Toy Weapons Help Boys Learn

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Peter Parka

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Toy weapons 'help boys to learn'
Boys in nursery schools should not be discouraged from playing with toy guns and other weapons, the government says. In guidance for nurseries in England, the Department for Children, Schools and Families says staff should resist a "natural instinct" to stop such play.
It says role playing helps create the right conditions for boys' learning and could help them become more engaged in education in the future.
Teachers have condemned the advice, saying toy guns "symbolise aggression".

The guidance - entitled Confident, Capable and Creative: Supporting Boys' Achievements - says "practitioners" often find boys' chosen type of play "more difficult to understand and value than that of girls".
Boys regularly use "images and ideas gleaned from the media" as starting points in play, the advice says, which "may involve characters with special powers or weapons".
"Adults can find this type of play particularly challenging and have a natural instinct to stop it," the guidance continues.
"This is not necessary as long as practitioners help the boys to understand and respect the rights of other children and to take responsibility for the resources and environment."
Fostering these "forms of play" helps to "enhance every aspect of their learning and development", it adds.
Better results
Boys' underachievement in schools has been a source of concern for teachers and ministers.
Girls are more likely to get the benchmark five good GCSEs than boys and more girls do better at A-level.

But the National Union of Teachers (NUT) has criticised the government's advice on toy guns.
General secretary Steve Sinnott said the problem with toy weapons was that they "symbolise aggression".
"The trouble with weapons is that the toy gun is often accompanied by aggression.
"The reason why teachers often intervene when kids have toy guns is that the boy is usually being very aggressive."
Gender stereotyping
Chris Keates, general secretary of the NASUWT teachers' union, said any nursery following the government's advice risked angering parents.
"Many parents take the decision that their children won't have toy weapons," she said.

"In addition to that, I think this is a clear example of gender stereotyping.
"I do not think schools should be encouraging boys to play with toy weapons."
But children's minister Beverley Hughes said the advice took a "common-sense approach" to the fact that many young children favoured boisterous, physical activity.
Many boys liked pretending to be superheroes or playing at "Star Wars characters with their lightsabres", she said.
"Although noisy for adults such imaginary games are good for their development as well as good fun."
But she added: "The guidance also impresses upon staff the need to teach children that they must respect one another and that harming another person in the real world is not acceptable."

Story from BBC NEWS:

Thoughts on this? I personally have no problem with kids playing with toys guns as long as they are taught that it is just a game and real guns are something completely different. I still find it hard to see what educational merits playing with them has though.
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I agree but some kids can't grasp teh difference.. like my little brother.. we had to take all his toy guns away because he would walk around the house saying im going to kill you.. ( hes 4) .. it all depends on the child


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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if they arent taught the differences.. i see it being a problem... as long as they are aware of the dangers of real weapons, i see no problem


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I think it's important for boys to be raised as boys. We've seen a hugse shift in thought on this in the last 20 years, and the PC accepted though is to raise them all as girls. I can't discribe how much I dislike that.


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I think it's important for boys to be raised as boys. We've seen a hugse shift in thought on this in the last 20 years, and the PC accepted though is to raise them all as girls. I can't discribe how much I dislike that.

Being raised as a girl is inferior to you?
Not saying I disagree with you, per se, but my XX chromosomes just said "Huh?"


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Being raised as a girl is inferior to you?
Not saying I disagree with you, per se, but my XX chromosomes just said "Huh?"

LOL No offense implied or intended. What I'm talking about is the fact that boys here aren't allowed to wrestle, or play tag, or even play soccer with a fully inflated soccer ball anymore, because it's "Too aggressive."

I think it's healthy for boys to have a certain level of aggression. And I view girls by nature as being less so, that's where that comparison came in.

I have mad respect for you double X'ers. :D


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I agree but some kids can't grasp teh difference.. like my little brother.. we had to take all his toy guns away because he would walk around the house saying im going to kill you.. ( hes 4) .. it all depends on the child

He's four. He doesn't understand the meaning of kill, it's a four year old repeating something he heard just as if he would when he hears you say something non-offensive.

Peter Parka

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Just as an after thought here too, I really don't see the point of trying not to let kids play with toys guns ect. When I was a kid, my parents didn't like me to play toy gun games but I always found a way round it. Even if you stop kids getting toy guns they will always use a stick, other pointy thing or even their finger to pretend it's a gun.


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He's four. He doesn't understand the meaning of kill, it's a four year old repeating something he heard just as if he would when he hears you say something non-offensive.
that is true.. but you kinda i guess have to understand him to understand why it wasn't good.. for the most part i agree that its a toy and childern have been playing with them forever.. but there are some sitches * kaden being one of them* that they don't need that kind of influence..


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Todays day and age sucks. I played with toy guns from the moment I got my first toy gun. It was just play, now we have kids who go find guns and kill their classmates because their parents were idiots with real guns, and toy guns are to blame for it.

Peter Parka

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So true James! It's hard to teach kids the difference between real and toy guns when many adults seem to view real guns as toys too.:( (Before anyone gets indignant, I'm not referring to people who keep and use their guns responsibly!;) )

All Else Failed

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I think it's important for boys to be raised as boys. We've seen a hugse shift in thought on this in the last 20 years, and the PC accepted though is to raise them all as girls. I can't discribe how much I dislike that.
I've never ever heard or seen that, and I work with kids every day.

I don't like the idea of gender specific roles in society in most cases, and yes, I do think society's influential stereotype of males having to be aggressive can be bad, and girls being submissive is also bad. In our society, its not ok for a man to cry, he will be seen as a wimp. Its not ok for a girl to do "manly" things or she will be seen as a "dyke" or something.


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I've never ever heard or seen that, and I work with kids every day.

I don't like the idea of gender specific roles in society in most cases, and yes, I do think society's influential stereotype of males having to be aggressive can be bad, and girls being submissive is also bad. In our society, its not ok for a man to cry, he will be seen as a wimp. Its not ok for a girl to do "manly" things or she will be seen as a "dyke" or something.

My wife is a school teacher Ron. Call me a liar if you want, but if you feel so inclined, you could always look it up.

Society doesn't define gender, nature does. Men and women are different, and if we were to blend them into one type of sexless personality, we would lose the beauty of strength that comes from our differences.

If you want your wife out in the back 40 chopping down a tree while you stay in the house and fix her a nice meal, more power to you. It's a free country and there are women out there looking for exactly that type of relationship. It just isn't statistically natural. Women are BETTER than men at about 25% of the tasks out there, and men are BETTER than women at about 25% of the tasks out there. That remaining 50% is up for grabs, but I see no reason to force our children to give up natural talent JUST so they can be totally equil with people who are different.

All Else Failed

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My wife is a school teacher Ron. Call me a liar if you want, but if you feel so inclined, you could always look it up.

Society doesn't define gender, nature does. Men and women are different, and if we were to blend them into one type of sexless personality, we would lose the beauty of strength that comes from our differences.

If you want your wife out in the back 40 chopping down a tree while you stay in the house and fix her a nice meal, more power to you. It's a free country and there are women out there looking for exactly that type of relationship. It just isn't statistically natural. Women are BETTER than men at about 25% of the tasks out there, and men are BETTER than women at about 25% of the tasks out there. That remaining 50% is up for grabs, but I see no reason to force our children to give up natural talent JUST so they can be totally equil with people who are different.
My mother and sister are teachers as well. I am also in the classroom almost everyday. I have seen no agenda in turning boys into girls. You know what? Seeing as how males are "supposed" to be in American society, I think a little femininity would be a good thing to be learned by men. Its too often that men do not know how to be gentle or emotional.

Society definitely does have effects on how women and men act. Look at different cultures, and I am proven right. We teach men that its not ok to cry in public unless they are at funerals, and we teach women to do "womanly" things like cook and clean. These things are put forth in our society due to the culture. I don't want to blend anyone, I'm just saying that society gives gender roles out differently, and a lot of them are needless.

Would you be apposed to me making dinner for my wife, or her chopping wood? I don't see the big deal with it if we both agree to it. What, are we in the 1800's or something? Women can pretty much do anything a man can do (save a few biological things). I do agree that women and men are better at somethings, but shouldn't rule out the man and woman's ability to do those things and be good at them. I've met women that could do farm work better than most men out there, and it had to do with the society they were raised in.

Peter Parka

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I actually see Intruders point for once. I've worked in factories where women will bang on about being equal until they want something heavy lifted. This isn't sexist, its a fact, men and women are better at different things, if it was men who gave birth, the human race would have died out years ago!;)

All Else Failed

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I actually see Intruders point for once. I've worked in factories where women will bang on about being equal until they want something heavy lifted. This isn't sexist, its a fact, men and women are better at different things, if it was men who gave birth, the human race would have died out years ago!;)
Oh, I don't disagree that men are born with more muscle mass, no doubt about that. I'm just saying that women and men are too narrowly classified into roles in our society.


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Society doesn't define gender, nature does. Men and women are different, and if we were to blend them into one type of sexless personality, we would lose the beauty of strength that comes from our differences.

If you want your wife out in the back 40 chopping down a tree while you stay in the house and fix her a nice meal, more power to you. It's a free country and there are women out there looking for exactly that type of relationship. It just isn't statistically natural. Women are BETTER than men at about 25% of the tasks out there, and men are BETTER than women at about 25% of the tasks out there. That remaining 50% is up for grabs, but I see no reason to force our children to give up natural talent JUST so they can be totally equil with people who are different.

I agree with this so much, you can't even imagine. I've been saying this same idea all along. What I do and say and think and feel as a woman is vastly influenced by my femininity. I will be different than a man, because that is how I am programmed genetically. It doesn't make me superior or inferior. It makes me complementary.


Well-Known Member
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Society doesn't define gender, nature does. Men and women are different, and if we were to blend them into one type of sexless personality, we would lose the beauty of strength that comes from our differences.

If you want your wife out in the back 40 chopping down a tree while you stay in the house and fix her a nice meal, more power to you. It's a free country and there are women out there looking for exactly that type of relationship. It just isn't statistically natural. Women are BETTER than men at about 25% of the tasks out there, and men are BETTER than women at about 25% of the tasks out there. That remaining 50% is up for grabs, but I see no reason to force our children to give up natural talent JUST so they can be totally equil with people who are different.
