Walking dead season 2 omgomgomg

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Minor Axis

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you've got the net right? AMC.com will have the ep up today!

I went looking there and did not see episodes. I need to look again. Anyway, I finally caught the last episode on Friday night on the TV. One thing bothered me. If you recall recently, Lori was hanging on Rick, warning him about Shane, telling him "Shane is dangerous", all most as if she was asking him to do something, as in "take care of" Shane. Then in the last episode, when he tells her that Shane tried to kill him, but he killed Shane, and then Carl put him down, she acts all sick and revolted, pushing him away like he was a bad person. WTF?! Is this why there is Lori hate around? Can't we blame it on her hormones, lol? wink.gif

If you saw the show you saw the prison in the distance. I know in the comic something very shocking happens in the prison. But the way events have unfolded in the TV show, for those of you who are familiar, I don't really seeing that happen in the show, but ya never know... biggrin.gif Please cover spoiler responses!

Honey Bunny

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yea, i don't know MUCH about the comic but I do know that with Dale gone there won't be any creepy Andrea, Dale, Amy 3 way, i think that would just tarnish my perception of Dale. but tbh thats about all i know of the comic prison arc.

um, i think the Lori hate is because of the way she manipulates rick and, ya know. NEVER KNOWS WHERE HER KID IS! two or so episodes before the finale she was practically BEGGING Rick to kill Shane, now she's ticked off that he did? she's not of any use 99% of the time, the only walkers she's killed has been, well very few and only when no one else was around to do it. she's useless and a mental and physical burden on Rick. I don't think we are meant to like her though. *shrug*

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Yes, I found a new blog :p

Funny. :)

yea, i don't know MUCH about the comic but I do know that with Dale gone there won't be any creepy Andrea, Dale, Amy 3 way, i think that would just tarnish my perception of Dale. but tbh thats about all i know of the comic prison arc.

um, i think the Lori hate is because of the way she manipulates rick and, ya know. NEVER KNOWS WHERE HER KID IS! two or so episodes before the finale she was practically BEGGING Rick to kill Shane, now she's ticked off that he did? she's not of any use 99% of the time, the only walkers she's killed has been, well very few and only when no one else was around to do it. she's useless and a mental and physical burden on Rick. I don't think we are meant to like her though. *shrug*

With Lori, I think the writers are messing with us. This kind of erratic behavior did not happen in the comic. And in the comic, Dale and Andrea where a full fledged between the sheets couple. In the comic, he made it well into their prison days which begins next season. So it makes me wonder why these choices have been made, turning them into a platonic couple of sorts, and including killing Sophia who also made it to the prison time frame. Maybe it's just artistic license and a different story timing, which I don't have a problem with. Additionally in the comic, there was never the doubt about the mental stability of Andrea and she walked into the group, gun savvy.

The arrival of Michone, the katana wielding zombie slayer along with the hints of the Governor (the roving armed and dangerous group they fought a couple of episodes ago) shows great promise. :D

zombie Robin Williams, right?


Lori may edge out Andrea for looks, but Andrea seems to be a better asset in a survival situation. I've yet see Lori woman-handle a zombie like this. :D
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Honey Bunny

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Minor, your entire paragraph is one big spoiler, how is that fair for any of us?

it's not really spoilers since they don't follow the comic story lines, if they did shane would have been offed in ep 2 and Ricks personality wouldnt be split into psycho shane. i mean you're going to get a general idea of what COULD happen but no idea as to what really will happen. I spent a good deal of time reading up on the comics wiki and the plotlines are so far from eachother its basically in a different universe from the television series.

acctnt shan

Active Member
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Could you guys maybe start a different thread for the comic book discussions? I know the show doesn't follow it exactly, but I really try to separate the two and I don't like hearing any potential sneak peeks into what's going to happen.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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it's not really spoilers since they don't follow the comic story lines, if they did shane would have been offed in ep 2 and Ricks personality wouldnt be split into psycho shane. i mean you're going to get a general idea of what COULD happen but no idea as to what really will happen. I spent a good deal of time reading up on the comics wiki and the plotlines are so far from eachother its basically in a different universe from the television series.
I agree. The general frame work is the same. We have the premise, the same characters more or less and a move from Atlanta, to the Farm, to the Prison* and a conflict with another group.
*Which is not a spoiler if you saw the last episode of the season.

Minor, your entire paragraph is one big spoiler, how is that fair for any of us?
My apologizes, if you plan on reading the comic. I've been less protective about things in the comic that have no chance of now happening in the show. The things that could still happen, I have either not talked about or used spoilers quotes. From now on I will use the spoiler quotes on both tv and comic spoilers.

Could you guys maybe start a different thread for the comic book discussions? I know the show doesn't follow it exactly, but I really try to separate the two and I don't like hearing any potential sneak peeks into what's going to happen.

If people use spoiler quotes for both the show and the comic, we should be covered, hopefully.
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