To Vote Or Not To Vote?

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Oh man don't even get me started on social security. That is the worst thing ever! I hate it that I am "contributing" to a system that will probably long be defunked before I'm old enough to reap any kind of benefits from it.
And unemployment is an all too overly abused system if there ever was one.
Those are good ideas, but suffer from a lack of management. And how many of our elected leaders have preached their support for reform while on the campaign trail only to do absolutely nothing they promised once elected?
Maybe I should run for President in 2012! haha!
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Toes in the water...
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Social Security is crap. My money should go into my account. I'm not paying for some lazy ass to do nothing and then spend my money when they "retire". I earned it fair and square, and damnit if I don't deserve to keep it.

I don't think unemployment should be an option. You're unemployed, you're SOL until you get a job. Unless you are physical incapable of working, then you should be covered under something related to disability.

Communism sucks. I believe if you are willing to work harder and go above and beyond then you should be able to reap the benefits from that.

If you don't vote, then you shouldn't complain. Obviously you don't care enough to do something about it.

The only thing I regret in my life so far is that I was not old enough to vote in the last election.

edit: Not that my voting would have made a difference. I'd have voted for Bush.


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Oh man don't even get me started on social security. That is the worst thing ever! I hate it that I am "contributing" to a system that will probably long be defunked before I'm old enough to reap any kind of benefits from it.

tell me about it. it was a nice idea, if only we had the money to give it to us. we'll get by with out it, if we can get over paying our old folks.

And unemployment is an all too overly abused system if there ever was one.
Those are good ideas, but suffer from a lack of management. And how many of our elected leaders have preached their support for reform while on the campaign trail only to do absolutely nothing they promised once elected?
Maybe I should run for President in 2012! haha!

and if we had more pressure from political parties concentrated on those issues, we'd have better management. then maybe once we actually elect people who care we'll get that taken care of.

but here's the thing: we have to let them know what we want, we have to know what we want, and somewhere along the way we've gotta figure out what to actually do.

getting sick and tired of it leads to three options:

1.) do something about it, get the word out, vote for someone you believe in, write to congress, make a blog, make a change-- it's hopeless only when you've given up.

2.) move out of the country. you can do it. if you're so disgusted with how the country is run and think it's better somewhere else, you have that power.

3.) stay quiet and take it like a good bitch. if you're apathetic about the situation, you want to stand by and let others make the decisions to elect people (who may make a worse decision than you would), then take the chance and let them put some asshole in power. it's out of your hands when you give up. you can complain about the poor job we did of voting someone in thats causing problems, but if you didn't even try it's hard to take your opinion seriously.


Toes in the water...
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if you are willing to become an American citizen and pay taxes and SS, then go for it. Illegal immigrants do not have social security numbers and therfore should not be able to get jobs. I guess its good for them that they are trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. Just do it the right way, and shame on the asshole that employed you and is paying you under the table.

Dont come into my country illegally, take our jobs, and then complain that your children dont get the right schooling, that you are entitled to anything. Unless you are willing to deal with not so pretty aspects of America, do not expect any hand outs.

Which reminds me of Puerto Rico... make us citizens so we can vote, just make sure we dont have to pay taxes. Give me a break.


Toes in the water...
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getting sick and tired of it leads to three options:

1.) do something about it, get the word out, vote for someone you believe in, write to congress, make a blog, make a change-- it's hopeless only when you've given up.

2.) move out of the country. you can do it. if you're so disgusted with how the country is run and think it's better somewhere else, you have that power.

3.) stay quiet and take it like a good bitch. if you're apathetic about the situation, you want to stand by and let others make the decisions to elect people (who may make a worse decision than you would), then take the chance and let them put some asshole in power. it's out of your hands when you give up. you can complain about the poor job we did of voting someone in thats causing problems, but if you didn't even try it's hard to take your opinion seriously.

I totally agree with that. No one is forcing any one to live here.

And to add on to the illegal immigrants comments- our country must not be so bad if someone is willing to leave their way of life and, possibly, their whole family behind. We must be doing something right.


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1.) do something about it, get the word out, vote for someone you believe in, write to congress, make a blog, make a change-- it's hopeless only when you've given up.

2.) move out of the country. you can do it. if you're so disgusted with how the country is run and think it's better somewhere else, you have that power.

3.) stay quiet and take it like a good bitch. if you're apathetic about the situation, you want to stand by and let others make the decisions to elect people (who may make a worse decision than you would), then take the chance and let them put some asshole in power. it's out of your hands when you give up. you can complain about the poor job we did of voting someone in thats causing problems, but if you didn't even try it's hard to take your opinion seriously.

i forgot options four and five:

4.) assassinate political leaders until you find someone you agree with

5.) eat a bagel. that always helps me when i'm having issues.


Toes in the water...
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Sure, you could throw your vote at some 3rd party candidate to take away votes from the two other parties, but besides delaying the inevitable what did you do? I think its totally fine not to vote at all if you dop not agree with any of the candidates. Plus, I think its a wasted vote if you just vote for a third party candidate just on the gorunds of "He's not them."

That's a very good point.

I just can't believe that there isn't a candidate for anything that doesn't share at least most of the same views as a voter. I'm pretty set in my ways, but I think if it was one or two points that I wouldn't actively pursue changing or preventing a change, I'd overlook them.


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I know this is impractical but it's a shame people can't be tested on their political knowledge before they are allowed to vote, I really think a lot of stupid people are responsible for the fucked up leaders we keep getting. Personally I see it as my duty to vote. If you don't vote I don't see why you should bitch about the government you get, Thoughts?

I've never voted. I never will. Not until I feel we here in the United States have a trustworthy group in the government. Ha.

George W. Bush, our current president was not the national favorite to win. In other words, he didn't have the popular vote. He won his election from the state votes, electoral votes. Most states vote in favor of their states popular vote, but some don't. That took out the want in me to vote then and there. Plus, Bush and his cronies had people all over the country counting votes. The head of vote counters is actually related to him. Hmm.


Toes in the water...
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If you don't think the government is a "trustworthy group", the last thing you should be doing is sitting around waiting for it to be that way. Do something about it! Be active in American politics, and try to make things the way you think they should be. Nobody is going to go around changing everything for you. Be proactive!


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If you don't think the government is a "trustworthy group", the last thing you should be doing is sitting around waiting for it to be that way. Do something about it! Be active in American politics, and try to make things the way you think they should be. Nobody is going to go around changing everything for you. Be proactive!

Honey, unless you were born into a wealthy family (And I mean wealthy, not rich.) your chances of doing anything to change the minds of our government is futile. You really think the small protests and whining to those in power will change anything? Not likely. Not likely at all.

I'm very political and follow the race avidly, but partaking in it...nah.


Toes in the water...
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One person might have a futile chance, I'll give you that. But how many people are out there like you? How many people do you think have the same beliefs, but are waiting for someone else to do something? If everyone who sat back did something, and even the people who vote but leave it that, then we as American citizens could have a very profound effect on this country.

I know if I had anything to do with it, and I was in charge, I would sit down and hear out, or at least read, every opinion. Maybe I'd learn a thing or two...


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Of course, because if all the bitchers voted, he never would've gotten elected! :)

All Else Failed

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I totally agree with that. No one is forcing any one to live here.

And to add on to the illegal immigrants comments- our country must not be so bad if someone is willing to leave their way of life and, possibly, their whole family behind. We must be doing something right.

Why does everyone say "love it or leave it" everytime someone epxresses distrust of the governement? I love my country, just not the people that run it. I'm staying here to complain and try to change it.