USA and Britains "Special" Relationship

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Peter Parka

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Uhh...Im pretty sure if I dislike 50% of black people(a fair comparison to your "in general"), Id STILL be considered a racist, I COULD BE WRONG THOUGH! maybe you should go back to school, and ask teachers to break down the word "racism".

I wouldnt consider you a racist for that if you had proof, to be honest it would sound rather favorable to Black people to me seeing I consider more than 50 % of the population are probably arseholes anyway (I know thats unfair, I've met a lot less than than that of the population but the people I have met I generally have found that so an unjudgemental first hand experience there.

As for voters, no, they all dont vote one party. HOWEVER, do you not think some democrats might not want a black president? You cant take it party specific, you have to use the whole sample size.

Anyone who dosent want a president based on the colour of his or her skin, I consider a racist and I find very sad!

The thing that is probably making you trip up is its not a social norm to be called a racist for your ideals, yet they are infact racist. The fact that you sum up Americans and apply a label to a chunk of them is infact racist. Sorry~

So be it but thats the story, if you want to bury your head in the sand about what is really going on, whether you like it or not, I feel sorry for you.
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I wouldnt consider you a racist for that if you had proof, to be honest it would sound rather favorable to Black people to me seeing I consider more than 50 % of the population are probably arseholes anyway (I know thats unfair, I've met a lot less than than that of the population but the people I have met I generally have found that so an unjudgemental first hand experience there.

Anyone who dosent want a president based on the colour of his or her skin, I consider a racist and I find very sad!

So be it but thats the story, if you want to bury your head in the sand about what is really going on, whether you like it or not, I feel sorry for you.
Ive admitted there are racist people, and there are people who dont want a black president. I live like 45 minutes from the former Confederate capital, I have seen my fair share of racists. I can assure you that your head is far deeper in the sand than mine juding by the sht you have said about America.

You also just proved your racism by assuming ****HALF**** of America are assholes. Also, since when am I racist? I dont really have a problem with anyone unless theyve doe something to earn it. You also said it would be favorable t have black president, I think the color of the skin of the president shouldt matter, only his policy. If anyone has a problem with a black president, move to some place else.

Im done arguing with you, you can try to prove to yourself you arent a racist, but when you sum up, generalize, and create stereotypes, you are infact a racist.

Peter Parka

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Ive admitted there are racist people, and there are people who dont want a black president. I live like 45 minutes from the former Confederate capital, I have seen my fair share of racists. I can assure you that your head is far deeper in the sand than mine juding by the sht you have said about America.

You also just proved your racism by assuming ****HALF**** of America are assholes. Also, since when am I racist? I dont really have a problem with anyone unless theyve doe something to earn it. You also said it would be favorable t have black president, I think the color of the skin of the president shouldt matter, only his policy. If anyone has a problem with a black president, move to some place else.

Im done arguing with you, you can try to prove to yourself you arent a racist, but when you sum up, generalize, and create stereotypes, you are infact a racist.

What bullshit and make belief you do spout!

Ive admitted there are racist people, and there are people who dont want a black president. I live like 45 minutes from the former Confederate capital, I have seen my fair share of racists. I can assure you that your head is far deeper in the sand than mine juding by the sht you have said about America.

I dont disagree with that except you havent quoted anything by me to say my head is deeper in the sand than yours in any way. You're talking bullshit about me with absolutely no evidence, why should I even bother with this extremely low level of debate, I've seen 10 years olds debate better than that, really let yourself down there!

You also just proved your racism by assuming ****HALF**** of America are assholes.

I also said that over half my own country people are arseholes too. Am I being racist about my own country too now here? LMFAO!

Also, since when am I racist? I dont really have a problem with anyone unless theyve doe something to earn it.

Please quote where I accused you of being a racist or stop making such stupid, groundless accusations!

You also said it would be favorable t have black president, I think the color of the skin of the president shouldt matter, only his policy. If anyone has a problem with a black president, move to some place else

No, as you managed to leave out any evidence whatsoever once again, I'll tell you what I said. I talked about Obama being what your country needs, never once in that statement mentioned the colour of his skin. Cant help thinking though that because you jumped all over the fact he's black without that even being mentioned you could possibly have a few race issues though, hmmmm...


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I'm sorry Peter, but Hans is right; that is how your posts come out sounding when you talk about America and Americans. Your remarks do come across sounding very racist much of the time. If you are truly not meaning them to come across that way then maybe you could work on being more tactful in how you try and get your points across.

I hope you know that I mean this as constructive criticism and not to be offensive to you.


Peter Parka

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Well if you'd like to back that up by pointing out where I've tarred ALL Americans with the same brush and judged them purely on the country they are from, I'd be only to happy to apologise but I haven't and you are merely jumping to conclusions with no evidence to back it up with.


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You don't have to paint ALL Americans with a wide brush to come across sounding racist Peter. Understand I am not attacking you friend, just offering some constructive criticism. I am not looking for any type of apology. I am not upset with you.

Peter Parka

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Well to be honest I dont really care about someone who wants to idiotically play the racism card at any opportunity. I'm not racist and people who know me know I'm not. I think this guy just is launching a personal attack because he cant debate sensebly with me. He also has to resort to blatant lies which he cant back up whatsoever to do this, I have no time or respect for liars and neither should you.


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What do you all think about it? Personally I think it's a myth and a pile of crap. USA dosen't give a shit about Britain other than as a useful ally with bases and intelligence near the middle East. Our government just sucks up to the USA because the're a huge world power in the Western world and is more interested in pleasing them than our own people. Thoughts?

Many governments appease the United States, because of our status; for example, I read recently that our government is considering "unblacklisting" a country for harboring terrorists if they do such and such.

Fear drives cooperation, whether immediate danger to citizens, through trade restrictions, or other type of consideration that may produce an unfavorable outcome.

I certainly do not agree with this practice, but such is politics; give and take, compromise, and threaten are the tools of the trade.

Of course, there is an interesting relationship; the United States formed from a lot of Great Britain's excursions. We took it for ourselves, but still remained friendly even after the bloodshed.

If you boys and girls get into some real deep shit, I doubt our boys and girls will hesitate to help and dig you out, then kick some ass.

I think that the relationship between Great Britain and the United States is mutually beneficial; I do not like the level of take the United States employs, and would like to see a more balanced relationship.


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Well to be honest I dont really care about someone who wants to idiotically play the racism card at any opportunity. I'm not racist and people who know me know I'm not. I think this guy just is launching a personal attack because he cant debate sensebly with me. He also has to resort to blatant lies which he cant back up whatsoever to do this, I have no time or respect for liars and neither should you.
Debate sensibly?
Blatant lies?

Where have I lied? Where have I not debated sensibly? Im pretty sure if this was a rated debate, you would have lost. The fact of the matter is what you are saying IS racist. You might not think so, but you are. Also, how can a crazy person know he/she is crazy? In your case its the same thing with racism against Americans. You just blindly condemn everyone here as if we are all the same, as if we all had the same feelings and ideals, as if we are all terrible people. I pitty you if you think so poorly of an entire nation, I really do.

Going back to your previous posts to clarify myself, although it already seems pretty clear...

I also said that over half my own country people are arseholes too. Am I being racist about my own country too now here? LMFAO!
No, you are being ignorant and pulling out bullshit statistics out of your ass.

Please quote where I accused you of being a racist or stop making such stupid, groundless accusations!
Refer to my post with about 5 quotes. I know it might be hard to figure out, but you may want to re-read what "racism" means again.


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I thought Peta was just saying that he doesn't like the stereotypical religious nut job (whatever he said) Americans. Am I wrong Pete?


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Pete, you go through these accusations every couple of months. Don't you think it is at least possible that you are presenting yourself in a manner that is commonly mis-understood?

It never matters what we "actually say," it only matters what those around us hear.

As to the original question: I feel closer to the people of Britain than any other nation out there. The U.S.was born British, we speak the same language, we share a common foundation of values, etc.... Little Brittan is bad ass militarily, and the world owes much to her influence. I respect your history very much. It stands to reason that the old empire would still share a close connection. Canada, Australia, India, etc...(it's a long list).

Does it bother you in some way?


The cake is a metaphor
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Pete, you go through these accusations every couple of months. Don't you think it is at least possible that you are presenting yourself in a manner that is commonly mis-understood?

It never matters what we "actually say," it only matters what those around us hear.

As to the original question: I feel closer to the people of Britain than any other nation out there. The U.S.was born British, we speak the same language, we share a common foundation of values, etc.... Little Brittan is bad ass militarily, and the world owes much to her influence. I respect your history very much. It stands to reason that the old empire would still share a close connection. Canada, Australia, India, etc...(it's a long list).

Does it bother you in some way?

Good post :)

We probably do have some sort of "special" relationship based on the above, I mean I know we had a small war between us at one point but forgive and forget 'ey?

I think the problem sometimes lies with the called perception of American Imperialism, and I am acutely aware that we, the British, have no right to complain about imperialism :24:

But in today's global media spotlight, imperialism can spread without actually any sort of invasion, and even though I find it terribley annoying when I spot American spellings in British media, it's a small gripe of mine, and hardly a reason to hold a grudge against America for.

If I were, however, to say I do dislike America on the following basises: Cavalier attitude to war and life.
Does that mean anything? Since Britain is the same and I'm not to fond of her either a lot of the time.


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Its what Americans are exposed to, expected of, and see everyday.

Americans are taught all threw life if you work hard, youll be rewarded. "Cavaliering" as you put it, is just the means to put your ass on the line and work hard to be the best. We idolize are tv, movie, and music stars for being the best. Personally though, I think its a great philosophy. If you want something, take it. If you are happy with something, leave it.


The cake is a metaphor
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Its what Americans are exposed to, expected of, and see everyday.

Americans are taught all threw life if you work hard, youll be rewarded. "Cavaliering" as you put it, is just the means to put your ass on the line and work hard to be the best. We idolize are tv, movie, and music stars for being the best. Personally though, I think its a great philosophy. If you want something, take it. If you are happy with something, leave it.

No you completely misinterpreted what I was saying.

I didn't mean an attitude towards quality of life, I meant something else that would just start a war debate and there are enough of them lol