"you the lot", thats not categorizing an entire nation with a common sterotype. Not at all!
As for not being able to travel threw the USA, I honestly could care less about your TINY wait in a line to make sure that you are not a risk. This is our nation, if you think its a problem traveling here, then dont come.
As for Obama and the "mud slinging", that is atempting to appeal to the voters, if you could explain to me what it actually does in our government, taht would be fantastic. Im sure if something happened recently to Britian from a Muslim extremist, a few people would be hesitant to vote in a Muslim, even into Britan. Personally, I dont give a care either way since Obama IS NOT A MUSLIM TO BEGIN WITH.
Personally, I just think you are ignorant. You read the news, and you assume it is the ulimate truth, and you apply a sterotype to our entire nation. You are a racist when you think about Americans. I dont hear anything about an Englishman and assume he is going to drink his tea and eat his crumpets at noon during tea time. I dont expect you to assume were all blood thirsty racist zealot.
As for not thinking about another nations, if that was true, we wouldnt send food to starving people, we wouldnt be involved in more humanitarian drives than England is, we wouldnt try to help people in need, but we do. Sure, not everyone is motivated by a goal to imrpove man, but I gaurun-fucking-tee you that there are people in Britian/England/UK that dont give two shits about anything other than England.
People are people, just because you think you know anything about us, you clearly dont. Please stop spewing ignorant, biased, bullshit. Thanks.
This is infact a debate secion, usually the topics are serious.