Toy Weapons Help Boys Learn

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debbie t

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i find guns acceptable as toys,although theyre frowned upon here for kids and not seen as often as when i was a child.guns are not just weapons to kill people with they are tools for sport shooting ,hunting and props for role play for kids to understand good from bad and right from wrong.used in the correct way theyre fine.

as for the male female thing,weve brought our daughter up to do anything a bloke can but not feel bad about it if she isnt actually physically strong or big enough(shes a tiny young woman) and may need assistance.
being different makes the world go around and gives all persons a role in life...thanks for the gift of diversification,it means human beings need each other and need to cooperate
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I agree with this so much, you can't even imagine. I've been saying this same idea all along. What I do and say and think and feel as a woman is vastly influenced by my femininity. I will be different than a man, because that is how I am programmed genetically. It doesn't make me superior or inferior. It makes me complementary.



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For one i have never allowed my children to play with Toy guns and have copped ridicules from those around me, What they do not have they do not miss.
When My first son was born i saw a 5 year old holding a gun that was bigger than himself and he was trained to kill people and he was 5 for crying out loud!!
From that point on i promised myself i would not let my children play with toy guns and they know themselves that i dont like them to have them and its fine. like i said i have copped alot of flack from people around me family members and friends always telling me "let it go they are only kids and you arent letting them live to their full potential"
When my fathers father was a child did he have toy guns? No and did it make his childhood suffer because he didnt have a toy gun to play with? no.
Just a few days ago My mother and father came to see me for christmas and my mother pulled me aside and said "look your father brought the children cap guns, i dont know what you want to do with that" My first reaction was Great he knows i dont like them and i can guarentee that he would have brought them just to annoy me LOL
They ended up playing with the guns until the caps were used out but only around my father, not around me and now they have been put away again... dunno i may cop flack from alot here too but thats just the way i feel on the matter


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For one i have never allowed my children to play with Toy guns and have copped ridicules from those around me, What they do not have they do not miss.
I've never been one to allow my kids to play with toy guns that look like real guns or BB guns, etc. either.

But on the other hand that is because I actually buy my kids real guns! :eek

I don't want my kids to think that guns are toys - they aren't.

I do however let my kids play with water blasters or laser tag. I don't think those would be considered guns, but I'm sure others would consider them to be a type of toy guns to a degree. I don't know.
When My first son was born i saw a 5 year old holding a gun that was bigger than himself and he was trained to kill people and he was 5 for crying out loud!!
I'm guessing you are talking about children being recruited to fight in 'terrorist armies'. I've seen pictures and read articles of the same. Sad, sad, sad. In my view though it is the ones in charge of these kids that are wrong and evil, not the gun. The gun is just an inanimate object.

From that point on i promised myself i would not let my children play with toy guns and they know themselves that i dont like them to have them and its fine. like i said i have copped alot of flack from people around me family members and friends always telling me "let it go they are only kids and you arent letting them live to their full potential"
I've caught flack for not letting my kids play with toy guns as well. You aren't alone. But I've also caught flack for actually educating my children on real guns and letting them own and shoot them. It does not bother me though - to each their own.
When my fathers father was a child did he have toy guns? No and did it make his childhood suffer because he didnt have a toy gun to play with? no.
I can relate but on a different level. My father's father owned real guns, as does my father, as do I.

Just a few days ago My mother and father came to see me for christmas and my mother pulled me aside and said "look your father brought the children cap guns, i dont know what you want to do with that" My first reaction was Great he knows i dont like them and i can guarentee that he would have brought them just to annoy me LOL
Wow that would really have upset me especially if my parents knew where I stood on the issue.

They ended up playing with the guns until the caps were used out but only around my father,
Didn't that drive you a little nuts inside? I know it would have me.

dunno i may cop flack from alot here too but thats just the way i feel on the matter
I don't see why you should catch any flack for raising your children the best way you see fit.

All Else Failed

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I agree with this so much, you can't even imagine. I've been saying this same idea all along. What I do and say and think and feel as a woman is vastly influenced by my femininity. I will be different than a man, because that is how I am programmed genetically. It doesn't make me superior or inferior. It makes me complementary.
of course, that is all true. But societal influences also contribute. Look at Amazonian women for example.


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I do however let my kids play with water blasters or laser tag. I don't think those would be considered guns, but I'm sure others would consider them to be a type of toy guns to a degree. I don't know.

Im the same Water Pistols and super soakers are not guns that look like real guns in themselves.

I'm guessing you are talking about children being recruited to fight in 'terrorist armies'. I've seen pictures and read articles of the same. Sad, sad, sad. In my view though it is the ones in charge of these kids that are wrong and evil, not the gun. The gun is just an inanimate object.

Yes the Children armed with guns as an act of terrorism is exactly what im talking about how is a child supposed to know how great their childhood was when they are trained to kill people at such an early age....

Wow that would really have upset me especially if my parents knew where I stood on the issue.

Didn't that drive you a little nuts inside? I know it would have me.

It did drive me nuts but in the same sense my father likes to challenge me alot as our beleifs are somewhat different its not something that offends me as he likes to push the envelope as much as he can but in the end he knows they are my kids and if i was to be upset or angered by something he has done that has to do with their wellbeing he would apologise.

I don't see why you should catch any flack for raising your children the best way you see fit.

Ive always copped flack for the way i raise my children because i dont go about it in the "normal" manner, and to tell you the truth its fine my children are happy and although im alot more leineant than most mothers around me they know what the go is and how they are supposed to go about things so it doesnt bother me at all. :)


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Ive always copped flack for the way i raise my children because i dont go about it in the "normal" manner, and to tell you the truth its fine my children are happy and although im alot more leineant than most mothers around me they know what the go is and how they are supposed to go about things so it doesnt bother me at all. :)
I hear you. You can't win either way though really. If you are too lenient people are going to give you flack; if you are too strict people are going to give you flack.


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Thoughts on this? I personally have no problem with kids playing with toys guns as long as they are taught that it is just a game and real guns are something completely different. I still find it hard to see what educational merits playing with them has though.
Exactly Peter :)


OTz's Official Spanish Hottie
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Men and woman are naturally different but we can forget the role of society, as this would be irresponsible and biased. Society does determine that a man shouldn't cry and used to determine that girls shouldn't drive trucks. We have overcome that, didn't we?

debbie t

Well-Known Member
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educational merits????????????

i think as responsible adults we need to be sure that toys such as these are used in the correct way.

target practice-great for hand eye coordination

role play -gets trickey but child can learn that its wrong to kill someone as easily as learning to disrespect human life.

other points of view-if banned in schools as here then a child can learn theat some parents dont approve and why,and hopefully learn to respect and even take on board the views of others.

thankfully i had a daughter who never played wioth guns nor wanted to...we did however make sure that barbie could be butch and ken got in touch with his feminine side:D