USA and Britains "Special" Relationship

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Peter Parka

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What do you all think about it? Personally I think it's a myth and a pile of crap. USA dosen't give a shit about Britain other than as a useful ally with bases and intelligence near the middle East. Our government just sucks up to the USA because the're a huge world power in the Western world and is more interested in pleasing them than our own people. Thoughts?
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Everyone is more interested in pleasing the US than their own people. England is truly not an exception in the least. Borders are changing - I believe that they will soon be outdated , but that Entity that is the US will long into the future chart the course the rest of the world will follow . I don't know if this is good or bad but it is what it is. On paper the USA is in fact the worlds greatest nation , its just too bad that as with most things getting it right in practice is so damn hard. Anyway back to the original thought , the US and England / UK will live together happily ever after.


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A myth? Considering they share a similar government, trade, and culture, they do share a special relationship. Is it some almighty poewrful relationship? Absolutely not, we are much more similiar to Canada than England.

And yes, the USA is by far the most powerful nation in the world. Some people might frown on it, but its the truth. Is it a good thing that the world pretty much needs one nation to keep up a lot of its stability? I dont think so, but other large nations that could potentially fail are just as big of risk.

If you know anything about China, their economy has been on a constant rise with their "communist" government, even though it is more capatalist than communist government. However, an issue with this is that most Chinese economists believe that china will have a very large downward spiral in their economy eventually. Something like that could very well shake trade/greatly wound the standad of living in the world.

Peter Parka

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i would say, culturaly, we are much closer to Canada than the USA, this forum has shown me for instance how scarily far away from the USA, Britain actually is. I find your country a scary place which I wold be more worried about my safety in than some Muslim countries which I have visited. I think Obama getting in as president would be the only realistic step in the right direction as far as this is concerned right now, to your average Brit, Americans in general come across as blood thirsty religious nut jobs, not much different from fundamental Muslim countries.


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If you honestly think our country isnt safe, you are flat out ignroant. Some places are rough, but every country has certain places that arent tip top.

As for a step in the right direction, to be honest, as an American voter, I dont care about what other countries percieve as a "step in the right direction", I care about what will make my life, and the people I cares about ives better. For me, I am probably going to vote McCain for mutliple reasons.

As for "blood thirsty religiouis nut jobs", that actually racisim. I dont even think that insults makes sense. Religious nut jobs? I can understand people thinking we might be blood thirsty, but religion and our government are NOT intertwined at all. We dont go to war for the glory of Jesus Christ, we go because it stabalizes our economy, and makes our lives as Americans better. Is that no different than your parliment passing laws to improve your lives? Dont forget that your country is in as deep shit as ours with military action against hostile nations. Your hands are not clean of being "blood thirsty religious nut jobs".

Peter Parka

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If you honestly think our country isnt safe, you are flat out ignroant. Some places are rough, but every country has certain places that arent tip top.

As for a step in the right direction, to be honest, as an American voter, I dont care about what other countries percieve as a "step in the right direction", I care about what will make my life, and the people I cares about ives better. For me, I am probably going to vote McCain for mutliple reasons.

As for "blood thirsty religiouis nut jobs", that actually racisim. I dont even think that insults makes sense. Religious nut jobs? I can understand people thinking we might be blood thirsty, but religion and our government are NOT intertwined at all. We dont go to war for the glory of Jesus Christ, we go because it stabalizes our economy, and makes our lives as Americans better. Is that no different than your parliment passing laws to improve your lives? Dont forget that your country is in as deep shit as ours with military action against hostile nations. Your hands are not clean of being "blood thirsty religious nut jobs".

Racism? Arn't you the lot having a problem deciding if you're ready for a black president?
I can travel freely to most Muslim states but not the USA because apparently I am a terrorist threat because of minor criminal stuff in the past.Nothing whatsoever to do with religious or political sympathies.
Religion dosent even come into our parlimentary elections unlike all your mud slinging about Obama, No one gives a shit about our Prime Ministers religion.
I agree with your last part of your comment though, we are in a lot of shit and I strongly denounce those involved. I have done here but most Americans on this forum only give a shit about what affects their own country in the short term. Hope you dont learn a lesson the hard way, I honestly really dont, I'd hate to see us end up being controlled by the BNP as much as you would!


In Memoriam - RIP
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My brain hurts sometimes with the shit you say on here. I say some things to get a rise or a laugh out of ppl but you say some dumb shit in the serious sense. My brain hurts sometimes with the shit you say on here. I say some things to get a rise or a laugh out of ppl but you say some dumb shit in the serious sense. You insult our countries policies even though you put yourself into the situation to have travel restrictions.

I agree that religion should play no part into our countries affairs and bigotry in this country is a sad state of affairs.


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Racism? Arn't you the lot having a problem deciding if you're ready for a black president?
I can travel freely to most Muslim states but not the USA because apparently I am a terrorist threat because of minor criminal stuff in the past.Nothing whatsoever to do with religious or political sympathies.
Religion dosent even come into our parlimentary elections unlike all your mud slinging about Obama, No one gives a shit about our Prime Ministers religion.
I agree with your last part of your comment though, we are in a lot of shit and I strongly denounce those involved. I have done here but most Americans on this forum only give a shit about what affects their own country in the short term. Hope you dont learn a lesson the hard way, I honestly really dont, I'd hate to see us end up being controlled by the BNP as much as you would!
"you the lot", thats not categorizing an entire nation with a common sterotype. Not at all!

As for not being able to travel threw the USA, I honestly could care less about your TINY wait in a line to make sure that you are not a risk. This is our nation, if you think its a problem traveling here, then dont come.

As for Obama and the "mud slinging", that is atempting to appeal to the voters, if you could explain to me what it actually does in our government, taht would be fantastic. Im sure if something happened recently to Britian from a Muslim extremist, a few people would be hesitant to vote in a Muslim, even into Britan. Personally, I dont give a care either way since Obama IS NOT A MUSLIM TO BEGIN WITH.

Personally, I just think you are ignorant. You read the news, and you assume it is the ulimate truth, and you apply a sterotype to our entire nation. You are a racist when you think about Americans. I dont hear anything about an Englishman and assume he is going to drink his tea and eat his crumpets at noon during tea time. I dont expect you to assume were all blood thirsty racist zealot.

As for not thinking about another nations, if that was true, we wouldnt send food to starving people, we wouldnt be involved in more humanitarian drives than England is, we wouldnt try to help people in need, but we do. Sure, not everyone is motivated by a goal to imrpove man, but I gaurun-fucking-tee you that there are people in Britian/England/UK that dont give two shits about anything other than England.

People are people, just because you think you know anything about us, you clearly dont. Please stop spewing ignorant, biased, bullshit. Thanks.

My brain hurts sometimes with the shit you say on here. I say some things to get a rise or a laugh out of ppl but you say some dumb shit in the serious sense.
This is infact a debate secion, usually the topics are serious.


In Memoriam - RIP
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"you the lot", thats not categorizing an entire nation with a common sterotype. Not at all!

As for not being able to travel threw the USA, I honestly could care less about your TINY wait in a line to make sure that you are not a risk. This is our nation, if you think its a problem traveling here, then dont come.

As for Obama and the "mud slinging", that is atempting to appeal to the voters, if you could explain to me what it actually does in our government, taht would be fantastic. Im sure if something happened recently to Britian from a Muslim extremist, a few people would be hesitant to vote in a Muslim, even into Britan. Personally, I dont give a care either way since Obama IS NOT A MUSLIM TO BEGIN WITH.

Personally, I just think you are ignorant. You read the news, and you assume it is the ulimate truth, and you apply a sterotype to our entire nation. You are a racist when you think about Americans. I dont hear anything about an Englishman and assume he is going to drink his tea and eat his crumpets at noon during tea time. I dont expect you to assume were all blood thirsty racist zealot.

As for not thinking about another nations, if that was true, we wouldnt send food to starving people, we wouldnt be involved in more humanitarian drives than England is, we wouldnt try to help people in need, but we do. Sure, not everyone is motivated by a goal to imrpove man, but I gaurun-fucking-tee you that there are people in Britian/England/UK that dont give two shits about anything other than England.

People are people, just because you think you know anything about us, you clearly dont. Please stop spewing ignorant, biased, bullshit. Thanks.

This is infact a debate secion, usually the topics are serious.
I was generally speaking...

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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"you the lot", thats not categorizing an entire nation with a common sterotype. Not at all!

As for not being able to travel threw the USA, I honestly could care less about your TINY wait in a line to make sure that you are not a risk. This is our nation, if you think its a problem traveling here, then dont come.

As for Obama and the "mud slinging", that is atempting to appeal to the voters, if you could explain to me what it actually does in our government, taht would be fantastic. Im sure if something happened recently to Britian from a Muslim extremist, a few people would be hesitant to vote in a Muslim, even into Britan. Personally, I dont give a care either way since Obama IS NOT A MUSLIM TO BEGIN WITH.

Personally, I just think you are ignorant. You read the news, and you assume it is the ulimate truth, and you apply a sterotype to our entire nation. You are a racist when you think about Americans. I dont hear anything about an Englishman and assume he is going to drink his tea and eat his crumpets at noon during tea time. I dont expect you to assume were all blood thirsty racist zealot.

As for not thinking about another nations, if that was true, we wouldnt send food to starving people, we wouldnt be involved in more humanitarian drives than England is, we wouldnt try to help people in need, but we do. Sure, not everyone is motivated by a goal to imrpove man, but I gaurun-fucking-tee you that there are people in Britian/England/UK that dont give two shits about anything other than England.

People are people, just because you think you know anything about us, you clearly dont. Please stop spewing ignorant, biased, bullshit. Thanks.

This is infact a debate secion, usually the topics are serious.

No wait in line, I'm banned for your country, sorry if you mis understood.

No, as you seem to be an American unaware of stuff abroad, we had many people killed in the 7/11 attacks, a friend of mine saw someones head blown clean off in it but I'll forgive your ignorance as you back up a stereotypical American I mentioned who dosent realise there's a world outside of the USA.

If I was so biased and racist, as you are quick to judge, I wouldn't be friends with many of them on this board for nearly two years or be responding so mildly to an abusive American like yourself.

How much food have you personally sent to the needy?

You are right, there are ignorant arseholes in Britain too.

I make my own mind up based on personal experience. You are backing up a general view of Americans

You're right about Dana, he talks shit about stuff he knows nothing about.


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No wait in line, I'm banned for your country, sorry if you mis understood.

No, as you seem to be an American unaware of stuff abroad, we had many people killed in the 7/11 attacks, a friend of mine saw someones head blown clean off in it but I'll forgive your ignorance as you back up a stereotypical American I mentioned who dosent realise there's a world outside of the USA.

If I was so biased and racist, as you are quick to judge, I wouldn't be friends with many of them on this board for nearly two years or be responding so mildly to an abusive American like yourself.

How much food have you personally sent to the needy?

You are right, there are ignorant arseholes in Britain too.

I make my own mind up based on personal experience. You are backing up a general view of Americans

You're right about Dana, he talks shit about stuff he knows nothing about.
I have sent money to the homelss, worked a homeless soup bar, made salad for the homeless, as well sent in non-perishable foods. I could list much more "charity" that Ive done, not that this is the place for it at all, as I could be a horrible person, but I am *NOT* America by myself

You are racist, you apply sterotypes to all Americans in your posts. Just because you have American friends doesnt make you any less racist. As for abusive Americans, I didnt insult your country or your people, however, you DID insut mine. Why would I not take offense to insults to the land that has given me freedom, a wonderful life, and a good educaton? I also love many people here, and you insulted them in your posts.

I am sorry for your friend, but once again, I dont need to hear your stereotypical racist bullshit. My adopted cousins are from Sudan in Africa, they are with "The Lost Boys", my Uncle frequents China to help slow down Nuclear proliferation, my mom is a teacher, my dad is in the army, I myself am also a history major, I probably know more about world history/world affairs than you do. Although I am clearly some dumb, hick ass yankee who only cares about myself and also hates black and muslims, right?

If that is your attitude about my land, I am glad you are banned. We dont need racists like you to make my home any worse.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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I have sent money to the homelss, worked a homeless soup bar, made salad for the homeless, as well sent in non-perishable foods. I could list much more "charity" that Ive done, not that this is the place for it at all, as I could be a horrible person, but I am *NOT* America by myself

You are racist, you apply sterotypes to all Americans in your posts. Just because you have American friends doesnt make you any less racist. As for abusive Americans, I didnt insult your country or your people, however, you DID insut mine. Why would I not take offense to insults to the land that has given me freedom, a wonderful life, and a good educaton? I also love many people here, and you insulted them in your posts.

I am sorry for your friend, but once again, I dont need to hear your stereotypical racist bullshit. My adopted cousins are from Sudan in Africa, they are with "The Lost Boys", my Uncle frequents China to help slow down Nuclear proliferation, my mom is a teacher, my dad is in the army, I myself am also a history major, I probably know more about world history/world affairs than you do. Although I am clearly some dumb, hick ass yankee who only cares about myself and also hates black and muslims, right?

If that is your attitude about my land, I am glad you are banned. We dont need racists like you to make my home any worse.

Good for the people with your charity work. :clap

You are very quick to keep throwing about the racist card with nothing to back it up with. As I have carefully said, I was talking about a general attitude, stuff which statistics and even peoples posts on here back up. I in no way tar all Americans with the same brush, neither do I assume stuff about them without even talking to them first and I have never done that here. If you would like to try and prove otherwise, feel free and go ahead and quote it from what I've said here. There are many stereotypes of different countries and cultures which have got there for a reason and many which havent, I'm talking personal experience and there are negative attitudes which back up stereotypes about my own country, just because it's negative dosent make it wrong.


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Good for the people with your charity work. :clap

You are very quick to keep throwing about the racist card with nothing to back it up with. As I have carefully said, I was talking about a general attitude, stuff which statistics and even peoples posts on here back up. I in no way tar all Americans with the same brush, neither do I assume stuff about them without even talking to them first and I have never done that here. If you would like to try and prove otherwise, feel free and go ahead and quote it from what I've said here. There are many stereotypes of different countries and cultures which have got there for a reason and many which havent, I'm talking personal experience and there are negative attitudes which back up stereotypes about my own country, just because it's negative dosent make it wrong.
Your generalization is just a nice way of replacing "racist".
Racism as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary -
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

You have the belief that our race, atleast some of it (Americans), account to the fact that "our lot" are blood thirsty racists. The way you worded was racist, as you applied derogatory terms to the greater portion of our society.

Also, I could show contradicting "statistics" to yours. The fact of the matter is I bet you have never even been to America, aside from the news (whos BUISNESS to get high ratings/attention) is not going to show a kitty loving perfect American, because people pay for drama, they dont pay for the reality of the situation. I have a much more accurate idea of how Americans are, because I live here. We are not all barbaric, racist warlords. We have them, but so does everyone. The difference is you are ignorant enough to think our whole country is that way.


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I find your country a scary place which I wold be more worried about my safety in than some Muslim countries which I have visited.
Americans in general come across as blood thirsty religious nut jobs, not much different from fundamental Muslim countries.
I find your country a scary place which I wold be more worried about my safety in than some Muslim countries which I have visited.
but most Americans on this forum only give a shit about what affects their own country in the short term. Hope you dont learn a lesson the hard way, I honestly really dont, I'd hate to see us end up being controlled by the BNP as much as you would!
Racism? Arn't you the lot having a problem deciding if you're ready for a black president?



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Last quote is the most specific, unless "you the lot" is some how magically not refering to the American voting popultion, aka the majority of the nation.

Quote above that you basically think the majority of Americans here are only interested in themselves, yet, you could easily apply this forum to our whole nation.
But the easiest one is
"Americans in general come across as blood thirsty religious nut jobs" Unless Americans doesnt actually mean "Americans", you juts called ALL of us blood thirsty religious nut jobs.

Face it, you said some racist, stereotypical bullshit.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Last quote is the most specific, unless "you the lot" is some how magically not refering to the American voting popultion, aka the majority of the nation.

Do you honestly think Americans 100% vote for one party? Do me a favour!

Quote above that you basically think the majority of Americans here are only interested in themselves, yet, you could easily apply this forum to our whole nation.
But the easiest one is
"Americans in general come across as blood thirsty religious nut jobs" Unless Americans doesnt actually mean "Americans", you juts called ALL of us blood thirsty religious nut jobs.

Are you so stupid you honestly dont understand that the term "in general" is different from the term "all" ? Time to go back to school for you I think!

Face it, you said some racist, stereotypical bullshit.

Face it, you like to spout insulting bullshit without any evidence. Maybe you could ask the many non English members on here if they feel I'm racist before jumping to such ludicrous and down right insulting statements.


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Uhh...Im pretty sure if I dislike 50% of black people(a fair comparison to your "in general"), Id STILL be considered a racist, I COULD BE WRONG THOUGH! maybe you should go back to school, and ask teachers to break down the word "racism".

As for voters, no, they all dont vote one party. HOWEVER, do you not think some democrats might not want a black president? You cant take it party specific, you have to use the whole sample size.

The thing that is probably making you trip up is its not a social norm to be called a racist for your ideals, yet they are infact racist. The fact that you sum up Americans and apply a label to a chunk of them is infact racist. Sorry~