Oh man don't even get me started on social security. That is the worst thing ever! I hate it that I am "contributing" to a system that will probably long be defunked before I'm old enough to reap any kind of benefits from it.
tell me about it. it was a nice idea, if only we had the money to give it to us. we'll get by with out it, if we can get over paying our old folks.
And unemployment is an all too overly abused system if there ever was one.
Those are good ideas, but suffer from a lack of management. And how many of our elected leaders have preached their support for reform while on the campaign trail only to do absolutely nothing they promised once elected?
Maybe I should run for President in 2012! haha!
and if we had more pressure from political parties concentrated on those issues, we'd have better management. then maybe once we actually elect people who care we'll get that taken care of.
but here's the thing: we have to let them know what we want, we have to know what we want, and somewhere along the way we've gotta figure out what to actually do.
getting sick and tired of it leads to three options:
1.) do something about it, get the word out, vote for someone you believe in, write to congress, make a blog, make a change-- it's hopeless only when you've given up.
2.) move out of the country. you can do it. if you're so disgusted with how the country is run and think it's better somewhere else, you have that power.
3.) stay quiet and take it like a good bitch. if you're apathetic about the situation, you want to stand by and let others make the decisions to elect people (who may make a worse decision than you would), then take the chance and let them put some asshole in power. it's out of your hands when you give up. you can complain about the poor job we did of voting someone in thats causing problems, but if you didn't even try it's hard to take your opinion seriously.