I disagree, it goes back centuries. Amazing how so many of them though, in decades, on the brink of independance wanted to fight and die for the British Empire in WWII. :thumbup
Ed, Peter is right....The Indo-pak soldiers served under the British and were all out loyal to them and it were they who were sent to Europe to fight for them and save their interests everywhere...especially in France and Burma etc...
The colonial British were superb judges of human kind and nature...British library is full of their research on ethnic
races of Indo-Pak.....the Gurkhas, the Punjabi's, the Rajputs, The Afghans and Pakhtuns, etc etc
Ed, I inivite you to ask Peter to send you some good links on Indo-Pak martial races who served under them
for you enlightenment. You will be amazed to know that the British have given nationality to their loyal soldiers, the Gurkhas, and still go on caring for them!! It also goes to prove that loyalty is reciprocal.
As regards Afghans and the Pathans or the Pashtuns, no one knows better about them than the British, who, having occupied and ruled whole of India, sensibly left these people and their regions without interference. This also proves the British far-sightedness and super intellect.
Again a mention of the exemplary British Justice system wouldn't be out of place. They even tried their viceroy, Lord Clive, for corruption during his tenure in India and Lord Macaulay spoke furiously about him in the British Parliament and got him indicted.
My late father was a great fan of the British and their just nature and often spoke high of them. My grandfather also worked under the British and served them loyally until his death. As for me I was taught
by some British teachers who volunteered from Cambridge to go and teach at Grammar Schools in Pakistan
for two or four years. Honestly speaking I found them great in all respect and I still can't forget their unbiased kindness and devotion to teaching!!