Doc, go tell me to cover my ears on government property sometime and you can see whose bitch I can be

I don't say that as a Christian, I say that as an asshole who is fully aware that there are bullies in life who will always try to push you around, and sometimes the only thing they understand is a quick hand or foot somewhere LMAO
As far as your comment about you feeling you'd be disrespecting God if you didn't fight, don't look but there are a bunch of those dark skin guys in the sand box who feel the same way you do. Amazing isn't it how far Christians have come from the Crusades literally killing others in the name of their God.
Ultimately, if you're going to fight or kill, don't disrespect your God by using Him as a rallying point.
Hey, I'm just joking to a degree, but in all seriousness, you know the two key words I read in your post?
1. Pride
2. Fight
Those are words I think a lot of when it comes to Jesus:sarcasm
Ultimately we can agree to disagree on the rights of others to pray out loud on government property.
As an American I am proud the court system decided the way they did in my local community.
Honestly, I get tired of loud mouth ministers who like to make the news fighting the government. You're right, they do have pride and they do like to fight. That said, in my youth I liked to mix it up sometimes myself, but it was never because I was a Christian.