years became a racist view point? Or was I dealing with a guy with a racist point of view from Childhood or even a guy that was a hardcore Racist?
I am not used to these types of racist/ hate view points and the Amount of Negativity so last week I ended the friendship. I just couldn't take the Negativity any longer. Most of hate he said came as a big shock to me. I thought these Hate view points were dying out but they seem to be very much live and well.
So have I overreacted by ending the friendship due to his beliefs? Is this way of thinking due to the area he was brought up in / family / friends or has he just taking on the general view point of the Country or Media? Or was he a Hardcore Racist or Hater?
Would he fit the profile of a Hardcore Racist?
I am truly trying to understand him at a core level...As he has some truly admirable qualities when it comes to Dogs,Animals and Nature and it's a shame he is filled with so much hate.
I look forward to your comments...
I'm trying to understand a former friends reasoning and Attitude to People. I'm leaning towards he core beliefs are racist and based in Hate, but could I be wrong?
I met this guy on a Forum for German Shepherd dogs that have Degenerative Myelopepathy. Both our Dogs passed away from this disease so we both had something in common. He seemed like a great guy...loved dogs and animals, loved his wife, son and friends.He comes from Ohio, America. He seemed caring and concerned about many issues. Over time he seemed to say things that caught me off guard.
He casually mentioned That he hated "Blacks". When I questioned him and told him that some of my Friends are Australian Aboriginal he said I mean "African American Blacks". He tried to justify it by saying the African American have a chip on their shoulders because their great, great, grandfather was a slave and they can't get over it, and the African American blacks are yelling racist comments to whites all the time and that seems to be ok.
He also made comments that Australia should get rid of all the immigrants and that they are ruining Australia as they are in America.
He also hates Muslims and considers all Muslims Terrorists. I have had many friends that are Muslims and I know that comment by him isn't true.
He said he was a proud American. He owned between 7-10 guns. He was a former Army soldier in Korea and Apparently a Christian.
He also seemed to hate Women's Sports calling them "Mentally Challenged"
He constantly sent me hate emails aimed at the groups I mentioned above.Out of 10 emails 7 would be hate emails aimed at various groups and the rest would be nice emails about Dogs / Animals, nature or Funny emails.
Most of his emails were extremely Negative and are worse than what I have written here. He mentioned That when he was in the army he got along with African Americans and some were good friends of his. Then he said he trusted "ONE" once and paid the price for trusting him.
So was this event for him the start of his mistrust of African Americans that slowly over the years became a racist view point? Or was I dealing with a guy with a racist point of view from Childhood or even a guy that was a hardcore Racist?
I am not used to these types of racist/ hate view points and the Amount of Negativity so last week I ended the friendship. I just couldn't take the Negativity any longer. Most of hate he said came as a big shock to me. I thought these Hate view points were dying out but they seem to be very much live and well.
So have I overreacted by ending the friendship due to his beliefs? Is this way of thinking due to the area he was brought up in / family / friends or has he just taking on the general view point of the Country or Media? Or was he a Hardcore Racist or Hater?
Would he fit the profile of a Hardcore Racist?
I am truly trying to understand him at a core level...As he has some truly admirable qualities when it comes to Dogs,Animals and Nature and it's a shame he is filled with so much hate.
I look forward to your comments...